Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Follies: Here we go a-caroling

First, I want to thank you all so much for your comments on my post yesterday about my dad. I was okay writing it. But the comments. They made me break out the buckets. And I might have short circuited my computer.

And don't forget that today is the last day to enter the week 5 of the Weekend Winners. And this week it's all about sex and chocolate! Winner will be announced tomorrow - and week 6 will launch.

This week we are back to the guest questioner...and it's Carrie from Oikology. I don't know how Carrie found me (hey, did you find me?)...but she commented for the first time on this post. Is it scary to you that I recall this? It's kinda scary to me. And her comment made me laugh out loud. (Okay, I MUST have the I *heart* my big ta-tas t-shirt! Off to find it and buy it! I don't care that I will never wear it in public, I just wanna say I own it!) And I had to go and read her. And stalk her. And wish that I looked that cool in blue glasses. And you must go read this post. That includes this picture/impersonation of Cher:Carrie...did you ever buy that ta-tas shirt?

Was that enough ado to say "without further ado?"...

Hello there Sunshine and Lemonade readers! I'm your guest inquisitor for today! Because Kat blackmailed me, that's why!! Watch out what you say because she's not afraid to use it against you! Before you know it, you'll be doing her laundry and driving her kids places just for saying you didn't like Twilight!

Okay, I might be exaggerating just a teeny bit. But not that much... (**Ummm...she got bribed because she said she didn't like "would you rather questions." So I kindly requested that she do the questions herself. If you want to do questions - the queue is open for January!)

Since one of my very most favorite-est thing about the Holiday season is the music, I figured I'd ask you some questions based around Christmas Music!!! I listen to Christmas music 24/7 from the day after Thanksgiving all the way until I go to bed on Christmas night. I may have a problem, but as far as I know, there's no 12-step program for it yet. So until that day comes, you'll most likely see me driving around in my little Silver Bug head-boppin' with a big smile, screaming my heart out to my favorite tunes!

So here are your questions! It's "time for joy and time for cheer!"

What's your favorite Christmas Song?

Have you ever eaten figgy pudding? What other kinds of pudding other than Jell-O have you eaten?

Fill in the blank: All you want for Christmas is….

When do you start listening to Christmas Music?

What's your favorite Reindeer game and who's your favorite Reindeer?

Fill in the blank with whatever you want: You're dreaming of a ______ Christmas.

If you could change the lyrics to 12 days of Christmas, what would replace "a partridge in a pear tree?"

Do you go "Over the River and Through the Woods" for Christmas or stay at home?

Have you ever gone "a'Wassailing?"

Who is your all-time favorite singer of Christmas Music?

Did you ever catch "Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" or have your kids caught you being Santa??

What's your favorite thing to "Deck the Halls" with?

Have you ever seen "The Nutcracker" Ballet? Where??

What is your least favorite Christmas Song?

Well, that's pretty much all the Christmas music questions I can think of! "Although it's been said, many times, many ways..." the Ball & Chain, the Midget, the Wieners, and I wish you a most joyous (and music-filled) Holiday Season! Stop over and see me sometime!

post signature

Theme song: Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmastime


Carrie said...

Eeeeek! Look at me on your blog! I'm so excited I think I just wet myself!

Would it be lame of me to answer my own questions first? Yep, I thought so...

Rosemary Q said...

"All I want for Christmas"

no figgy pudding...rice pudding is about as adventurous as I get.

health and happiness

the day after Thanksgiving

Rudolph of course


"a diamond in a (loaded)jewelry tree"

stay home


Dean Martin


lots of vintage elves all over the house

yes, Los Angeles Pantages Theater

12 days of Christmas

Anonymous said...

Ok...this blog is to cute, tear jerking, and giddy(whatever that means)... so here I go, not knowing what I am doing and answering your blog...

1. My favorite song is "White Christmas"""""...yes siree bob!

2. No figgy stuff for me, but had a few plum puddings...I think!

3.Fill in the blank: All you want for Christmas is…. is a great new year!

4. I start listening to Christmas...are you kidding, I never goes on and on and on all year..

5. Of course Rudolfo..oops Rudolf and never heard of Reindeer games.

6. WHITE (love that snow)

7. "A parent flying to Paris"

8. Nope, down the hill and around the corner!

9. Yes all the time.. we ail when we aren't waffeling for breakfast.

20.. PERRY COMO!!!!!

