Saturday, December 13, 2008

Weekend Winners: May I have your autograph?

I am counting down the days until my beloved LOST returns. I finally got myself caught up on the Tudors. And season two comes out on dvd in January. Big Love starts back up in January. And I am considering adding HBO back to my cable package. And maybe Showtime. So I can watch the Tudors. And Weeds. And Californication. Patience is not my middle name. And my brother just let me borrow the box set of Firefly. Who needs movies?

Well, Michelle over at Honestly and Truly doesn't need any movies. Because she can go back and watch the first season of LOST. And get herself addicted to Weeds. And Brandy over at Not Your Average Soccer Mom can also join me in the Weeds addiction. Does this make me a dealer? (Ladies...Email me your address and I'll get your dvds in the mail to you!)

And now...this week's magical prize offering. After my post on Thursday. About my 13 tips for a Disney trip. And after reading about Kori. And the trip gifted to her family from special angels. And after Angie's visit just this week to the mouse. And Lula, Tiffany, and Andrea's upcoming got me thinking about all those pictures.

After spending almost a month in the parks last year. Well...I have a few coughthousandcough pictures. And one of my favorite things that I did with the pictures was to make autograph albums for each of the girls.

Let's have a moment. Because I think I am about to tell you how to make something. Again. Twice in one week. I sure hope that the world is not coming to an end.

Creative Memories has these cute 7x7 albums with the classic Mickey head on the cover. And they also have these cool things called snap packs. Which is kinda like scrapbooking for dummies. The kit comes with all the paper and stickers you need to make an entire album - and it even has pages that tell you what to put on each page. You can follow the instructions. Or blaze your own path of glory.

I chose to do my own thing.

This is what I did:

I got those little autograph albums from Disney.

And then cut some small colored/patterned paper to put on top of the pages. We brought our own pens.And then when the character autographed the book - we scanned it. And shrank it. Processing it like this:And then...I put the pictures and autographs together like this.

Even if you don't have a trip to Disney in your future. These are still fun albums. You can give them to your Disney loving kid to keep as their first scrapbook. You could use it as a baby gift. A gift for a friend that is Disney crazy. Or just do a year of pictures - two pictures a month - and you have a whole album done for one year.

And guess what? I have THREE of these albums to give away! I have two Mickey ones. And a purple Wish-upon-a-star album plus Princess stuff for another lucky winner.

Oh...but wait...there's more. For our grand prize winner...I have an entire Disney scrapbook kit.Including a big 12x12 Mickey album. Pen. Adhesive. Corner rounder. Paper. Stickers. Disney punch. Disney decorations. And ways to remeber that magical adventure for lifetimes.

To summarize. The grand prize winner will get the big Disney album package. AND a 7x7 Disney album with a snap pack. A second winner will win a Disney 7x7 album, Disney snap pack, and Disney punch. A third winner will receive the purple 7x7 album, Disney snap pack, and a princess pack.

Worth playing for?

This is what you need to do:

1. Post a comment here. Do you have any autographs? Do you scrapbook? What Disney character would you most like to get an autograph from? Do you have a favorite Disney ride? Movie? Song?

2. For another entry...follow me. 20 more to 200. Are ya'll all going to leave me when I stop giving stuff away? If you already follow me, you also get an extra entry.

3. Blog about this week's contest.

4. When you comment you get an entry. When you follow, come back and leave another comment saying you follow me. When you post about it...come back and leave a comment saying you did it. Then I can truly use random number generator and I won't have to type in all those names!

5. Contest ends Friday at midnight. Winners have one week to email me to claim prizes. All unclaimed prizes will be added back into the pot. Winner will be announced next Saturday. Along with the week eight prizes!

post signature

Theme song: The Goo Goo Dolls - Name. "Don't let the moment pass you by" so that you can get a lot of those names in your books. And. If you stick around a bit. Perhaps reading all my bits of drivel brilliance from the past week. You can also hear the music played during the ride Soarin' - my favorite ride at Disney. Just listening to it...I can see the canoers. Smell the orange groves. And see that golf ball with the hidden Mickey headed my way...


Shannon said...

I do scrapbook... technically I can say that, even thought its been ages since I've done any scrapbooking, right?

The only autographs we have are the ones from our Disney trip last year... I've never met anyone famous.

The one autograph I, uh I mean the girls to get was Aladdin's... but the one time we saw him the line was unbelievably long.... sigh.

