Saturday, December 27, 2008

Weekend Winners: Games people play

I loved reading all your entries. About who you would take on a date. And what you might see. And about how so many of you haven't been on a date in years. And I really hope that you all can find a way to escape for an evening. For an hour even. Because for right now, you are just going to have to be jealous of Debbie over at Finding Normal. Who is the winner of the gift card for dinner and a movie. And a copy of "Love Actually." And our second copy of "Love Actually" goes to Shalee over at Sometimes it's Good to be Speechless. Congrats ladies! Email me with your addresses and I'll get your prizes right out to you.

Now that you have had a night out on the town. Or not as the case appears to be. This week's weekend winner prize centers around having family night.

One of my favorite kinds of family night is game night. We like to play cards. Board games like Monopoly. Life. Trivial pursuit. And then even games like Mah-jong. Which can be enjoyed by people other than those at the Jewish retirement home.

But one of my favorite games is Blokus.It's a challenge. It makes you think. And yet it can be played by your entire family.

Another option for family night is to do a read aloud. I have friends who did the entire Harry Potter series this way. Read together. As a family. My voice doesn't always hold out - and a lot of times we opt for the audio version. But storytelling is a great way to spend an evening. And one of my very favorite books is just the ticket. It's a tale that will be loved by boys, girls, and grown-ups alike. It's adventure on the high seas. Vikings. Trolls. Magic. And a wonderful way to spend an evening.And then one of the easiest and best ways to spend a family night is to watch a movie. And I cannot think of better movies than these two 80's classics:And if you already have the Princess Bride movie - you MUST read the book by William Goldman. It is wonderful! The movie is a faithful adaptation - but the book goes into more details and there are a few more adventures.

And what is a family night without snacks? You need some popcorn. Some candy. And even some Hot chocolate.To summarize: This week's weekend winner prize pack includes: Blokus, The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer, dvds of "The Goonies" and "The Princess Bride," and snacks.

Worth playing for? Here is what you need to do:

1. Post a comment here. Do you do family nights? Do you have a favorite game? Family movie? Book that would be a good read aloud?

2. For another entry...follow me. If you already follow me, you also get an extra entry. Be sure to come back and leave another comment saying that you are a follower!

3. Blog about this week's contest.

4. When you comment you get an entry. When you follow, come back and leave another comment saying you follow me. If you are already a follower, post another comment saying that you are already a stalker follower. When you post about it...come back and leave a third comment saying you did it. Then I can truly use random number generator and I won't have to type in all those names!

5. Contest ends Friday (Jan 2nd) at midnight. Winners have one week to email me to claim prizes. All unclaimed prizes will be added back into the pot. Winner will be announced next Saturday. Along with the final week of prizes!

post signature

Theme song: REM - "Man on the Moon." Because "and the Game of Life yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...Monopoly, twenty-one, Checkers and Chess...Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...Let's play twister, let's play risk...Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..." And I thank you for playing my "game" every weekend!


Cassie said...

Congratulations Debbie and Shalee! Our family night of game playing is usually during the summer. Several of us meet at my brothers houseboat and spend the weekend playing Jenga in the evenings or watching movies. The rocking of the boat makes Jenga that much more challenging!

Cassie said...

...and I'm a follower!

Cassie said...

...and I have your giveaways posted on my blog! This is a great prize package! Goonies is one of my all time favorite movies!

Just Lisa said...

This is awesome!

We don't do game nights-- yet. But my 2 year old just got the game board classics Candyland and Chutes and Ladders for Christmas, and I plan on expanding on her collection once a year.

The Princess Bride is my all-time favorite movie! And Yes, I've read the book, too!

Just Lisa said...

Oh, and I already follow you!

momma said...

we do family movie nights. our kiddies are just now getting old enough to be able to play games that aren't "no reading required." we like to play the ps2 ssx tricky. for table games, we play sorry, 21/poker (i know, corrupting small children), and uno. we are a movie loving family! it's hard to pick just one. little man's newest favorite is tmnt (teenage mutant ninja turtles). princess is into the new nancy drew. i am a new fan of twilight, but love the 80's movies as does daddy.

we are all big readers, too. good read aloud family books (for us) have been charlotte's web, mr. popper's penguins, and mrs. piggle wiggle.

jori-o said...