22. YEP AND YEP... wrapped boots..they were found, then suddenly they had boots from Santa under the come on, they actually were so sneaky, they wore them and wrapped them back...and laughed when they saw "Santa's name"...hehe, not our kid, it was the husband when he was a kid,...did it to his mom.

23. Nativities sets everywhere.

24. NO..only on TV..we live in the wilderness...

25..Hmmm wondering if the questioner my have a slip of the memory, but I will go alone...favorite song..."White Christmas...hehe!

I love, love, love Christmas, thanks for asking the questions..

MsTypo said...

Wow lots of questions today! Ok let's see...

1. Elf's Lament by Barenaked Ladies

2. No Figgy... But i love orange pudding, and lemon pudding (totally different styles of preparation and cooking not at all related), and christmas pudding! :)

3. a pink ipod!! :)

4. All year long. Yup, i'm that person. :p

5. My fave reindeer is Olive. :p

6. relaxing christmas!! :))

7. first class tickets on Emirates. :p

8. Since moving abroad we always go away.

9. I have no idea what wasailing is... is it kinky?

10. Me!!! :)

11. Me being santa? I don't get it. Santa is santa!! *confused*

12. I've seen the nutcracker numerous times growing up in toronto. I wish i could see it again. *sigh*

13. 12 days is kind of annoying. Although the email forward on it is highly amusing. Think - stalking. LOL

Anonymous said...

Santa Baby

No figgy pudding

All I want for Christmas a new Mac Book :)

July, April, December, whenever the mood strikes me

Fav reindeer - Umm, Rudolph maybe? Cause he's famous.

Dreaming of a peaceful Christmas

A Starbucks in my stocking

This year staying home, thank goodness!

Nope don't think so.

Frank Sinatra (hubby MADE me write that)

I caught my mom and dad, my kids have no clue!

Hmm, I don't really decorate actually.

Nutcracker is my favorite. We used to go every year as a kid. I even went alone at nearly 8 months preggers cause I really wanted to go (hubby dropped me off at least but refused to go inside, nice...)

Least fav song - anything classic taken to modernish sound (like rapping little drummer boy or something). Yuck. And the transiberian orchestra don't like them at all.

Tam said...

John Lennon....this is Christmas

Britt said...

Oh, to pick just one .. I like the slower ones, Silent Night, White Christmas .. and Santa Baby

No figgy pudding .. no unJello pudding, thanks :-)

My family to be healthy and happy

I don't actually own any .. except for my Hanson christmas cd .. maybe I should fix this?

Reindeer scare me ..especially when they play games.

Non-Icy, Non-Windy

"And a diamond studded cactus earring!"

We do a mixture .. stay home, and then travel for various family get-togethers. We haven't decided plans this year yet.

Does that involve being naked?

Mr. Crosby .. croony!

Nope, my parents never did the whole Santa thing. They were straight with us from the beginning. Same goes here with our kids :o)

Candy canes .. I'm all about edible decorations!

Nope .. oh wait, once. An itty bitty part of it on PBS one year.

All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth .. that whistle makes me *cringe*!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Carrie it would totally not be lame to answer your own questions first. I try to answer mine first. If I am awake when it publishes. And if I don't forget entirely. But let's not go there.

Fav Christmas song: The one you picked for today, or the John Lennon one I had from the other day. Or "Come all Ye Faithful." In Latin - "Adeste Fidelis"

Nope. And I don't think I have had non jello varieties. I am not sure.

a family vacation

other than what's on my blog...I havent' started. Shocking, huh?

I like the letter meme. I called those my reindeer games. And I like Rudolph's girlfriend.

White. Cause it'll only happen in my dreams

uhhh...this is why I don't write song lyrics

stay home

our church goes a wassailing each year. We usually don't go because it's too cold. I love all the responses that are dirty :-)

Josh Groban

what? I can't be Santa. I am not an elf.

Santas. I need to blog about my mom's collection. That there is no longer room for on our mantle.

Yep. Many times. At the Fox Theatre in Atlanta.

My Pretty Little Dolly. Or Grandma got run over by a Reindeer. Or I am sure that there are others :-)

Thanks so much Carrie!!