Soarin' was a great ride! I do like roller coasters best... Thunder Mountain. I didn't get a chance to ride Expedition Everest last year... but I so will the next time we go to Disney, I don't care how long the line is. And I liked Tower of Terror @ MGM, too. I could only get H to go on it with me one time, though. Shane won't do rides like that.

Fav Disney movie? Aladdin, of course.


Handsome's wife said...

1. I do scrapbook. My favorite Disney ride is Soaring over California/Tower of Terror. Its a tie.

Handsome's wife said...

I'm a follower

Handsome's wife said...

I posted on my blog about this great contest!!

Mrs Anne said...

What a special giveaway!

It's apparent that your Disney trip was one to remember!

What to hear some sad news??? I've NEVER been to Disneyland/world/etc!!!

One of my goals for 2009 is a trip to Disneyland!!! How perfect would this be for me to capture my memories? :)

I'm a big fan of cinderella and goofy, so they'd be on my list for autographs! :)

I'm already a follower, and I'll add you to my bloglist of giveaways! :)

"A dream is a wish that your heart makes"
~Walt Disney

Julie H said...

Awesome give aways! I'd love to win any of them!

Julie H said...

ok took me forever to find the follower thing but now I'm a stalker ;O)

Anonymous said...

I have some autographs - all Disney related. I do like to scrapbook but who has time with kids??
Mickey Mickey Mickey he rocks my world, uh huh.
Disney ride - Matterhorn or Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain, too many to choose from.
Movie - Finding Nemo
Song - Small World. I simply can't help but love it in all it's annoying glory.

Anonymous said...

I follow you :)

momma said...

what a great weekend giveaway!

we have a few autographs - daddy has some from sports people (don't know who) and some from christian music artists (chris tomlin, david crowder, bebo norman) and my princess has a book autographed by junie b jones author, barbara parks.

i do not scrapbook, but seriously, have been collecting pictures hoping to try to start "small." some friend scrapbook, but they seem to get over whelmed with the bigger books and have recommended a small book to start with and scrapbooking a vacation or special event.

my favorite disney movie - - - hmmm, that's a tough one. the older ones are sooooo good, but the new ones are just neat and the animation is wonderful! it would have to be the lion king or aladdin and along with that i would love to get jasmine's or sleeping beauty's autograph.

i haven't been to disney in 20 years - epcot was just opening when i last went. and then, i really enjoyed the teacups (such an adventurer, i know) and pirates of the caribbean ride (the ride was there before the movies).

song is another hard one! but because lion king and aladdin are so sentimental to me, i'd have to say, "can you feel the love?" by the one by elton john, not by timon and pumba :)

momma said...

i am already a follower.

and did you know that this coming year (2009) you can get free admission to disney on your birthday?

Anonymous said...

Blogged about it :)

And momma - seriously? Free admission? We will be there on my moms b-day! Darn but we already bought tickets, maybe they will give her free lunch.

MsTypo said...

Congrats to Brandy and Michelle!!

Let's see, i don't scrapbook nor do i have autographs. But I do love disney! I love so many disney movies it's hard to pick! But Little Mermaid is wonderful from beginning to end. :) And if i won i coudl sing, "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat?! Wouldn't you think my collections complete? Wouldn't you think i'm the girl - the girl who has everything?"

Firefly Mom said...

Yep, I scrapbook (but not nearly as often as I should, given the number of pix I have sitting in boxes ;)

I would *so* love to win this! I've actually been gathering all of our Disney pix to put into a theme album. I went to Disneyland every year as a kid, and when we lived in southern California, we bought family passes and took Cody all the time. We didn't go this year, but I took Cody last year on a trip down south.

Favorite ride: Pirates of the Caribbean.

Anonymous said...

I have a few autographs. Probably the most "famous" person I have is Rob Scheider (you know that guy from Jaws) and Richard Dryfuss (that other guy from Jaws). And I was in London when I got it.

I try to scrapbook really hard (but I'm not that good), but I love your scrapbook idea and will definitely be doing that when we go to disney.

My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.

John Deere Mom said...

Your autograph books are so awesome! I love scrapbooking materials...and have made one. But I LOVE all the stuff!! Oh, and you know I already follow you. For like...ever. :)

Heather said...

Okay, number one, you ask way too many questions. How am I supposed to remember all those questions by the time I get over here to the comment box, huh? Jeez...

You know I love to scrapbook. And Joe and I are planning on going to Disney with the kiddos next year; not sure when he can get time off from work...

I've only been to Disney twice in my life. I really loved the Green Army Men, and Aladdin was a little hotty. And the Lion King absolute favorite!