We DO do family nights; we try to do them weekly at the very least. And Uno Spin is a fave around here. I've been wanting to try Blokus, though...We're also big family movie night fans too. "Our" song comes from the Princess Bride! (Anybody want a peanut?)

jori-o said...

...and I'm a faithful follower!

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Oh thank you so much! My husband and I appreciate it very much. We always need some time away from the Inlaws!

Thank you!!!

jori-o said...

...AND I just blogged about it over at my place! Good luck to me...and everyone else have a great LAST week of 2008! ;)

mommytoalot said...

Congrats to the winners!
We do have game nights and family nights...used to be weekly..but with the teens working.. we do it less often.
Our favorite games are Trivial Pursuit..all differnt kinds of them.
And we play cards..Bang being the favorite because even the litte kids can play.
On holidays we play games with friends and family.
A great read a loud book.. is A Wrinkle In boys loved it.

mommytoalot said...

Oh yes..and I am a follower already.

Allison said...

Great giveaway!!

Our family has always been one for "game night"...some of our favorites include Scrabble, Apples to Apples, Liverpool Rummy (card game), and my mom has Blokus...we love that one too!

Allison said...

I follow you!

larkswing said...

Congrats to the winners!!

Our family night is usually on Friday or Saturday, and every other weekend, since the boys are at their dads. We have hamburgers and tater tots, cuz that is hubby's and the man's favorite. We watch a movie and enjoy dinner in the living room. :)

larkswing said...

I'm a follower :)

Safire said...

We do game nights! First start off with a family game and then when the kids go to bed we have adult game time...mostly computer games or now we have a Wii. We love game nights! Every Wednesday you can find us playing.

Hey, I'm a follower too.

And I love Princess Bride...named our first boy after the movie. We are such nerds. ;)

sassy stephanie said...

Yay Deb!!!

I love the Goonies. I am so a Goonie. "Goonies never quit."

Our family nights are spent watching a movie, making a snack of usually popcorn, pretzels and M&Ms, lately sipping hot cocoa and lounging together on pillows and blankets spread all over our playroom floor.

My kids new fave game is Clue Jr that came our way through Christmas. So much fun. I loved the original Clue when I was a kid.

Decor To Adore said...

We do have family nights/days. The next one is scheduled for New Years Eve. We'll spend the day making crazy hats, baking cookies and playing board games: Aggravation-Life-other old standards. Generally we eat pizza, but on NYE we buy things we don't normally purchase: Shrimp with cocktail sauce, hot wings, etc.

Decor To Adore said...

I have been following for awhile! Yeah for me! :)

Elena said...

Oh what great prizes this week! I actually have Princess Bride on my "to-read" list. LOVE that show, and Goonies is just plain classic. Yes, we have family nights, but we don't play games nearly as often as we should. Our kids are getting to the age though where it's starting to get really fun. And I can't believe next week is the last week of this, it's been so much fun to see what you come up with each week. Great job Kat!

Anji said...

Great idea, we really need to get into more family nights. I didn't think about how easy it would be to through one together, thanks for the reminder!

Anji said...

I am a stalker er follower!

Rhea said...

You have such wonderful giveaways. You can't ever stop, you know. Every week for the rest of your life!!

We do have family nights. We go to dinner and a movie...or bowling...or something. We haven't done one in a while though. Thanks for the reminder. We really need one.

However, both boys have birthdays coming up, so the craziness is about to begin...

Queenie Jeannie said...

Oh yes please!! PICK ME!!!!

We do Wii sports and Wii Fit together as a family after dinner. We also play some board games now that Bella is getting bigger!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I totally follow you!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Just blogged it!

Ohhhh! I wanna win this!!!

Brandy said...

Awesome prizes as always! I'm watching Season 2 of Weeds right now...soo good.

We play games sometimes but we don't have a set night, lately it's been scrabble, but we've done several different ones.

jennifersusan said...

Sam's been trying to get me to read The Sea Trolls for a while, now I have to go into the dungeon and find it!
We do family movie nights, but we dont' get to do family family game nights anymore because Rose keeps stealing the pieces. We used to play Dungeons&Dragons as a family every Sunday. When I homeschooled Chris I would make him write out adventures for us to use and of course it was a great way to use math too.
Great prize this week, as always!

Gladys said...

Every night is family night. Since our kids are all grown it's just me and Kahuna. We do play games and we have movie night. When the kids all get together we play games and go to the beach together. We have cook outs and have all kinds of little family things that we do. We actually LIKE being together. Isn't that weird?

