Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday Follies: Christmas in July July in Christmas?

It's that time of the week again...time for us to get to know one another. And answer some questions. And because my brain is frazzled, I have outsourced the questions. Outsourced them to Angie's Spot. Because she was coereced volunteered. So many thanks to Angie for taking time away from your Christmas holiday. And your Disney vacation after glow...

I find it so funny that people are always talking about "Christmas in July" sales and activities, but you never hear anyone talking about "July during Christmas" stuff. So, this week, I'll get the requisite Christmas questions out of the way, but the rest will be focused on some of my favorite July things. Merry Christmas everyone!

1. What was your favorite gift received this holiday season?

2. What was your favorite gift that you gave?

3. Snowy vacations or sunny destinations?

4. Do you decorate for the 4th of July?

5. Disney World or Universal Studios?

6. Favorite color: Red, White or Blue?

7. BBQ: Sauce or No Sauce?

8. Beach Bunny or Poolside?

9. Did you finish your school summer reading ahead of time or at the last minute?

10. Where is your dream vacation destination?

post signature

Theme song: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy "Mr. Heatmiser" - and Angie...I must tell you that it's exciting to know that someone besides me knows and loves this group!!


Michelle said...

Oooo I'm first! I'm first!

1) I got a VITAMIX! I got one! I totally got a Vitamix! (I'm excited)

2) I gave my husband a Starbucks gold card. I'm so proud of my find. Stupid, I know but ... ooo that or the photo book from the trip to Florida that is for my mom that is STILL on the Fed Ex truck for deliver for the last 41 hours.

3) Ummm both? They both have their pluses. Today I'll go warm.

4) Does the flag count?

5) Disney. Duh.

6) Blue

7) Sauce. I'm wrong that way -- but I'm not from the South, so it's ok.

8) Both again!

9) Ahead of time. I was ALWAYS reading. ALWAYS.

10) Fiji diving and eating the local foods (papaya, banana, coconut salad picked from the trees as we boat to an atoll). Yum! Or horseback riding across Ireland -- I'd totally do it if I could find someone to go with me. I've wanted to do it for YEARS.

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

1. What was your favorite gift received this holiday season? My flex shaft! It's a jewelry thing (drill, sanding, polishing, etc)

2. What was your favorite gift that you gave? Stuff I made.

3. Snowy vacations or sunny destinations? Sunny

4. Do you decorate for the 4th of July? Not really

5. Disney World or Universal Studios? Neither... but if I had to DW (Animal Kingdom & Epcot)

6. Favorite color: Red, White or Blue? Red. As a kid it was blue.. wonder why it changed?

7. BBQ: Sauce or No Sauce? Sauce.

8. Beach Bunny or Poolside? Beach, beach, beach...

9. Did you finish your school summer reading ahead of time or at the last minute? Ahead of time.

10. Where is your dream vacation destination? An endless trip around the world. I can't pick just one.

Barely Domestic Mama said...

1. Sephora gift card from the hubby and Little Monkey.

2. The t-shirt I got for my best friend's toddler. It says "These aren't the parents I ordered."

3. Sunny destinations - I'm from Florida (currently, displaced by the hubby's job (in the Army) in Maryland)

4. Nope we don't decorate.

5. Universal Studios! Back to the Future is one of my fave rides ever!

6. Blue

7. BBQ Sauce - definitely.

8. Poolside...I took Marine Biology in high creeps me out to know all the stuff floating around the ocean with me.

9. I don't remember having require school summer reading.

10. My dream destination is Venice, Italy. Maybe one day we will make it out there.

Susie said...

1. Baking stuff:-)

2. Wii to the family:-)

3. Sunny destinations.

4. Yes.

5. Both:-)

6. White

7. Sauce

8. Poolside

9. Last minute

10. Anywhere tropical:-)

larkswing said...

Let's see:
1. I love the mercury glass acorns, but I am looking forward to the shopping trip from hubby :)
2. Antique blue and white bowl to SIL.
3. Both if possible!
4. Not really
5. Universal Studios
6. Red!
7. Sauce
8. Beach Bunny
9. Ahead of time, naturally :)
10. Ooooh, that would be the Luna Lodge in Costa Rico - do want to go there one day!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

My favorite gift both given and received is our cruise for February. And the wii. Which I am finding quite addictive!