This prize would be put to good use, for sure.

Unknown said...

I am taking my husband to Disney World in April for his 40th surprise birthday party! I can't wait to go it will be the first time for both of us I would love the scrapbooks to make the memories last.

Becky W said...

I scrapbook ALL THE TIME!!! I so need this! I have all my autographs from Disney that I am ashamed to say have done nothing with!

Becky W said...


Rhea said...

golf ball with the hidden Mickey? You lost me, girlfriend. I have no idea what you're talking about.

I've never scrapbooked. I need to try it. You know I follow you and always will. I won't leave ya when the contests end. These contests have been totally awesome though. I may have to copy you at some point.

Brandy said...

I *want* to scrapbook but I haven't dived in yet although I am going to do an album for S when he graduates next year. I've been collecting stuff over the last 3 years to put in there.

I can't believe I won! WOOHOO! I should keep the streak going and buy a lottery ticket. What do you think?

Unknown said...

So so so cool! I laughed out loud when I saw the Green Army Man signature!!

Unknown said...

I follow you (of course!)

Shannon said...

Oh, yeah... I'm a follower :)

Elena said...

Okay, you know Disney is in my somewhat near future. My kids would totally LOVE these. I did scrapbook for a time, now I just blog. My favorite Disney Movie is Little Mermaid. I don't know about a song.

Elena said...

And I'm a follower, and no I'm not going to leave you when these giveaways are over. ;)

Cassie said...

OH, this is great! Confession: I went to Disney World (don't laugh now)...22 years ago! I scrapbook, but I have never scrapbooked my pics from that trip! This would be great!

Cassie said...

Oh, and I follow you already! I will keep following you and reading your blog as long as you are blogging!

Cassie said...

I added your contest details to my giveaway's post!

Lori said...

i always have the best of intentions with scrapbooking...but not the time...i do have all the goods when i decide the time is right!
this prize is awesome!

and...i too add HBO just in time for big love...hee hee!

Firefly Mom said...

Oh, and about Gorram time you watched Firefly! (you'll understand the "gorram" after watching it ;)

Kelsey said...

That is such a cute idea!
I go to Disney all the time (great Florida rates and we live pretty close), but I've never scrapbooked the pictures. I have a lot of them too, complete with probably every single character's autographs. I've seen the scrapbooks and I love them, but I'm not very crafty..nice to know they sell the scrappacks!

Swirl Girl said...

What awesome prizes this week!
I have two disney autograph books which we bring each time we go (for the girls of course)...

they like the autographs more than the rides!!

And ,I could use an scrapbook for dummies...since I am one.

Lula! said...

You are sooooooooooooooo fantistic, giving away all this groovy stuff. I made a lil' Disney scrapbook of our trip 3 years this exact same album.

That means I'll have to make another one this year...AFTER I get caught up on scrapbooking. I'm only 2 years behind.


~Michelle~ said...

These weekend giveaways have been amazing!

At one point, I did have some autographs...acquired at age!

I do scrapbook, or at least I used to! I've been caught up lately with sewing. Which is a shame, I had my MIL get me a whole bunch of CM tools to use a couple of Christmases ago.

Well, now that Jack Sparrow is gone from Disneyland, I would like his autograph (I do have a picture with him though!). I do have favorite Disney rides...probably my fav is Splash Mountain @ the Magic Kingdom @ night...but I think I can pinpoint a fav in each park in the US, but that will leave you an even longer comment! Favorite movie is Beauty & the Beast...favorite son is Under the Sea.

I'm jealous you were @ WDW this week! :)

~Michelle~ said...


Tiffany said...

Okay Kat, You had me at scrapbooking AND at Disney. We took the girls for the first time last January and guess what is beside my bed? A huge box of mementos, THE CD that you blogged about purchasing at the end of your visit, autograph books for both girls and various other odds and ends from our trip. I have been told I would be awesome at scrapbooking. However, I never made it onto the bandwagon at the beginnning and I am completely overwhelmed when I see scrapbooking items. I have a few scrapbooks and they are empty. Isn't that sad? I have no idea where to start or what to do. And I'm a perfectionist so I'm frightened to even try without help. Can we say Scrapbooking for Dummies? I'm your dummy.

I am so supposed to win this week. I promised the girls I would make them a scrapbook of their visit and they have asked on more than one occasion when I intend to do it. Could this be fate?

And I love your theme song. The Goo Goo Dolls are one of my favs. And this song has such meaning for me. Ahhhhh.

