Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just a few more notes from a Large State

Cindy and I decided that for our field trip, we would remember the Alamo. And not remember the Blue Bell ice cream tour. When I told the kids what we were doing…Madalyn asked what it was. And I told her the Alamo is a place important to Texas history. She says “do we *have* to learn something?” We surely wouldn’t want some edumacating to mess up our vacation.

We also decided that we would go to the Alamo on Wednesday. Because it was going to be the coolest day of the week. Meaning, the high was only 96 instead of 102. Down right balmy. So, on Wednesday morning, we headed downtown…and then tried to figure out where to go. There are lots of signs…but by the time you get close enough to read what they have to say, you realize you are in the wrong lane. We did our fare share of going around the block.

We finally settled on parking in the garage for the River Walk Mall…and as we exited the elevator into the mall, Madalyn realized she was in souvenir heaven. I somehow managed to convince her that we would look on our way out…and that we might find something over at the Alamo. We ambled along (cause we are in Texas) and then had to ask how to get to the Alamo. I wonder how many times the people at the information booth are asked that question every day.

As we walked towards the exit, we had to pass the IMAX movie place. They had all kinds of cool offerings – like one about Ancient Egypt, another about Lewis and Clark, The Alamo experience, The Deep Sea, Dinosaurs, and a few others. So, what did we pick? Well, all the girls just saw the words “Johnny Depp” and that apparently sealed the deal.

Let us pause for a moment…
Okay…so we bought our tickets for the 12:30 show…and then walked across the street to see the Alamo. First of all…this place is gorgeous. The gardens and manicured lawns just sent me off into a picture taking frenzy.

(And after taking the above two pictures, Cindy says to me "did you really take pictures of those birds?! " I thought they were kinda cool...in a "Where's Waldo" way. Ahhh...the crazed mind of a blogger...)

A frenzy that was not appreciated by my group. Because they were hot. And not so into ambling. So, while I took some pictures, the girls went to the loggia for some shade and a bench. Doesn’t that sound romantic? And European? Just going to sit for a while under the loggia and admire the view... But, trust me, it was neither romantic nor European with whiny, stinky girls in the African heat. Wait…maybe it could be European…

After my frenzy came to a momentary halt, I found the girls…who discovered some sort of Animal skin thing. Not sure what it was…or what it was used for. But we decided that it must be Indian. And that we were all Big Chiefs. And then the girls found a bench…that seemed to remind them of a boat…and that it must be a row boat… When they finally pulled me away from the gardens, we approached the front of the mission. There was a sign out front reminding people of the sanctity of the inside of this building…and that we were to use quite voices…and not take pictures. So, we opened the door, and tried not to squeal with delight and get ourselves admonished by the docents…for the inside of the Alamo is blessed with…air conditioning. Wondrous cool air and small oscillating fans.

We walked into the small rooms to see the items on display…and then Madalyn had to tell anyone who would listen that we are related to Davy Crockett. It’s a good thing we had that hook, or I think she would have professed boredom for the whole thing.

We left the building and walked across the courtyard to the gift shop. Another air conditioned haven. We wandered about…and got t-shirts for the girls and one to bring home for daddy. And Ashley found something she could not live without. A giant pencil. (And a few days later when her grandparents asked what we did this week – she didn’t recall the swimming, playing, field trips, Johnny Depp…- nope, none of those could compare to the joy of getting a giant pencil.)

After making our purchases, we headed back over to the mall to have lunch before our Johnny Depp encounter. Did we need another pause? Naturally they had to drag me along as I snapped some more pictures.

When we got to the Food court…Cindy immediately found her boy friend.You should have seen the look on the guy’s face that was working the Cinnabon. He just did not get why we were in hysterics. And then the girls did not get why we *had* to get a picture. Hallelujah for over their heads…

We finished our scrumptious feast from the “here you try sample” eatery and went up the escalator to the IMAX. On our tickets for the show, we actually had assigned seats. I have never been to a movie theatre that did that. We got our 3-D glasses and found our seats so that we could watch “The Deep Sea” with narrations by Johnny Depp. No visuals of him at all. And can you imagine Johnny Depp in 3-D? Yeah, I thought you needed another pause there. Cindy and I think that they should have had a small picture of him in the corner of the screen for the duration of the show. Hell, forget a small picture, that IMAX screen is huge…they could have reserved half the screen so that we could watch him read his lines. In 3-D.

post signature


Acrimony said...

Yea, I don't remember reading anything from this post because I just read "Johnny Depp in 3-D" *drools*

I'm sure the rest of the post was interesting and oh look Johnny Depp. *snicker*

Skeller said...

Yeah, who are the marketing geniuses that came up with that???. Johnny Depp narrating OFFSCREEN?!??

Rhea said...

That first picture of Johnny Depp stopped me in my tracks and the rest of the post was just "blah, blah, blah...Johnny Depp...more blah, blah, blah.

Johnny with his shirt off took the cake. Wow. I need to save that picture. I can't believe I'm acting like I'm 11 years old again. He's a hottie.

Glad you got to see the Alamo! It's a fun place to visit. And so's the Riverwalk. :o) We went about a year ago with Donny's 4th grade class at the time. It was fun, but rowdy and crowded.

Oh, yah, my pain pills are kickin' in now...I haven't been able to take them because we had too many errands to run earlier...

Rhea said...

OH, and about the big pencil. It's hilarious what kids will latch onto and HAVE to have and totally love. It can be random things. Who knew a giant pencil would be such a huge hit, you know?