Finding Normal said...

WAHOOOO!!!! Thanks Kat!

C♥ said...

We do a family game night once a month with ALL OF OUR FAMILY. Literally, 12+ of us depending on the night. There are different 'stations' Our favorite games are: Monopoly, Life and Sorry!

Our favorite family movie is: Mary Poppins (HA! Isn't that hysterical)

And a great read a long book: Goodnight Moon, a total classic.

C♥ said...


C♥ said...

I was talking bout you!!!

Rhonda Martin said...

Once a week we have family game night and the kids favorite is "Trouble". We have worn out 2 boards already lol and it's a good thing it is an inexpensive game. We also like "Sorry" and "Clue". They try and get me to play dance dance revolution but they haven't talked me into that yet!
Thanks for sharing :)

Rhonda Martin said...

I just love that movie the "Goonies" and we have it on VHS and it's pretty worn out. We as a family go geocashing for fun and online our geocashing name is "We Are The Goonies" :) I have never heard of the game Blokus until I saw it in your giveaway. I would love to try a new game on family night so I made sure to blog about your wonderful giveaway package. Thanks for Sharing~!

Rhonda Martin said...

I'm a follower Thanks Again~!

rychelle said...

I headed over here from jori-o's.

My favorite family night game is phase 10.

Leanne said...

Okay, I'll play too. I came from Jori-O's and we have a family night with a movie most weeks. This week it was Mama Mia. Since it was Christmas we did the night with sugar cookies instead of popcorn, but there's ALWAYS hot chocolate. Great giveaway - I keep hearing how good Blokus is, if I don't win it I may need to go out and buy it for myself!

Carrie said...

Right now my life is consumed in self-pity (broken computer) and sore muscles, tired eyes, and lack of sleep (new Wii for Christmas).

So that's about all we do at this household right now!

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Tiffany said...

I LOVE family nights! We try to play games at least once a week. The girls love Chutes and Ladders and those types of games. They also love card games (Old Maid, Crazy Eights) and we love the Disney Trivia game that is interactive with the TV. I cannot think of the name right now.

Love reading aloud as well. The Hobbit was a great read-aloud. My husband had different voices for all the little dudes.
And we love movies as well. The girls and I just watched "Annie" today. And we watched "Horton Hears a Who" yesterday. We are huge movie fans in this house.

Tiffany said...

And I still stalk you. How could I not? ;)

Nana Laurie said...

We do family night regularly and we love playing board games with our children. We also have a read aloud each night before bedtime.

Vickie said...

We really don't do family night, but our favorite family movie is "The Emperors New Groove"

Vickie said...

I am following you:)

Firefly Mom said...

Congrats to last week's winners!

We love playing games! One of our favorite's is Sequence. We have so many games that hubby had to turn the spare bedroom closet into a game closet!

And we are avid movie buffs! To stick with your theme, some of our favorite 80's movies (besides the ones you're giving away) are Ghostbusters, Clue, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Better off Dead.

Jenny Grace said...

In my family we're all scrabble lovers.

Jennifer said...

We watch a lot of the Disney channel together and I read to the younger three and my oldest likes to read himself! I play games like Uno with the oldest two. The younger two can't really play games yet! I would love to win this package!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Heather said...

I was saying to PB the other day that EB is ready for a really good chapter book for me to read aloud to her but I just wasn't sure which one to try first.

Unknown said...

Fun giveaway!! Here are my answers:

Do you do family nights? YES! Isn't every night family night? No, really, we do them once a week.
Do you have a favorite game? Hmmm. Apples to Apples is a good one.
Family movie? Elf. We love it!
Book that would be a good read aloud? Long before the movie was announced, we read The Tale of Desperaux. LOVED IT!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!!

Unknown said...

Blogged about it!

Mandy said...

congrats winners! We like to act out scriptures stories, go to the grocery store and have "garbage night" (everyone gets to choose one thing for dinner--dad and I usually round it out:), write letters to family, play games.

Anonymous said...

Family night is AWESOME!!! We love doing things together. Games, books, movies, driving around looking at Christmas lights and playing the alphabet game with the decorations,and oh so much more.

