Friday, June 6, 2008

An open letter to clothing designers and manufacturers

Hello. My name is Mrs. Kat. And I have two girls aged 7 and 10. They are not totstitutes. They are children. I’d really like to be able to buy clothes that are appropriate to children. Not to totstitutes.

We like to buy bikinis – or really tankinis for bathing suits. I mean, have you ever tried to take off a one piece if you have to pee? But, really, my 7 year old does not need a bikini bottom that ties at the hips. And my 10 year old really doesn’t need that snake skin suit with molds for breasts that she hasn’t developed yet.

In the winter time…sweat pants are always a good idea. They keep you warm. They are not confining. They’re great to wear for physical activity. But, please, tell me why do you need to put the word “juicy” on their rear ends?

And on occasion…when they are not wearing crocs…there comes a time when the girls need a dress shoe. Why, oh why, is that when they have passed a toddler size that my only option for church shoes includes a platform or a wedge? My girls can hardly walk down the hallway without putting finger prints on my walls or tripping over their own two feet. Heels do not help this in any manner. They are children, not totstitutes.

I know, I know. You are going to say I should “vote” with my almighty dollar. But please…I should not be forced to the ranks of Hanna Andersson just because I don’t want my girls to look like totstitutes.

And then…there is me. I have reached a certain…ummm…size. Well…probably far beyond it. But please help me to understand why my size is a “specialty” size. When the average size American woman is a 14 or a 16…why do you stop at that average…and not gather that there are quite a few of us that are above average in all that we do.

And then…there are some of you who recognize those of us that are above average. But, is polyester my punishment for excelling? What happened to natural fabrics? Do you really think that all I want to wear is caftans, huge flowers, embroidery, and t-shirts with cats on them? Perhaps you are misguided enough to think that I’ll lock myself in my house not to be seen. You could be right with those options.

Or perhaps, I am just a tad misguided. I must have made an error in judgement. I am just not hip. I need to get with the program. See reality. Be educated.

I mean… I must need to look through the clothing rack and wonder if what I am seeing is sexy enough for my girls? Will those f*ck me pumps keep the sand out at the play ground? Or hey…will these jeans be low enough on the girls' a$$s to give them that perfect whale tail?

Yep, you can find me in the stores with my flowered mumu and my hoochie mama girls.

post signature


GBK Gwyneth said...

Yes, yes, yes!!! I am so right there with you. You just said it a whole lot better than I could.

Chloe is still small enough that there are lots of play clothes for her, but it is such a struggle to find clothes for Camille that past both my appropriateness and her comfort tests.

Angie's Spot said...

Can I get an amen?! Well put Kat. I saw that ad somewhere a while back and was just dumbfounded at the downward spiral children's clothing has taken in the last few years. I'm taking out an equity line to finance the Hanna Andersson wardrobe that my girls will be forced into very soon. And I will never understand the reasoning behind large florals and cheap fabric for "women's" sizes. Ridiculous.

The Joye of Teaching said...

Kat, you are so right. At my school the girls have such a time trying to find something fashionable and cool but not wearing clothes shirts especially that are too tight, short, low cut... skirts that are too short, slit... it is ridiculous! Teachers are expected to police the dress code. It is heck on us too. Good luck.

Firefly Mom said...

This would be too funny if it wasn't so true! Kat, you should seriously consider sending copies of this letter to every major clothing designer. Heck, start a petition and we'll all sign it!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Gwyneth--Thanks for the props. It is such a sad state. And Michael wants to know why I have to spend so much on clothes...

Angie--Amen :-) Buying clothes for me is just as frustrating as it is for the girls. I end up wearing my mom uniform. I have 10 pairs of capris - all the same in various colors. Same for shirts. I have 2 different many colors. Cause I refuse to wear cats. Or big flowers.

Joye--those moms have no other options than to dress their girls like that. It's sad. you have any issues like this with boy clothes? At least with men's clothes things are uniform. I mean,a 34 waist is a 34 waist. For me (well, not really because who can remember when I was this size!)...a size 10 in one brand is a size 4 in another...

Rhea said...

Totstitutes. ROFL A new word in my vocab. Great rant, Kat, I loved it. You had me laughing out loud more than once.

I don't seem to have this issue when shopping for my boys, thank goodness, but I have wondered what other moms (of girls mainly) are thinking with these short-shorts and midrift baring shirts and various other items.

Great post!

Dancing Queen said...

If that was a petition, I would be signing it! I TOTALLY agree! Land's End & LLBean are still pretty age appropriate & we love ordering special things from MiniBoden...all still very "girl"ish, not teeny bopper!