Sunny all the way

No decorations here.



I like sauce. But just a tad. I even order my pizza light on the sauce.

I like to go to the beach. And follow it up by a dip in the pool - to help wash some of that sand off...

I never had summer reading for high school. But if I did, I am sure that it would have been at the last minute as I procrastinated all the MUST reads for the WANNA reads.

I'm with Jenny at the Ridge School - I'd love to go on a world tour.

Thanks again Angie!!

Finding Normal said...

Fav gift-a tall stack of books!

Photobook and pendant to MIL.


I don't decorate for much of anything.



bbq sauce


I don't remember having summer reading, but I would guess that if I did, I did it in the first 2 days, and re-read everything 5 times and wrote essays on them after 1 week. Slightly bookwormish and anal all at once!

Somewhere remote, disconnected, and with great food!

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

1.My Husband gave me a really nice riding jacket. Its leather and super feminine. :D

2. I gave my hubby a pocket watch with some engraving on it.

3.Sunny Vacations!! I was raised in Florida so I miss the sun her in Seattle.

4. If we had our own place we would. ;(

5. Disney World. You can never grow up.

6. Blue. Very tranquil

7. Sauce, for sure.

8. ohh tough one.. I would have to say Beach bunny. :D I love the sound of the ocean.

9. I read a little here and there, but then crammed at the last minute to finish. haha

10.India for sure. My husband and I wanted to go there for our honeymoon but the tickets were much too expensive.

Mama Dawg said...

1. What was your favorite gift received this holiday season? I got a portable photography studio (which will help with my etsy products)

2. What was your favorite gift that you gave? 2 Rod Stewart albums framed and given to my mother.

3. Snowy vacations or sunny destinations? Sunny destinations is my preference, but I live mid-way between snowy and sunny.

4. Do you decorate for the 4th of July? A couple of signs on the porch, but that's about it.

5. Disney World or Universal Studios? Disney, baby!

6. Favorite color: Red, White or Blue? Red

7. BBQ: Sauce or No Sauce? Sauce.

8. Beach Bunny or Poolside? Beach bunny.

9. Did you finish your school summer reading ahead of time or at the last minute? Ahead of time.

10. Where is your dream vacation destination? Hawaii or yet another trip to Disney.

Gladys said...

1. What was your favorite gift received this holiday season?

My favorite Lotions. My skin was really really dry. Like an alligator who had dry skin dry.

2. What was your favorite gift that you gave?

I gave Kahuna an IPOD. He has no idea how to use it or how to load it. I love watching him try to figure it out, cussing and mussing and finally calling Techman to get it right.

3. Snowy vacations or sunny destinations?


4. Do you decorate for the 4th of July?

I put a flag up and make BBQ. Does that count?

5. Disney World or Universal Studios?

Disney. I am just a big kid. I am the old lady running up the walk jumping up and down screaming "I wanna ride Dumbo! I wanna ride Dumbo!"

6. Favorite color: Red, White or Blue?

Blue but not any blue the blue of the afternoon Montana sky.

7. BBQ: Sauce or No Sauce?

Sauce on the side

8. Beach Bunny or Poolside?

I love water as long as it's not the septic tank I'm swimming

9. Did you finish your school summer reading ahead of time or at the last minute?

I had every summer reading book read a week after we got the list. I still make a list of books I want to read and I'll critic them with my friends.

10. Where is your dream vacation destination?

I have so many. I would love to go to Tuscany, Fiji, Tahiti and a multitude of other places

Elena said...

Okay, I read this and thought, "What? Why is she posting this on Thursday?" Uhhh... I guess it's Friday, How in the WORLD did it get to be Friday already? WOW!

1. What was your favorite gift received this holiday season? Ipod, total surprise.

2. What was your favorite gift that you gave? Framed family portraits to parents.

3. Snowy vacations or sunny destinations? Sunny, I live in the snow, not much of a vacation.

4. Do you decorate for the 4th of July? Yes, a few things and some flags.

5. Disney World or Universal Studios? Only been to DisneyLAND once, so don't have to much to go on here.

6. Favorite color: Red, White or Blue? Red

7. BBQ: Sauce or No Sauce? SAuce, on the side.

8. Beach Bunny or Poolside? Beach

9. Did you finish your school summer reading ahead of time or at the last minute? Last minute, I am the WORST procrastinator.