Mama Dawg said...

The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Bread and banana. Nope to figgy.

Fill in the blank: All you want for Christmas is the winning lottery ticket. Barring that, I'll take a new camera.

About 3 days before Christmas.

The one where they...heck, I dunno. Fav reindeer...No one ever says Donner, so I'll go with that.

Fill in the blank with whatever you want: You're dreaming of a cold Christmas.

A well house trained puppy.

We drive down the road to my grandmother's for dinner, but do Santa at the house.


Bing, of course.

Nope to both.


Yes, but I can't remember where. Mississippi when growing up, perhaps.

That da*n Chipmunks song.

Brandy said...

Winter Wonderland

No figgy pudding, but I've sampled rice, bread, and chocolate puddings. two front teeth. This is a quiz right? What do I win?

I don't really. Sometimes I'll pop in my Nsync Christmas album. Yes, I really own that! But normally I only listen if it's playing in a store or on the radio.

Scrabble? Vixen. Cause it sounds naughty. I like naughty.

I'm dreaming of a FAMILY FILLED Christmas.

A dove in a grape vine? I have no idea.

Both. I go to my Dads, which is only 30 minutes away, but definitely through the woods.

I don't even know what this is.

Bing Crosby



Just on TV.

I'm sure there are a bunch but I can't think of any at the moment.

ChicagoLady said...

I'm at work and can't take the time to answer all the questions, but someone who isn't in Chicago has heard of The Pretty Little Dolly by Mona Abboud????

HiHoOhio said...

Silent Night

Yes, Yuck-Bread Pudding with Bourbon or RUm sauce-YUM!


I start the day after thanksgiving

Catch me if you can

I am dreaming of sleeping through the night

Peace on Earth and money in the bank!

Over the river the day after

Is Wassling Legal in Ohio, it is not in Texas!!!

Harry Conick Jr.

I caught Mommy kissing (and then some) Santa when I was about 12

I love the lights

Saw it too many times in San Antonio, bad ballet, usually someone's child

No more Par Rump pa pa Pums's please

Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!

Unknown said...

Silent Night or O Holy Night My NEW favorite is "It's Christmas Baby" by Amy Grant.

Never eaten Figgy pudding but I laugh REALLY hard when Miss Piggy thinks they're saying "Piggy pudding" and she says "Piggy Pudding!?!?!" and Scooter says "No, figgy pudding, it's made with figs." (and then under his breath he says "and bacon")

I've had a lot of plum pudding and rice pudding.

All I want for Christmas is a smile on my girls face.

August 1st.

Favorite Game - Shoots & Antlers. Favorite Reindeer? Vixen of course.

I'm dreaming of a peaceful Christmas.

...and a lottery check in my checking account.

Staying home this year.

Gone and LOVED it.

Amy Grant

no and no


Multiple times. When I was a little a store always gave away tickets and we always seemed to win. We saw it in Minneapolis and Leah Thompson (the actress), her brother played the Nutcracker. And he and Leah were the grandkids of the lady my mom worked for and she babysat them a couple times.

Anytime they take a classic christmas carol and start messing with it.. I don't like that.

Mariah said...

What's your favorite Christmas Song? The first Noel, I guess because that is my sister's name

Have you ever eaten figgy pudding? What other kinds of pudding other than Jell-O have you eaten? I don't know what figgy pudding is

Fill in the blank: All you want for Christmas is… some peace and quiet

When do you start listening to Christmas Music? Right about now

What's your favorite Reindeer game and who's your favorite Reindeer?

Fill in the blank with whatever you want: You're dreaming of a _inexpensive_____ Christmas.

If you could change the lyrics to 12 days of Christmas, what would replace "a partridge in a pear tree?" And a puppy that comes housebroken

Do you go "Over the River and Through the Woods" for Christmas or stay at home? HOME

Have you ever gone "a'Wassailing?"
We go caroling

Who is your all-time favorite singer of Christmas Music?

Did you ever catch "Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" or have your kids caught you being Santa??

Oh yes, I caught them when I was about 11 and they were doing more than kissing under the Christmas tree

What's your favorite thing to "Deck the Halls" with? Evergreen swags

Have you ever seen "The Nutcracker" Ballet? Where?? EVERY YEAR. Hollywood

What is your least favorite Christmas Song? Here comes Santa Clause

Shannon said...