Skeller said...

Preach It, Sister!!! [standing ovation here in the "OC", where everyone young & old seems to dress like some sort of "stitute".]

Well said. The state of clothing stores now is sad sad sad. I'm glad to have boys.

And real people sizes?!? Truly, I don't know WHO is small enough to fit in the stuff being sold. A couple weeks ago I decided it was high time to get a new bathing suit (something I've put off for 5+ years ... and I live in sunny SoCal!!!). I wanted to get [gasp] ... a two piece. The bikini bottoms I tried on were size EXTRA LARGE. And they were still way too small. If I'm "extra large", then WHO is the small person?!?!?!?! And if I'm extra large, then what clothing options do those who are larger than me have?!?

You rant on, Girl. I'll back you up :-)

Connie said...

ugh... I feel your pain. Thankfully my daughter isn't into all that fashion but still ... we can't find anything these days!

Debbie said...

Amen Sista! That is why I shop at Target most of the time. Simple t-shorts, khakis and jeans...and I love the totstitute thing...brilliant I tell ya...and where on earth did you, well, unearth that ad? It looks a little Jon Benet Ramseyish...may she RIP.

The Momster said...

Totstitute - a new word that describes this fashion trend sooo well! I'm with Debbie - I seem to find myself at Target an awful lot lately!

And I understand about the MOM UNIFORM- I am a slave to the Liz t-shirt tops - I have every color available!

Enjoyed your blog!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! It is ridiculous that the fashion industry is turning little girls into little whores. Great idea! Let's rob these little girls of their already short childhood. It's disgusting.

Kim said...

Ok right with you. My philosophy is that the same style is not appropriat when my child is 6 and also for 16. Isn't that the next range 6/6x to 14/16? Also, i am not big but had to bought a lg t-shirt at the red dot place and really needed an xl. All wrong!!!!! I want to start a clothing line for girls and women involving inseams and waist size pronted only on the inside but at least providing consistency. My 10 yr old needs to wear a7 in waist and a 12 in length.
instead she just looks out of date and a bit unkept.

KatBouska said...

Errr....this kind of stuff irritates me so bad. And so do Brats dolls.

Lula! said...

Well said. And high time someone said it. We are huge, chic, and modest. Three of my favorite words.

But Kat--why ya got no love for Hanna Andersson? We love our Hanna undies and playdresses. We don't love the prices, but that stuff washes and wears (hundreds of times) like a DREAM.

Oh, and Libbey thinks tankinis are bikinis--and we're gonna keep on allowing her to believe that way for a very long time. This year Caroline only has tankinis--for the very reason you mentioned. Potty ease. Now...if I could just get her to actually use the potty. But that's a whole other story...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Rhea--First - I love the new avatar! Very cool pink hat! I do think that moms shopping for boys clothes have it easy. It's funny because my friends with just boys desperately want to shop for little girl clothes. Of course you can find cute clothes...but pretty rapidly your choices digress into the stuff of sluts - totstitutes or prostitots - pick your poison :-)

DQ--I have not ordered from there. We do end up at Target a lot...but we still have issues there - especially the juicy a$$ thing. I just have issues with paying shipping. But then again with gas prices...I might need to look at that again!

Susan--Ummm...I've seen your picture? And you are an xl? Well...just look at my DH. He wears an xl, too. And he's not big at all. It's all just wrong, wrong, wrong!

Blarney--My girls are not into fashion at all. Madalyn will wear whatever I put out for her. Katie's issue is that she has scoliosis...and it needs to cover her brace. So...finding things that are not too low cut is a HUGE issue for us.

Debbie--Yeah, we are still big fans of Target...but those kinds of things creep in there too. Especially the shoes. And the ad? Well...that was a full page ad in our newspaper. It's Beyonce's new clothing line for children. She obviously does not have children. And maybe after she and Jay-Z have some girls...she'll change her mind.

Momster--Thanks so much for coming by! The mom uniform is crazy...but, trust me, I am not going to wear polyester, floral prints or cat t-shirts. And I am happily in that groove of what Oprah calls a "shlumpadink."

Erin--The fashion industry is obviously run by men who don't know any better. I mean, you know it was a man that invented a spike heel!

Kim--Okay...I had to click on your profile to see if this was the Kim that I know. Because the Kim I know could in no way, shape, or form need a large or an xl shirt. My Kim might wear an xs. is my Kim. And that is where this has now turned a bad corner :-)

Mama--Oh...Bratz are outlawed here. Simply on the basis of their names. But to look at them. They have to be some of the first totstitutes.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Lula--We seem to posting at the same time! I do like Hanna Andersson...but I don't want the girls' entire wardrobe to be that. And for a lot of people...Hanna is not an option at all. No one should be "forced" to only wear Hanna because it's the only thing that is not slutty.