Some of our favorite games over the years (my kids are 16 and 13 now), have been...Harry Potter games (Mystery at Hogwarts, Trivia, the Trading Card Game, which we made rules so that the entire family could play together), Trouble, Aggravation, Sequence, Rat-a-tat-Cat, Taboo, and Catch Phrase.

We used to do game night every Friday with a dinner that included dessert, and a movie on Saturday nights about once or twice a month. But with teenagers now, things change. They have social schedules of their own. We still manage to have family game/movie time though at least twice a month and more during the holiday breaks!


Anonymous said...

I just became a follower! :) yeah, exciting times ahead.

Unknown said...

What a great idea! The kids are pretty young, so we don't have many traditions, but we do popcorn and a movie!

I love the Princess Bride and the Goonies. Two of my favorite movies ever!

Unknown said...

I am also following you now... oh sounds kind of creepy saying it like that!

Heather said...

We love to have family nights playing games or watching a movie. Lately we've been addicted to playing Guitar Hero World Tour.

Heather said...

And I am a follower!

jennykate77 said...

Good Morning! I'm over from SITs...great blog!! Congrats to the winners! I love your giveaways! We do have family game nights. Not really with our small immediate family (DS is only 4), but with our extended family. We love to play Monopoly or Tripoly. We all LOVE (like L-O-V-E love) 80's movies!

Swirl Girl said...

Congrats to the date night out winners! It couldn't be me, right?
I guess I am relegated to staying in yet again - so I guess I could do that playing some family games.

We just played Pictureka last night- a totally fun kind of "I Spy" game.

Wouldn't it be fun to play another new game?

Shelley said...

Our family night is usually starting a movie or playing a game like Trouble or Jenga. Then we wind up in the floor laughing and tickling and rough housing each other. Mostly.....although, sometimes, we actually sit through an entire movie.

Shelley said...

I'm a follower.....yeah, follower, I would never stalk.

Untypically Jia said...

My husband and I have family nights with other couples because we currently don't have children. We get together once a month, have a lesson, play a game and socialize. Our favourite game so far has been a scripture-ized version of The Newlywed Game!

Untypically Jia said...

Oh, and I am now one of your followers!

Becca Watson said...

Awesome giveaway! We try to have a family night, we usually have sunday as a family day. My favorite game to play is the game of life. We love to watch any Disney movie, and I grew up with the story time, but have not yet done that with my family..

Becca Watson said...

I'm now a follower

Becca Watson said...

And I just posted your giveaway on my blog

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Do you do family nights? Sometimes we do game nights with my sisters. When my daughter is older we definitely will do family night. Do you have a favorite game? I like Rummy and TabooFamily movie? No way I can pick just one, I have so many favoritesBook that would be a good read aloud? Anything Tolkien, Calvin & Hobbes is fun too ;)

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Blogged about it ;)

Teri said...

Hey, I'm a follower/stalker/creepy watcher. :-)

Teri said...

And I have been a follwer for a long time....yes, yes, yes I have.

Teri said...

We try to do lots of fun and different things with the kids. We don't have a specific family night, but we make sure we eat at the table together and talk a lot. We play video games together, cards, go to baseball games, whatever. I read all the Harry Potter books to the kids. Can't wait till the next movie comes out.

Oh, one of our favorite family movies is Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Anyone, Anyone?

ikkinlala said...

May Canadians enter?

We don't do regular family nights, but we do love playing games when we get a chance - a couple of our favourites are crokinole and Scrabble.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners!!!

'Love Actually' is one of my favourite films. Mind you, anything with Hugh Grant in it is a favourite. He's on my stalking list !!!

Oohhhh ... those are awesome prizes. Count my entry, please !! :-)

We used to have family game nights, when the kids were little. Hoping to get back into it with the grandkids. The Harry Potter books are among my favourites to read aloud. Movies ...hmmm ... that's harder as I have so many favourites..

Unknown said...

Oh, and I already stalk/follow you :-)

Cecily said...

We have family night every Monday night, and it always ends with hide and go seek.

Cecily said...

I am following you now.

Anonymous said...

Well, we try to have family night as often as possible. We love to watch Napoleon Dynamite or Big Fat Liar - they never stop being funny. For games, we love to play Apples to Apples or Clue, or Sorry, or...anything really!! I have never heard of Blokus - sounds fun.

contact me at:

Unknown said...