Unknown said...

Oh My, Johnny Depp. I think I must have a little Southern Belle in me as the sight of that shirtless, low slung jeans, holding wine glass body, sure has given me the vapours...

The other photos were cool as well, but Johnny Depp ... Oh My...

Sissy said...

Your trip sounds like so much fun! I think the IMAX was just the ticket to finish off a historical day, don't you? And you had to see it if Johnny Depp was talking...bet he made sea life sound sooo good.

Elena said...

Hot-cha-cha-cha!! Is he something or what?!! I love him. I went to the Alamo when I was little tiny girl. It was fun to see pictures of it for me. I have vague memories of the outside courtyard thing. Sounds like you had a great time with your friend. I'm glad you took advantage of the flights when you did.

Elena said...

P.S You can post that first picture of Johnny over T-I-T day any time! :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Tali--Can you just imagine him in 3-D? And hey...there was some good text in there too. Not just Johnny Depp pixs!

Susan--Pfffft is right! And what is funny is that the kids are the ones that picked it...not the grown up girls...because of the name. Oh...and Kate Winslet narrated half of it. Not sure why he needed to share the task.

Rhea--Yeah, that first picture of him is great. Like he's pausing as well...having his zen moment :-) And all of you zeroing in on JD is cracking me up. Blah, blah, blah yourself!

I am loving that you made two comments -- gotta work on keeping your title. I need to go over to yours and make four or five comments. Maybe I'll make a paragraph with each word in a different comment :-)

And I still cannot believe that I don't have a picture of Ashley with her giant pencil.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Karen--You crack me up...vapours! I'm glad that you one of the few who managed to see beyond Mr. Depp :-)

Sissy--The imax *was* just the ticket...especially because we got to keep cool. And listen to JD...

Elena--Yeah, that rate we got was incredible. I had gone one other time to visit Cindy - when Katie was almost two. We have some pretty funny pictures of Katie and Caroline on the wrong side of the ropes in the courtyards. I wish I could figure out my scanner to post them!

Angie's Spot said...

Johnny Depp...SWOON!!! That first pic was great. Loved the pics at the Alamo. That's a place I would like to visit someday. And totally LMAO at the Mike Meyers stand up!

Rhea said...

I wasn't trying to boost my comment number, I just always remember something I meant to say, after I hit post. Always happens.

No, not trying to increase my number. Of course not. No way, no how. Now me. :o)

Rhea said...

BTW, if you want me to send you books, you need to email me your address...unless you're scared I'm an Internet stalker...which I could be, but I'm not. Of course, all Internet stalkers say that...I wouldn't know of course. hehe

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Rhea--Nah...you wouldn't comment pad. Not you. And not with that thumb. (martyr) I said I'd email you yesterday didn't I? Apparently my brain is still on vacation...

Debbie said...

Kat Kat Kat, I am trying so hard to stop the giggles as I read this after midnight when all is quiet in my house. That was a great post and oh so funny. My kids have also purchased THE LARGE PENCIL but theirs was from The Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. I am pretty sure I had a great big pencil from the Alamo too when I lived in SAN ANTONE...wait, isn't that the goofiest...SAN ANTONE....I need to read yesterday's post too, but I also need to get to bed! See you tomorrow!

Jennifer P. said...

mmmmmm.....I think I paused for a little too long on those pauses....

Did you find it at all weird that the Alamo was smack dab in the middle of San Antonio's city hub? Before I went to visit, I'd only seen it on Pee Wee's Big Adventure, and I seemed to think it would be in the middle of the desert. Just wondering.... cuz it's late and my brain gets a little wandery.

Looks like you guys had a giggly, girly time ;).

KimmyJ said...

Remember the Alamo! Sorry, couldn't resist. Thanks for the JD fix!

Lula! said...

OK, Kat...this is how my mind works...

I'm all, "Johnny Depp and IMAX...cool." Then I saw the "rise" reference picture of Cindy and was all,
"SWEET!!!! Johnny Depp's 'rise' in IMAX! That's where she's going with this!" 'Cause yeah, I'd pay big bucks for that. In 3-D.

A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. Or, as a friend's poster in high school read, "A hard man is good to find."

Again, this is how my mind works. Now I'm reeling fromm lack of Depp rise. Devastating...

Heather said...

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting my day this way. Seriously. THANK. YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are soooo funny! I laughed 1000 times at your recounting of our adventure! And Ashley came in to witness the picture of me ad my boyfriend at the food court. It was 98 here yesterday...

Staci Loalbo said...

oh the IMAX....*sigh* hahahahaaaaa

it isnt so great when you realize EVERY SINGLE MOVIE is an educational one.....san antonio finally got smart and built an imax on the north side that plays REAL movies and serves beer!!! this is great...even though i was not in any of the pics, i sorta feel famous....since i live here!!!

THE Stephanie said...

You are too funny!! You almost make me just want to drive downtown to visit the Alamo... that I've a million times :)

Glad you enjoyed your vacation to my "AFRICA" hot city!!

Tam said...

TOOOO funny and I LOVE your pauses! OOOO la la!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're looking at the bright side of this Johnny Depp thing - you had SCIENCE narrated to you in the SEXIEST VOICE ALIVE. I need no visual - that deep, gruff yet oh-so-smooth voice of his is all necessary to make me an IMAX customer for life! He could read the ingredients off a cereal box and I'd pay money to listen!

Unknown said...

I thought I needed to come back and drool over Johnny again...

And they're making a 4th Pirates !!!!