My favorite traditional Christmas carol is "O Holy Night"... favorite song would be "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"

No to the figgy pudding. I'm not a fan of pudding regardless of variety or who makes it.

All you want for Christmas is…. a MacBook, baby!

Usually around Thanksgiving

Scattergories / Blitzen

You're dreaming of a _stress-free_ Christmas.

I'd love for my true love to give to me a MacBook! OR a huge diamond ring :)

Well, we stay in the same town, but we do travel to my mom's house (10 min away) and Shane's (2 min away)

Can't say that I've ever a'Wassailed

Josh Groban or Andy Williams



Just the Nutcracker done locally with the Chattanooga Symphony and Ballet Tennessee

Feliz Navidad

S Club Mama said...

thanks for stopping by yesterday! I appreciate all the kind comments.

Lula! said...

Here I be...

O Holy Night (it's the Gospel, plain and simple.)

What is figgy pudding?

All I want for Christmas is Jason Statham. Amen.

The rocking around the Christmas tree begins the Friday after Thanksgiving...and is only turned off after all the decorations are down, on January 2.

My favorite reindeer game is The Liberator. (KAT--wooooooooo, I said this on your blog!) My favorite reindeer (ok, regular deer) live in my yard...a family of 4 that we've had with us for almost 4 years. We defy anyone to shoot at them--'cause we'll break out our guns on you!

I'm dreaming of a peaceful Christmas.

Jason Statham in my house with me. (Please don't tell Scott I said that.)

STAY HOME! Praise God.

Yes, I have wassailed my wassail off in the cold, many times.

Bing Crobsy, baby!

Never caught my 'rents, never been caught by my kinds. Praise God.

I deck the halls with lots of greenery. All faux.

Yes, I've seen The Nutracker Suite. Live. Several times, several places.

Least favorite Christmas song? Anything that Whitney Houston sings--she grates on my nerves.

Jo-Jo said...

One week of being busy and I lose my stalker status! MAN!

What's your favorite Christmas Song? The Chirstmas Song & Silent Night

Have you ever eaten figgy pudding? What other kinds of pudding other than Jell-O have you eaten? I have never eaten figgy pudding...what is it anyway? Hummm. I am a jello gal.

Fill in the blank: All you want for Christmas is…. My two front teeth.

When do you start listening to Christmas Music? Thanksgiving

What's your favorite Reindeer game and who's your favorite Reindeer? Monopoly and Comet

Fill in the blank with whatever you want: You're dreaming of a ______ Christmas. Sunny...I hate snow.

If you could change the lyrics to 12 days of Christmas, what would replace "a partridge in a pear tree?" A dimond and platiumn (sp) ring.

Do you go "Over the River and Through the Woods" for Christmas or stay at home? Both

Have you ever gone "a'Wassailing?" A what?

Who is your all-time favorite singer of Christmas Music? Garth...Elvis rocks too.

Did you ever catch "Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" or have your kids caught you being Santa?? I wasn't allowed to believe in Santa but I kissed my santa hubby last year!

What's your favorite thing to "Deck the Halls" with? balls of holly of course!

Have you ever seen "The Nutcracker" Ballet? Where?? No I haven't...I would LOVE too!

What is your least favorite Christmas Song? Prob the 12 Days of Christmas...errr. Its like 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall!

Rhonda said...

1. Mary Did You Know? Followed closely by Gramma got run over by a reindeer.
2. No. Never tried it, but, like oysters and calamari, I just can't bring myself to....
3. A bank account that isn't laughable....
4. December 1st ish
5. I got nuthin...
6. Hot - but it ain't gonna happen. I'm Canadian you know.
7. A slurpee with free refills....
8. We go every-frickin' place! It's all about obligation, and is why I laugh when people call these and others 'holidays'!
9. One time a-was-sailing, but ended up hanging my head over the side a-pukin'!
10. The Chipmunks
11. Nope. What do you mean, caught me being santa? Are you calling me fat? And old?
12. I'm a huge fan of Christmas smells. I have candles everywhere and cinnamon pine cones.
13. Nope.
14. Can't think of one...

Crystal Rae said...

What a lot of Christmas questions LOL.
P.S. Tag your it... check out my blog!