Family night at our house is usually Friday. We always order pizza or calzones from our favorite place and then watch a movie or play a game. We went through big Clue and Apples 2 Apples phases in the fall, and watched some Christmas movies lately. I love Blokus, but we don't own it, so this would be an awesome prize for my family!

Reva Skie said...

We do game days, we include the inlaws. We love Mexican train dominoes and scrabble. I have been drooling over Blokus since I saw it on Amazon. That game looks like a blast!!

annies home said...

we are a family that is normally on the go in the summer time that is why it is the winter when we can normally sit down and play games. This Wednsday is one night when we play games most the night.

Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

We don't have a family night since one of my kids can't sit still enough for an hour show! ;) My oldest likes to eat popcorn while we watch a new Disney or Pixar movie.

The Mom Jen said...

Our family is into the Scene It games. We have Harry Potter, two Disney editions and we all get into it as a family!! This contest is fab, thanks for the chance!

The Mom Jen said...

I'm a follower now!

Wanda said...

Yes...we are total cornballs! We do games and reading together. More when we weren't so busy.
We love to be together.

Love the 80's stuff! So my time, baby!

I also posted a link to your contest.

Sig said...

Our family night is Sunday night. After we eat dinner, we play "what would you do". We got the idea from a book witht hat name and now we make up sceneraios and everyone tells what they would do...

Trish said...

We are resolving this year to create a once a month game night at our house with dinner and friends! We were just alking about this last night. Our new favorite game is Apples to Apples Jr. (appropriate for the little ones. We also love sequence and Phase 10.

Lately our favorite family movie has been the original Indiana Jones. My kids are so into that right now.

Trish said...

of course I follow you!!

Sarah Speaks- Savvy SAHM Reviews & Giveaways said...

We don't have scheduled family nights but one the mood strikes us we declare one. My favorite game is scategories my daughters is Uno attack. I'm waiting for her to get a bit older so I can read the Little House on the Prairie series to her.

Sarah Speaks- Savvy SAHM Reviews & Giveaways said...

We don't have scheduled family nights but one the mood strikes us we declare one. My favorite game is scategories my daughters is Uno attack. I'm waiting for her to get a bit older so I can read the Little House on the Prairie series to her.

MDtripmom said...

I signed up to be a lemming...I mean follower of your blog! :)

Tanya said...

We love doing family fun night! My son really looks forward to it. What a great giveaway and a great blog :)

Tanya said...

Oh, now a follower as well!

Jen said...

Kat, did you know that you are the awesomest!?! You are just so cool and your prizes totally rock!!!!

Just wanted you to know. :)

Ritch in Love said...

What fantastic prizes! Yes! Our family has family night! My stepkids are with us about 62 days a year(they live in TX we live in UT) and practically every night when they are here is family night! Our favorite family night game? CLUE the Haunted Mansion version. Our favorite family night movie? We have a few, Transformers, Harry Potter, or Newsies! And our favorite Family night treat? Popcorn with hot sauce!

Michelle said...

Man, you're getting some awesomely creative prizes here, Kat! You're better than Santa AND Hanukkah Harry rolled into one. Just sayin'

We don't have a family game night because we play games ALL. THE. TIME. The wee ones are obsessed by them right now, but this is something that we'll institute as a regular thing as they grow older. Right now, our favorite game is the Spriderman and Friends Matching Game, which recently overtook the Scooby Doo Haunted House Game (thank GOD).

And umm would you believe that I've never seen the Goonies? I DO recognize that the cover of Princess Bride has changed though... does that count for anything?

We do Movie Night With Mommy on Fridays that Mister Man is particularly well behaved (and sleeps), which is generally Dumbo or Robin Hood of the Disney persuasion. Always fun!

And books that are good to read aloud? I love reading the Disney stories. We have a Finding Nemo novel that they LOVE me to read to them.

Michelle said...

OH, and I stalk you :) I can't believe you've got over 100 comments already - way cool!

OH (again) and the DVDs arrived, yay! Only bummer is that my husband brought them to San Antonio to watch on the plane but his laptop DVD player didn't like the discs. Poor guy ;) He has to wait until we get home!

MaricrisG said...

Congrats to all the winners. This is such a great giveaway idea. Now to try my luck : We do have a family night which is friday and saturday nights where we spend watching our favorite shows which is usually pre-downloaded. It's the only time we can really watch them together and stay up really late! Then here's a book I can highly recommend which is my family's favorite - Zen Shorts by Jon J. Muth {It was awarded the Caldecott Honor}. It teaches great character and life lesson great for kids of today.