Tiffany said...

And I follow you but you already know that but then the RNG doesn't care that you already know that.

Anonymous said...

I'm now following you! I didn't realize I wasn't... Sorry!

Anonymous said...

AND...the Tudors make me drool. I've been slowly dying while waiting for season two to hit blockbuster.

Also? I've never been to Disney. And with the price as bad as it is, I don't think I ever will. So sad.

Linda said...

Ooo, oooo, I LOVE this giveaway. YES I scrapbook. No, I don't have any of the CM albums you're giving away. So this is perfect ... pick me!

I'm not much of an autograph person. I'd rather request a photo. But my oldest daughter did get all the character autographs way back when she was about 6. I'd love to do it again with my youngest. My personal favorite is Goofy.

Fave Disney ride ... Space Mountain. Movie ... Sleeping Beauty. Song ... The Bare Necessities.

Gosh, I love Disney!

Linda said...

Oh yeah ... I already follow!

RebeccaMom said...

I scrapbook and I have autographs and disney pics and paraphanalia that we got on our disney trip 6 years ago- but it hasn't been scrapped. This is a perfect giveaway for me! Thanks for your generosity :)

mommytoalot said...

Hi there..
OMG so glad I found this blog, through SITS...
I love to scrapbook. Our entire family went to Disney in Jan. 2007.
I have lots of autographs..and did two of the kids a scrapbook , but haven't done mine yet.

mommytoalot said...

I now follow you, and no i wont' stop once you stop giving things away. Once I chose to follow..i'm a

Kristin said...

What a great prize pack. I am a Disney lover. We only live about 30 minutes away. I am a want to be scrapper. Maybe this will get me going. My favorite ride is peter pan and the haunted mansion, and thunder mountin, and.....

Kristin said...

I already follow you.

Janelle said...

We went to Disney last year and I desperately NEED to get that trip scrapbooked - it was so wonderful!!! This would surely help me get started! :-) Thanks for the chance!!!!

Janelle said...

and, I'm following you!! ;-)

Expressions By Devin said...

I Scrapbook all the time. i have been to Disney 8 times in my life.2 years ago I took my hubby there for our honeymoon.He had never been.I have him hooked now.He wants to go every year.We took tons of picture and got autographs and made a scrapbook about our whole trip.It was so fun to be able for him to help me put all of our magical memories in a scrapbook.Disney rocks!!!!I am following you know and I wont leave you hanging!!!You have a wonderful blog I will be back to read more entrys.

Dawn said...

Hi from Louisiana! I've been meaning to get back over here! Great contest! I am hoping to go to Disney this summer!! Reading this made me want to go now!

Knit Purl Gurl said...

I'm a scrapbooker and think this would be a terrific prize! I've never been to Disney and we plan on taking our kiddos for the first time in summer 2009! I can't wait to go. I know my DS would want Buzz or Woody's autograph. DD would want any of the princesses (she's 4 - princesses are kinda her thing) and I would like piglet!

Knit Purl Gurl said...

I already follow you!!

It's Always Something Around Here said...

We are a Disney loving family.

We don't do the autographs though. And I do scrapbook!!

Vodka Mom said...

I don't scrapbook, but I AM excited about LOST!!

Tori said...

Oh my word. How fabulous does that sound? A MONTH IN DISNEY!! Gashabeaegeawv. (Thats me mumbling in jealousy.)

Okay...I love the Peter Pan ride for old times sake... sorin' is lightyear is fun too! I like the rides that have other memories attached to them--Buzz lightyear makes me think of my little brothers first time there. My youngest bro used to think he WAS buzz lightyear, lol. (I kid you not--we walked into Target and the greeter guy said hi, and my 3 year old brother walked up to him and said, completely seroiously, with salute to boot, "I'm Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace."

:-) I'd love to win the scrapbook set!

Rachel Ann said...

I LOVE scrapbooking and I LOVE Disney. I have gone to Disneyland and Disneyworld and have gotten character autographs from dozens...I especially love the princesses; although I am a bit jealous since I've never seen Prince Charming at any of the parks. My favorite character to talk to was Peter Pan on the Disney Cruise!

Eli's Lids said...

I'm not an autographer getter... but I'm a scrapbooking fanatic! Favorite ride - Peter Pan
Favorite movie - Sleeping Beauty
Favorite Song - A whole New World
Awesome giveaway.

Lea said...

I already follow you so there's one entry! YAY.. next my blog entry with answers to your question..

Anonymous said...

And for another entry...


Lea said...