10. Where is your dream vacation destination? I've always wanted to see Australia. Someday...

Shannon said...

Very clever, that Angie ;)

My new Coach purse and Nikon digital camera!

Coach wallet to my mom (she loved it!) And though they were gifts from my mom, not me... it was great to see M's reactions to her puppet theater and jar of cherries... and H's reacation to her Nintendo DS.

Most definitely sunny destinations!

The only decoration would be the American flag outside.

Disney (but I've never been to Universal)



I'm pretty sure Angie knows of my aversion to non-chlorinated water... so I'd rather spend the day poolside than on the beach.

I finished my reading early... as long as it was a book that I liked.

I'd love to go to Hawaii somde day. And I'd also like to go to Italy and the UK.

Anonymous said...

1. Trip to Paris
2. My LIttle Pony Ice Cream thingy
3. Sunny Sunny Sunny!
4. No we don't. Then again we aren't living in the US at the moment.
5. Disney World
6. Red
7. Sauce for sure, with ribs.
8. Beach Bunny
9. Hmm, never actually had any.. weird.
10. Tokyo

Linda said...

1. a book
2. a play kitchen
3. SUN!
4. Yes ... and we have a BBQ block party ... fun fun!
5. DisneyLAND
6. I'd have to go with red, although actually I like orange.
7. depends on the meat ... ribs have to have sauce, chicken and beef just seasoned with dry rub please
8. If I'm swimming or sunbathing I will stay poolside. If I'm walking or exploring I like the beach.
9. I was always a head of schedule when it came to reading anything and then I'd do way more than required. I'm a nerd about that stuff.
10. I want to tour Europe.

Unknown said...

1 ... I appreciated all my gifts :-) A close friend gave me a fishing vest that she knew I wanted to hold all my photography stuff in. Much easier than carrying a heavy cmera bag. It has heaps of pockets in it.

2 ... Gave my hubby one of those little flash drive thingys. His brother gave us a new computer for Xmas, so it will come in handy transfering files between the two computers.

3 ... Both !!!

4 ... It's been a gradual progression ... I decorate more each year. Think I've caught the American habit of decorating for the holidays.. :-)

5 ... Both !!!

6 ... I like all three

7 ... BBQ sauce

8 ... Beach bunny

9 ... My reading is an ongoing thing

10 ... India, Tibet or the Orient Express...

The Joye of Teaching said...

Hope yall had a good holiday.

1. What was your favorite gift received this holiday season? digital frame

2. What was your favorite gift that you gave? cute purple sweater

3. Snowy vacations or sunny destinations? sunny

4. Do you decorate for the 4th of July? no but I do wear a lot of read, white, and blue

5. Disney World or Universal Studios? either

6. Favorite color: Red, White or Blue? red

7. BBQ: Sauce or No Sauce? sauce

8. Beach Bunny or Poolside? either!

9. Did you finish your school summer reading ahead of time or at the last minute? when I was in school I never read what was assigned- Cliffs Notes

10. Where is your dream vacation destination? Hawaii

jennifersusan said...

1. My favorite gift was when my inlaws went home. Does that make me a bad person?
2. My favorite gift to give was that signed copy of Wicked from here that I gave to my mother.
3. Right now...tropical.
4. Nope
5. Disney
6. Blue
7. depends on the sauce.
8. beach bunny, of course
9. we never had a summer reading list.
10. My dream vaca is anywhere warm. After a week of snow I just want to feel my toes again.

Cathy said...

1. A genealogy book my mother created for us. The KitchenAid Mixer came a VERY close 2nd!!
2. We moved my 13 year old son into our old Master bedroom...with his own bathroom....and a DVR - he is going to totally love it!
3. Sunny destinations
4. No
5. Disney World
6. Blue
7. Sauce
8. Beach bunny
9. Did not have a summer reading list
10. Italy

kalea_kane said...