Linda said...

Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Not only have I eaten it, I have MADE figgy pudding.

All I want for Christmas is ... good memories.

Officially listen to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving.

I like Comet ... you know, have you seen The Santa Clause? That Comet.

I'm dreaming of a PEACEFUL Christmas.

... and a brand new Red Ferrari! Even though a pear tree would be cool, you can keep the partridge.

We've been over the river and through the woods for several years. Now it's my turn, and we stay home.

I make a wicked wassail!

Hmmm ... most of my Christmas CDs are from various artists. Guess I don't really have a fave.

Never caught Mommy, but all us cousins caught my aunt once. She had a hard time explaining that one.

I have this awesome garland that I made out of old Christmas cards. You'd have to see it to appreciate it.

The Nutcracker is my daughter's favorite story, but we've never seen the ballet.

Least favorite Christmas song ... it's some Beasty Boys rendition of a classic. Bad, really bad.

LadyStyx said...

01) Depends on the situation. In church, my favorite is O Holy Night (although something can be said about the beauty of the Ave Maria sung in Latin). If Im streaming music on my computer then it's Mistletoe Jam by Luther Vandross although Andy William's A Song and a Christmas tree is great too!

02) ew no. Bread pudding, however...ok so that's still kinda ew too.

03) *censored as Im not sure who all is reading this!! This IS a G-rated blog right? I thiought so!*

04) The minute Santa reaches his destination in the Macy's parade.

05) *refers back to question 3* I suspect that the corresponding reindeer for *that* game would be

06) WHITE!! Dammit, I aint seen a real, appreciable amount of snow since 2002.

07) A Bamboo fun by Wacom....

08) Actually it's more like over the river, up a hill and through a ticket...

09) *looks it up* oh! Of course I have....a few more times than I care to admit...

10) ooh hard question. There's 2 I like...Andy WIlliams and Johnny Mathis.

11) sadly no.....dont have kids so I cant get caught.

12) of these days Im going to carpet the ceiling with it!

13) not live....I do watch the Mikhail Baryshnikov version on video every year

14) I'll have to get back to you on that one....Im sure there's a couple but they're so unloved that I put them outta my mind....

Rhea said...

Fav xmas song is What Child is This.

I've never eaten figgy pudding but I have had bread pudding. YUM.

All I want for Christmas is a happy and healthy family. And an iPhone.

I listen to Christmas music when the kids get out of school and when I'm wrapping gifts or decorating the tree.

My fav reindeer game? No clue. This confuses me!!

Fill in the blank with whatever you want: You're dreaming of a ______ Christmas.

If I could change the lyrics to 12 days of Christmas, I would replace "a partridge in a pear tree" with an "iPhone in a new purse."

We're staying at home this Christmas.

I have no idea what a wassailing means?!

I have no idea who me all-time favorite singer of Christmas Music is.

My boys still believe in Santa.

I love ornaments, shiny and glittery.

I have seen the Nutcracker Ballet in Austin many times.

I don't know my least fav xmas song.

ChicagoLady said...

1. Favorite Christmas song? Wow, I have so many. What Child Is This?; Let It Be Christmas; The Pretty Little Dolly; Oh Come All Ye Faithful; Mary Did You Know...

2. Ewww to anything other than Jell-O pudding.

3. A MAN!!!!!

4. The Christmas music starts the day after Thanksgiving, not one day earlier. It's against all the rules.

5. Hide and Seek, Rudolph

6. I'm dreaming of a WARM Christmas. It's too friggin' cold so far!

7. A kiss under the mistletoe.

8. I go over the river and down the road a piece. Only barren fields around here on Christmas.

9. Since I'm assuming you're talking about what we would call caroling, and not a drink similar to beer, no I've never been a-wassailing.

10. All time favorite singer? I'm a sucker for the classics: Perry Como, Johnny Mathis and Andy Williams.

11. I never caught "Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, and I have no kids nor a Santa to kiss.

12. Boughs of Holly, actually. I love hanging garland up now, when I was a kid we had green "garland" that looked real, with red velvet bows.

13. I saw it in Chicago when it was at the old Arie Crown Theatre, back in 1985 I think,

14. Grandman Got Run Over By A Reindeer. If I never hear that song again, it will be too soon.

Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.
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