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

This prize package is great!
We love Goonies, and we have even been to Astoria OR! Our babies are a bit young for our family nights, but we get together with friends for game nights.

LORI said...


LORI said...


Ginny said...

When we do family nights, we usually do movies & popcorn. Nothing to elaborate, even though I really want to do more. Especially with my oldest getting to the teen years.

Ginny said...

following your blog

Ginny said...

have your weekly contests up on my sidebar!

Jenners said...

Wow! You have some amazing contests!

I've seen Blokus but didn't know what it was -- I'll have to check it out if I don't win (which I won't since I almost NEVER win anything I enter).

Pretty much every night is Family Night as I have only 1 child who is 4 and he doesn't spend much time away from the house at night. One of our favorite family activities is building with Legos. We'll also watch a movie if my son has had a nap and can stay up later. When he gets older, I definitely plan on reading together like you did with the Harry Potter books; my dad and I did that and it was one of my favorite memories.

Great post! Your blog is so much fun!

Lula! said...

You know how I feel about The Goonies and The Princess Bride. Excellent giveaway, my dear.

Yes, we do family nights. Our favorite game is Sequence--but the girls are too young for that, so we play a lot of Electronic Guess Who?, as well. Favorite family movie--Swiss Family Robinson. And I believe Twilight should be read aloud, preferably by someone with a sexy, British accent. Ahem.

Kika said...

Congrats to the winners! We are big Netflixx Fans and so thats what our family nights consist of. We love to watch movies and cook a nice dinner together before that.

Kika said...

I am a follower!

Aubrey said...

I'm here!! Better late than never, right?? Right!
I love The Princess Bride and The Goonies! What a fun giveaway!

This is the 2nd year my teen and I have watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy during the holidays. We try to finish before Christmas but they are sooo long!

We don't do family nights as much as we should. When we do, we usually pull out UNO spin and laugh a lot!

Anonymous said...

I love playing games with friends; I can't wait until my 2 boys are old enough to sit still for a family game night. Right now though my 4 y.o. can play Jenga, and another fave is "Orchard".

My brother LOVES Goonies. We used to have the VHS way back when but it got lost. I would love to give him this DVD!!!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

My Two Army Brats said...

We're a chaotic mess of family game nights, days, weekends and mornings. We just started homeschooling our two boys so we're family time all the time. But I think that maybe a designated game night just for us once a week would be so great. Wednesday nights sound fantastic. Dinner and games then baths and bed woohoo!

I need to win.

My Two Army Brats said...

I stalk you...

My Two Army Brats said...

And I posted about it on my blog

Trish said...

alright, it's up on my blog!!

Hope I win this one ;-)

Bunny B said...

I love Family Nights! We usually just do stuff as a family, be it watching a movie, karaoke or playing games! :) FUN!
bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

bunnybx at gmail . com

evitafjord said...

Sometimes. We spend a lot of time together as a family and have kind of impromptu family nights. We like to play Wii together and board games. Our favorite family game is Yahtzee. We don't really have a movie that we watch over and over again as a family, but we do watch whatever kid shows are new. We like to watch Phineas and Ferb together. One of my favorite kid books that I should read to the kids is The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill. Or the Princess Bride would be great too.

evitafjord said...

I'm a follower - and btw, my sister just gave my dad Goonies for Christmas. What a great movie! - but he lives 2000 miles away, so I definitely need my own copy.

evitafjord said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mama Dawg said...

I already follow you!

Mama Dawg said...

We totally just watched The Princess Bride Saturday night! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that movie.

Ask Lula about my obsession with the Goonies. It's hardcore. I'm a Mikey all the way.

We do movie and game nights several times a month. We love to play Clue and Sleeping Queens.

As far as movies go, any and all. We're totally movie freaks in our house.

We love to read the Harry Potter books out loud, as well.

kalea_kane said...

We have a family game night every Friday which is often followed by a movie. We don't have a favorite. We do have certain picks. If we want a long game, we will probably play Monopoly. We also are huge fans of Connect Four which we play in speed rounds. You don't really think, you just race drop the chips. We are also fans of Trivial Pursuit. I also just bought Scene It for my family for Christmas. We'll see how that goes. :) The Princess Bride is one of our family faves. We quote it to each other all the time.