And last but not least.. for yet ANOTHER entry

Do you have any autographs? Yes!!

Do you scrapbook? Yes

What Disney character would you most like to get an autograph from? Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh..

Do you have a favorite Disney ride? Space Mountain(use to be the one with the big eye, the shrinking one)

Movie? Too many to list

Song? Too many to list

Jen said...

Wow, what an awesome prize pack. I don't scrape book so it would not do me any good but I wish everyone else good luck.

Oh I can't wait to take my kids to Disney.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

LOST rocks my socks. We have started watching all of the seasons again online. GREAT stuff. Plus I think I am secretly in love with Mr. John Locke.

Denise Grover Swank said...

I've never been to Disney World or Disney Land but I have been to the Disney Store! I would want the autograph of a princess, not particular about which one. I always wanted to be a princess. ;->

Denise Grover Swank said...

I just joined your following. Now you only have 13 more to go! I'm shooting for 100 right now!

jennifersusan said...

Cute scrapbooks!! Now if I could convince my husband that Disney is an essential part of a child's development. I think, now that my parents are moving back to the Orlando area we'll finally get to take the kids. I'm dying to take Rose!
I do scrapbook, boy oh boy do I scrapbook. And I have some pretty cool autographs, but none are from Disney (I haven't been since my senior year of highschool). I have Charleton Heston's autograph (a project done in 3rd grade), and I have the entire 2001/2002 St.Louis Blues Hockey team autographs, and not just autographs, I had them autograph the boys' jerseys and we got pucks autographed. They practiced at a rink down the street from where we lived in St.Louis and cute little boys go a long way with cute grown men.
Favorite Disney movie--Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty. Favorite song- "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Hercules.
My favorite ride is the Haunted Mansion ride.
AND...I so would love autographs from all the Disney Princesses.

Tam said...

I have never taken my boys yet but have plans one day. I keep waiting for them to be older. OK I need to pull out my pictures from the 70's when I visited the Magic Kingdom...there is a picture of me with MY head and hands in that thingy...HMMM I was 7 then.

OOOKKK I HEART Creative Memories! Totally HEART Scrapbooking almost as much as I heart Jamie from Outlander.....ahhhhh!

Tam said...

I am a stalker...I mean follower. and some one who LIKED your PORN for Women POST too over at Angies!

Heather said...

Forgot to say that I am already a faithful follower...

Does that earn me a hundred extra entries?

What? Only one?

Humph. I'm never gonna win.

AngiDe said...

ooooh, I LOVE to scrapbook!!! I do it every sunday night with my girlfriends! i would love the princess pack.... what am I saying... I'd love any of them.
I want Malificent's autograph (the witch from Sleeping Beauty) Love her!

I also follow you!! WOOT WOOT for second entries!

"Nana's Box"

evitafjord said...

I have some autographs on a Playbill for Curtains (David Hyde Pierce and a couple of others). I don't scrapbook, but I think I could manage this. Belle is my favorite Disney character and B&tB is my favorite Disney movie. My favorite Disney song is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It's not really, I just like to spell it. I'm drawing a blank on my favorite Disney song. If I think of one, I'll put it with my "I'm following" comment.

Michelle said...

Ok, now I'm REALLY ticked that I lost internet access in the hospital (see Fri, Sat, Sun). I could *so* have used this boost on Saturday - because, you know, we THOUGHT we were going to get home and all... anyway, I'm emailing you now! Yay!

And for this week (I know I just said we skipped the autograph in the last post, BUT after reading what you said and seeing what you did, I can be reformed -- those are way cool!).

1) I don't have autographs as I'm just not into celebrities. But I do think these could make great memories for the wee ones! I don't scrapbook, but I have supplies to do it ... I'm working on finding more time. I do want to. I want an autograph from Eyore. He's my favorite. And umm as a child I sort of followed him into a fire station and pulled his tail off accidentally trying to get him to hug me. I was little (5?) and didn't know any better and still feel guilty about it. Favorite Disney ride HAS to be Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (Space Mountain lost it for me when I went in October -- but maybe because everyone else was too chicken). Favorite movie is ooo that's a hard one. All of them? The Aristocats? Fox and the Hound? Song: Someday My Prince Will Come. I actually have two CDs of the best of Disney music :)

Michelle said...

And yes, Kat. I still follow you. And no, I'm not going to leave you once you stop giving stuff away. :)

namaste said...

We get autographs everytime we go to Disney. I feel like sometimes it's our main focus! It sure does take time waiting in line to meet them all but my son loves it.