You know...I don't think the girls even use the word bikini. It's either a 2 piece or a bathing suit. And for now, a 2 piece is the only type of suits they have had for years.

Brian and Staci said...

Well spoken my friend! I don't have girls, but some of the things that I saw in Connor's Kindgergarten class made me shreek! (sp?) Very sad. (And YES, I do love PB M&Ms!! While we were in AZ visiting family, she had bought one of those XXL bags. It was gone in 4 days! Gross!)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Staci--Are you still in recovery from Kindergarten graduation? See...those Kindermamas are just buying what the media says their girlies need to wear. And what the store stock. Options are often rather limited. Someone needs to stand-up and yell NO.

Rhea said...

I'm still lovin' the Sexy Back song. lol

My new avatar is actually ME this time. I may stick with this one for a while, although I was having a frizzy-hair day in it.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Rhea--I love "Sexy Back." It's so fun. And that whole "I'll let you whip me if I misbehave" just cracks me up. But...I am still singing the other song "put a little seratonin in me" or "I'm OCD" "gave all my money to the phizer rep." Too funny.

And I thought that was you in the pic - really like the hat :-) I'm leaving for Texas next Saturday...

Insane Mama said...

THANKS for saying it, parents shock me in what they allow their SMALL children to wear... It's scary

amy said...

Ok, and what about the "plus sized" clothing that's not even real clothes? Like the front of a shirt sewn onto a jacket...I know you know what I'm talking about! Do we of the oversized persuasion not even deserve actual clothes?

Gina said...

So you are Sunshine and Lemonade! We run around in the same circles but have never been properly introduced. Hi, I'm Gina from A Handful Of Life.
Thanks for the comment on my birthday post. I have been meaning to get over here to thank you for a LONG time.
I LOVE this post.
I have a 7 year old who loves to look sporty-sweet. Not a problem. But the almost 6 year old likes to look trendy. I rarely let her choose....
By the way, Hannah Anderson is really not that bad. Just WAY too expensive.

Teri said...

Hey Kat,

First of all, @#*%*$# yeah! (way to semi-swear!!) You go, girl!

Second, now that Mackenzie is in high school, the clothing line is even more disgusting. Yes, I realize that these kids are needing to slowly move into a more mature life (eventually), but does it have to revolve around wearing black lacy camisole tops, 3" long shorts, and tongue rings? Not in this household. I wish I had even a close count to how many times I have heard "But everyone wears that." I was appalled the first time I worked the cookie cart at the middle school a few years ago. Six grade girls wearing tons of makeup, tiny sexy shirts (sometimes with sequins), and highlighted hair. Oh, and regular manicures for their acrylic nails. Gimme a break.

It's a struggle to look un-hookerish these days. Oh, that reminds me (in this really long rant). Remember Barbie from a couple of years ago? You know, the one with the aqua eye shadow and nails, micro mini denim skirt, crocheted halter top and boots? We affectionately called her Hooker Barbie. And we wonder where our kids get their clothing desires. Hmm.

Tiffany said...

Totsitutes.. is that your word? You need to trademark that baby!

This is such a smart and thoughtful post. I love reading your blog!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Insane Mama--I am sure that these thoughts float around a lot of mama's brains. And in that ad...did you see the shoes those girls are wearing?! That was even more shocking to me that the slutty clothes.

Amy--I am convinced that those who make larger size clothes - they do it reluctantly. We are being punished. And apparently we don't deserve real clothes. I wish I had the savvy to design a line of plus size clothes.

Gina--thanks so much for saying hello! I didn't mean to slam Hanna :-) It was the point that Hanna was my only option for non-trashy clothes - but the cost kinda makes it not an option. If my options are affordable hoochie mama vs. Hanna - I think Hoochie is going to win for the most part.

Teri--I love "swearing" in my blog. It's so fun :-) The state of clothing is just so ridiculous. See...I can just get up on my soapbox about it. And someone else mentioned Bratz dolls...they are quite the totstitutes.

Mrs. I have been calling you Mrs. R from the beginning. Do I get some credit? :-) Trademark it, eh? Kinda like Crackliture?

KatBouska said...

fyi! My url is officially changed. :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Mama--I had already changed it yesterday...and then I went to check on you...and you hadn't actually moved it over yet. Trying to confuse me, eh? It doesn't take much! There is such a rash of changing urls...