Thanks for the chance!

kalea_kane said...

I am also a follower. :)

windycindy said...

Hi, What a fabulous giveaway drawing! We try to have family night every Wednesday. That is depending on how much homework there is to be done! One book we like to read aloud is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!" "Password" is one of our favorite family games. Please enter my name in your delightful drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi

Heather said...

With my weird schedule, we don't have a "set" family night, but we do try to read a book together every night (we're reading classic Nancy Drew right now), and we love to play Crazy 8 cards and the new Life game (with the "lifepod" that keeps track of your money).

We are going to start a new tradition this year of spending New Year's Eve together, just the five of us, eating favorite foods, playing Rock Band and board games and cards, and making resolutions in a journal.

We're getting ready to go to the library now, and I'm totally going to look for these books. Nancy Drew almost has the case solved, so we're gonna need a new book.

Hope you had a great holiday!

Rachel Ann said...

I don't personally have family nights because I am single!

However, when I go to my sister's or friends' houses we play games (Cootie for the preschool set), Cranium (which creates much laughter); watch movies (GOONIES is the best all time 80's movie ever made!!!) and reading? Well, I read to myself....

Fun, fun giveaway!

Tallulah said...

Oh that game looks fantastic, definitely one to add to our list of games to get (If, of course, I don't win it!) We are Princess Bride fans here as well....

Favorite games of ours? Munchkin card games, good old Clue, apples to apples, RISK, new to us is Settlers of Cataan. Also of late are many many Rockband sessions.

I have 6 children,m and when they all gather, it almost always ends up with some kind of game being played.

Tallulah said...

Following you now!

Tallulah said...

Annnnnnnd added a post to my blog!

Asylumgirl said...

Gosh, no we don't, but we really should. Harry Potter is a good read aloud, takes a while, but it's enchanting.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

Aileigh said...

I LOVE Blokus and family night! :) Goonies is the best and you are awesome for offering this giveaway!

Tamara B. said...

Our family game night is on Tuesday and we usually play the Wii bowling game. Our family movie night is on Friday and the children get to pick out the movie.

Tamara B. said...

I follow you.

Aileigh said...

And I am now following you! :)

Anonymous said...

Coming over here really late after all the excitement of the holidays.

Thank you so much for the drawing stuff and the LipSamckers. I have been wanting Prismacolor pencils Forever!!!!!!

My Husband and I love Scrabble :)

Lisa said...

I love family nights - we usually pick out a movie together, make some popcorn and cuddle up on the couch under a big warm fleece blanket - a little piece of heaven right in my living room. Our newest way to spend family night - Clue DVD...

Lisa said...

I'm a follower!

Lisa said...

And I blogged about it here:

KR said...

Clue and any James Bond movie!

Shannon said...

Those are both great movies! I can remember seeing "The Goonies" at the theater!

We don't have a set family game night. But we do like to play games.. UNO is a favorite. And the Scene It? ones (H just got the Disney Channel Edition for Christmas but we haven't tried it yet... we love the Disney movie versions, though)

Shannon said...

Still following...

silverhartgirl said...

We dont have a family night but we do need to start one.
We do love to play games we like trouble

The Halton Mom said...

Every night is family night right now. We're home bodies. We love movies and my daughter would go nuts over Princess Bride. Thanks for the opportunity.

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

M said...

Ooooh, I love the Goonies!!

We've never had a family game night, but I would really like to start one.

My three youngest are a little too small for the board games but the movies and snacks would most definitely interest them. My oldest would love to read aloud and play board games.

Unknown said...

I posted, I commented, I followed, I love....

What more could you possibly want from me?

How about if you let me win I promise to come retrive the gift in person???

Michelle said...

How fun is this?! I have a VHS copy of the Princess Bride, but I could sure use a better one. I looove that movie.

We have a game night with a group of friends and relatives and all our kids. We're having one for New Years, actually. It's so much fun every time; I can't wait!

Michelle said...

I already stalk--er, follow you.

Linda said...

It's not a standing date, but we have family movie nights and game nights on occasion. The kids love to play Apples to Apples. We all love to play Scrabble. We're in the middle of watching The Bourne trilogy of movies. Next up we're going start watching Heroes from the beginning. Fun fun.

Linda said...

Already ... and still ... following you!