I do scrapbook, but I think I have more scrapbooks that I've started then finished.

The Disney character I'd most like an autograph from... hmmm. I like most of the villains!

My favorite ride growing up was always Space Mountain. It was the first ride we ran to when we got in the park!

namaste said...

I already follow you! And no... I don't plan to leave you if you stop giving away freebies! Don't test me though!

namaste said...

Ok, just blogged about you!!!

Thanks girl!

Mama Dawg said...

Girl, I am all over this one. I ADORE Disney World and every year we go, I make my daughter's own autograph book so we can do the same thing you did! Except I didn't scan the autographs, I just cut 'em out and put them w/the pics! Great minds think alike!

I'd love to win this one!

Mama Dawg said...

I already follow you.

Do you have any autographs? I only have autographs from Disney and Universal characters. No "live" celebrities!

Do you scrapbook? Yep! I sure do!

What Disney character would you most like to get an autograph from? The Cheshire Cat if he was a character in the parks. But since he's not, I love getting Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum's.

Do you have a favorite Disney ride? It's a toss up between Peter Pan's Flight and it's a small world.

Movie? Alice in Wonderland for animation and the Pirates movies for live action.

Song? it's a small world...yes, I'm a dork!

Teri said...

I would actually love to be the third prize person. :-) I love me some purple. I am a follower - long time.

Teri said...

Okay, and I am supposed to come back and tell you that I am commenting, yes? I am commenting. I have been a scrapbooker since my pusher, YOU, got me into it about 10 years ago. I can't believe it has been that long. Man.

Kori said...

Ok I don't scrpabook.

I don't have any autographs.

I love Pooh so I want his autograph.

favorite Disney ride. Um... I'll let you kow after we go.

Favorite Diseny movie would be Cinderella of course.

Ok I think I got them all. And remember what you said about helping me with this. I'm holding you to it.

Kori said...

And of course I'm a stalker...ugh I mean follower.

Darcy @ m3b said...

Kat -

I usually just stalk, I mean read you from my Google reader - where I am (of course) a subscriber...

but this, even I had to take a chance and enter this one. It's a surprise... shhhhhhh!

,,, but it looks like we are taking the boybarians to Disney in 2009. My little Trouble is obsessed with all things Mickey. This would be the perfect shwag to document the trip.

And yes, I'm a scrapbooker... if digital counts. ;) I have all the traditional stuff, too... but time seems to sneak away from me.

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed! Because you are so sweet!! And I think this is AWESOME!!! I went to disney for a few hours while in orlando a couple of weekends ago and i loved it SO much I am going back!! Hopefully with Hubby soon!!

Do I get an entry for subscribing too??

I am trying to start scrapbooking, i just wish i had a friend close by to do it with!!

I want Cinderella's autograph!!

I LOVE sleeping beauty, lion king, and finding nemo...I cant choose..because I also LOVE little mermaid. I just love disney. Seriously. hehe

Finding Normal said...

You know, I wasn't going to enter this one. Because I don't scrapbook and even though I love Disney, I don't anticipate us going for a few more years. But I'm going to enter with a trick up my sleeve. So....
I do have autographs, but not of Disney characters. I went through a phase in the 80s of writing to celebrities to request autographs. The only one I still have is Jim Henson with the Muppets-great pic!
I do not scrapbook. Unless you count digital. Then I guess I do. Lightning McQueen!
I haven't been to Disney in 20+ years, so no idea.
My favorite movie is probably Finding Nemo. Can't think of a fav song.

Finding Normal said...

And I have followed you since before following was the COOL thing to do!

Loralynn said...

We have an autograph book from 2005 when we went to Disney World. I Also took copious pictures and then added them to my Daughters autograph book next to the signature of each character. It made a great keepsake!

Loralynn said...

We have an autograph book from 2005 when we went to Disney World. I Also took copious pictures and then added them to my Daughters autograph book next to the signature of each character. It made a great keepsake!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! Are you allowing international entries? I hope so!

Gina said...

I have been promising myself that I would create a Disney scrapbook for our trips, but I keep putting it off. But having everything at once would be awesome and would help get it done. We have tons of photos and autographs.

My favorite ride is Soarin, but I truly love just about all of them at all the parks. My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.

Gina said...

I'm following!

Michelle said...

btw you're now linked up about the contest. Sorry it took me so long!

La Pixie said...

I LOVE Disney and I love scrapbooking, so I am heartbroken that I just found your blog today. =(

Anonymous said...

Please take it easy!