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

I freaking lurve the word "totstitute." Love it.

Rhea said...

Glad you like the hat! I just bought it yesterday and then immediately took a picture of myself in it. lol

While you're in Texas (San Antonio, right?) be sure and get a great colorful cowboy hat!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Rhea--I'm thinking the girls might get cowboy hats. I'm more of a tiara girl :-)

jennifersusan said...

After having three boys I was thrilled to have a girl, as I'm sure you're well aware. At Christmas Rose was wearing 12-24months, and by Valentine's she was in a 2-3T and now she's in a 3-4T, and we won't even discuss how big her feet are. I hate that our choices have gone from super cute, "look I've got a girl" to "make way from my totstitute". What's with the whole heel on a todlers shoe anyway? I know it's only gonna get worse as she gets older. This last week I attended my 11yo's transition into middle school festivities and my 8th grader's graduation. Oh my goodness! Did we look like that at 14? Do a majority of parents not understand the meaning of the word "modest"?
I'm all for cute clothes, and I'm even more for affordable, long lasting clothes. Let's hope my daughter doesn't have my hips.
I am so feelin ya with this whole darn thing! I like cute clothes, but I just cannot go clothes shopping for myself because it just kills my self esteem. I realize I've got four children and my mother's hips (though mine are still intact and I use mine to belly dance), but I refuse to wear cats or polyester. My favorite place to shop for myself is Cato. I can actually buy a L or M and it fit where as if I go into Target I'll be lucky if the XL fits.
If you're writing a petition I'm happily signing it!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Hey Jennifer! can relate. I am guessing you didn't even see this with the boys...but with's all front and center! And I agree...what are they thinking about heels for kids this young. Even those dress-up plasticy heels are impossible for them to walk in! I did not look like that at 14 (but I might have wanted to!!)

And...I think I have your mom's hips, least we know which side of the family it comes from :-) I am soooo thankful that my girls seem to have Michael's metabolism and body type. It is depressing to even think about clothes for me.

Trish said...

For this I am thankful to have boys!
I do see what your talking about everday when i visit my sons school though.

hi Kat, by the way I'm Gina's (a handful of life)older sister. From It's my Crazy life. I've been by before and was excited to see that you walk the line between homeschool and public school! My oldest is in public school. My youngest will start Kinder in the fall of 09, and we have decided that we are going to take the oldest out that year and homeschool him. it will be his fourth grade year, and we really want to set the firm foundation before he heads into middle school.

I'm excited to come back and spend time perusing your blog. As a matter of fact, may I link you?

jennifersusan said...

I think the boys have a different problem all together. There's too little of a choice, and then there's the problem of how fast they wear something out. Good boy clothes are more expensive than girl clothes and I can never find things the boys want to wear. I can't believe buying for a teenage boy is more difficult than buying for a girl at any age. Ugh!
As for metabolism..I'm just hoping that by the time Rose is old enough to worry about polyester and cats that there will have been a better alternative invented.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Trish--Welcome. Glad you finally said hello :-) I am always questioned by people about why we do both homeschooling and public schooling. And there are myriad reasons...but the most important one is they are different kids with different needs. Right after school got out this year, Madalyn said to me "I want to be homeschooled." I said " If you were homeschooled, there is no way I could send you to the basement to get your school work done. You'd find a million other things to do and you wouldn't learn anything." She smiled, said, "you're right" and moved on to something else :-)

I'd love for you to link to me. I get perverse from seeing my name on stalkers list.

Jennifer--the only way Rose won't face this dilema is if we become fashion designers!

Firefly Mom said...

No, I don't have this same problem with boy clothes (thank goodness). My problem is that I hate *seeing* little girls dressed like this (or even worse, hearing their mom's complain when the kids ruin their hooker clothes that cost oh-so-much money!) and now that I have a son in puberty, I hate *him* seeing girls wear these things! When trying to teach your son that women shouldn't be objectified, it doesn't help to go to the store and see 8 y/o girls in hot pants and half shirts. When we found out that the new Victoria's Secret model that seems to be shown during every commercial break is only 14, even my hubby snapped and yelled at the TV!

Elena said...

AMEN!!!! My girls are the same ages as your's (plus I have a 2 year old and it's the same for her, but not quite as bad as for the older girls). It just makes me SOOOOO angry!!! They'll grow up soon enough, no need to force them into by their clothing too.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

FM--I can't believe a VS model is only 14. Isn't that bordering on child pornography? They grow up much too quickly. And I can understand your concern about what your son must think with the visuals he's offered on a regular basis!