Linda said...

When the kids were home we always had family night, which usually consisted of playing Monoply. Now that they are all grown up, hubs and I play cribbage most evenings or watch movies in bed. Oh wait-we have Jon and Yoko Wednesdays (our day off together)which means we stay in bed all day, watching tv, reading and ordering pizza.

Linda said...

And now I am a follower....

Brimful Curiosities said...

Just starting the family night thingy. My preschool daughter is old enough now and enjoys playing UNO!! Numbers and colors (little does she know she's learning..ha.ha) We also like watching the movie CARS as a family. Never "tire" of it...sorry couldn't resist a play on words. We read every night. That varies. Thanks so much for the fab giveaway.

Brimful Curiosities said...

I'm a follower.

Brimful Curiosities said...

Blogged here:

Mama Wheaton said...

We went to Astoria and took atour of where they filmed Goonies and then in Seattle we went to the space needle park area and watched Goonies on a large drive up theatre set up. We really like Cranium(sp), and lately we are into watching old movies (mostly John Wayne right now).

Liz said...

I really like to incorporate games on our family nights, but with young ones, we usually just have nachos or pizza and watch a family flick all together. Thanks,
lizzydearslife at gmail dot com

Liz said...

Following you!
lizzydearslife at gmail dot com

Karen said...

Awesome giveaway! I just found your blog via Brimful Curiosities!

Karen said...

I'm a new follower -- we are trying to do more reading with the kids, read aloud and games. They are a little young for movies, but we look forward to that too.

kalea_kane said...

I blogged about your giveaway here. I love your giveaways even if I don't win, they are so much fun to read!

Anonymous said...

We love to play Scattergories, Pictionary, & especially Cranium. Game nights are so much fun... I love them!

Simply Stacie said...

We play Risk, Crazy 8 Countdown and Countries of the World trivia game. So much fun!

Simply Stacie said...

I'm now a follower.

janetfaye said...

After a family weekend dinner we like to play Monopoly.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow your blog.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anya said...

Our favorite family game is Scrabble and our favorite movie is National Treasure. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sena said...

On family nights, we love to play Taboo, and other card games!

Sena said...

I have you linked at

Janna said...

We do lots of family games - 10 point pitch is a long time fave as is Scrabble. Apples to Apples is a new favorite, but the game we discovered this Christmas that has shot to the top of our list is "Buzz Word"! What fun!

Brandy said...

My WV friends bought Blokus on Monday. We must have played it a 1000 times between then and last night. I love it!

Janna said...

I am now a follower :-)

Mrs Anne said...

Congrats to the winners!

What a fun giveaway this is! I think family time is #1, and is on my continued focus list as we enter into 2009. I think games/movies are key to connecting with those in your family. Games can allow you to bring out your creative side, your competitive in fun side, and your skills! movies are great because you can share experiences, and emotions together!

truth be told.. i've NEVER seen PrincessBride... and everytime i admit that people stop dead in their tracks! ha!


happiest new year my friend!


p.s. i'm a follower!

Gina said...

Enter me.

Gina said...

Posting about it.

Gina said...

following you...

lynette355 said...

I am commenting
so I declare!
I follow already!
And I will add you to my give away blog. Give me just a moment to set that up.
Hey come see my 100 items give away too!

lynette355 said...

Ok here it is posted at my site.
along with some other fantastic give aways

natalie said...

I think we've played 'Trouble' about 86,522 times since Christmas, so I'd love a new game :)

Great giveaway!

natalie said...

And...I'm also a follower

Michelle said...

Seriously, how did I miss this?? I almost missed out.

Anyhoo, we love game night. We don't have a special night set aside just when ever we feel like it. Some of our favorites are Life, Scrabble, Yatzee, and this years new game, Guess Who deluxe.

I have been reading The Tales of Beedle the Bard and was thinking if my kids were younger this would be a great book to read outloud.

Michelle said...

Already a follower....

Jo-Jo said...

Cranium is my favorite game! We play it everytime by hubby's brother and his family come to visit!

Jo-Jo said...

I am a follower!

Tam said...

Being a Teen of the 80's I guess I should have seen the Princess Bride...HMM but never did.

Tam said...

and I am a follower

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower...Ann

Yelowflower said...

I would take the week 5 items - yum

looks like a lot of fun is being had by all thanks to you, so Thank You