1. My husband bought me a lovely clay creamer and sugar bowl set from SERVV totally sweet. I have been coveting it all year!

2. Totally my favorite gift would be the boardgame RISK that I got for my son. He had no idea and totally wanted it. Of course learning how to play it again just might kill me.

3. Sunny vacations. I had enough snow when I lived in Maine and Rhode Island.

4. I only decorate for Christmas. It would be nice to though.

5. Disney World because I have only been to Disneyland (that was THE place for meeting boys when I was a teen).

6. Love me some blue.

7. Very saucy BBQ

8. Just get me to the water!

9. My school didn't require summer reading. Thankfully I was a big reader anyway.

10. I'd enjoy a nice cruise, but I would be and will be thrilled with a return to our honeymoon location in Carmel, California.

Just Lisa said...

I'm late, but I still wanna play!

1. My husband gave me diamond earrings. He spoils me.

2. The $6 flashlight that I gave my daughter was a huge hit!

3. Both sound great. "vacation" in general sounds like a good plan.

4. No.

5. I've never been to either one, but I'll say Disney

6. Blue

7. No Sauce

8. I'm not sure I could even tell you the definition of a beach bunny! You'll find me at the pool.

9. This was never a requirement where I lived, but I'm a reader, so it wouldn't have been a problem.

10. I'd love to go to Italy someday!

Rhea said...

1. My favorite gift received was probably the hand drawn pictures I got from my boys. And the clothes my grandmother gave me...and the huge plasma HDTV my mom gave us.

2. My favorite gift that I gave was a Kitchen Aid Mixer that I gave my mom.

3. I've never really been on a snowy vacation...maybe just once a long time ago. And it was awesome. So, I'm more used to sunny vacations, and I love em.

4. I don't really decorate for the 4th of July.

5. Um, I don't know which to choose between Disney or Universal Studios. Probably Disney.

6. I really like the color blue.

7. BBQ: I love sauce.

8. I love a combo of beach and pool.

9. I always did my school reading ahead of time. I loved to read.

10. I'd love to go around the world...or to Hawaii...or to some mountain village...I can't choose!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Oh fun!!

1. Dooney & Burke purse! I LOVE IT!!
2. I made Thomas a huge shadowbox and he was so happy he got choked up! (come see the video!)
3. Sunny destinations!
4. Oh heck yeah! BIG TIME!
5. Disney World
6. White
8. Beach Bunny
9. Love to read!!! Always early!
10. Anywhere in Italy!!!!

Brandy said...

1. I loved everything I got this year from candy, HD stuff to money and a new phone.

2. Again everything...I put a lot of thought into it all, and did not give any gift cards. I'd say thats a big feat these days.

3. Sunny for sure.

4. Not usually, I just change the wreath on the door.

5. Hmmmm...both?

6. Of the three - red.

7. SAUCE! Please.

8. Both.

9. Ahead of time, I've always loved to read.

10. Hawaii or Europe

Jenny said...

1. What was your favorite gift received this holiday season?
2. What was your favorite gift that you gave?
3. Snowy vacations or sunny destinations?
4. Do you decorate for the 4th of July?
5. Disney World or Universal Studios?
6. Favorite color: Red, White or Blue?
7. BBQ: Sauce or No Sauce?
8. Beach Bunny or Poolside?
9. Did you finish your school summer reading ahead of time or at the last minute?
10. Where is your dream vacation destination?

Lula! said...

I'm here, I'm here!

I am not telling what my favorite gift is. (Of course I'll tell you, Kat--later.) But I did get iTunes and Sephora giftcards, and those always rock. Oh, and a steam mop and a carpet cleaner. Those were 2 pretty cool gifts, as well.

I gave my Dad the sountrack to the movie "I'm Not There." Because I love sharing fantastic tunes with the man who raised me to love all kinds of music.

SUNNY. Forever and ever, amen.

Do I decorate for the 4th? Uh, no.

Disney. Duh.

Pink. (I cheat, as per usual.)

Tons of sauce--vinegar based, please.

Both. I love the beach, but our pool is a vacation in the backyard.

I always read my summer reading in July and August. Took June off.

Dream destination? Fiji & Hawaii. And Greece. Just 'cause, you's Greece.