Elena--I didn't realize our girls were the same age. Very cool. Pardon me a moment while I say a small prayer of thanks that I don't have a 2 year old as well :-)
You know...I am not sure that those clothes in the ad are appropriate for anyone of any age...

Heather said...

It is so frustrating trying to find bathing suits for little girls!! I was in Target and slightly dumbfounded by my choices. I hadn't seen the Dereon collection for girls....uhm, excuse me totstitutes. It's definitely over the top.

Anonymous said...

And this is why I thank God almost every day that he gave me four boys. Or at least that is what I tell myself as elephants thunder up and down the stairs and the living room becomes a wrestling arenea.

Anonymous said...

I am so with you on that rant. It's the same over here in England. A supermarket was fined for selling padded bras aimed at 8-year-olds.
I have a similar rant about the quite shocking t-shirts that are on sale for children. One actually says 'hung like a 5-year-old'. I kid you not.
Who buys this stuff?

CarolinaGirl said...

Can I just say...AMEN! I have 4 girls. I know exactly what you are talking about! Love the new word TOTSITUTES! Classic!

Jenny said...

Just came over from Secret is in the Sauce. I have a 12 year old and can sooo relate. She's just starting into the junior department on some things and they are so too short, too low cut, and too inappropriate with their sayings. Wish someone would come up with some just plain average cut young girls clothing.

Nissa said...

Isn't it ridiculous??!! I noticed the deterioration of little girl's clothing even before I had a daughter to think about.
Tristan's always been into Neopets, and one of the few places to buy them is "Limited Too". I could not believe the fashions I'd see when walking into that store. I've shopped at the Limited plenty, and I don't think they even make women's clothes that revealing!

Two years ago, as room mom, I went in to watch the class while Trist's teacher had a faculty luncheon. This little 10 year old got out of her seat and I could see her crack! I kept telling her to pull up her pants! many of the others were wearing cropped shirts or shirts that seemed lowcut. It was very frightening.

I loved the "those of us who do everything above average" comment. :) My problem with larger sizes is they want to make all pants stretchy! When my butt & thighs are big, I don't want the denim to have to S-T-R-E-T-C-H over them. ugh. Or how about the crazy horizontal patterns? They're a bunch of geniuses, I tell ya!

We so need to get together! :)

Nicole said...

Ok, I just got onto your blog, and I'm addicted. Your like my long, lost twin sister. Wait I already have a twin. It is so stinkin hard not to find my 6 year old daughter clothers that don't make he look like a total hoochie mama. And me, I'm only 31 I really don't want to wear moo moo's just yet. Just because I've had 3 kids and am no longer a size 2 (wait I never was a size 2) doesn't mean I want to dress like my grandma. Kudos to you, I love this post.

Anonymous said...

SITS sistah here, and let me just say that this post was sheer brilliance. I'm linking to it on my blog, I loved it so much. How do we get this preteen hoochie train turned around? My little girl is two and with the way trends are going it's gonna be nothen but leather thongs by the time she's ten! Help!

Kristen Schiffman said...


I could not agree with this post more. And you are honestly the most hilarious blogger I've "met" lately.

Sheri said...

Here from SITS, but adding you now!

I don't have kids, but I have helped my friend often enough shop for hers, and she has the same complaint. In fact, one day she and her husband were having an argument about a skirt. He said there was no WAY they would make a skirt that short for a little girl, and it was really shorts. Well, when he finally went over and looked at the skirt, he looked at their daughter and said, "no way in #$*(), EVER" It was hysterical.

I'm with you on the average sized. I know there are some clothes that have no business on my body, but what the heck? I do want to show SOME sense of style. Polyester is evil!!

Missy said...

Oh, this just gets better every time I read it! And the latest that I heard about yesterday: BABY HIGH HEELS. As in, crib shoes! From a company called Heelarious. All joking aside, it makes me want to barf. And what's up with infant tank tops? My 8 month old doesn't have shoulders, per se. What is going to keep those straps up exactly?
This post is genius.

Anonymous said...

You've done a great job if your daughters would bi-pass this stuff anyway. Unbelievable!

Fifty K said...

I don't have children but this clothing for little prostitutes has always been a peeve of mine. Everytime I am in a store that selling little girls clothing I point out all the horrible stuff to my husband and say "who puts their little girls in this stuff? They look like little hooker outfits".

Toys R Us/Babies R Us has to be one of the biggest offenders of this problem. The last thing I remember seeing there was a two piece itsy bitsy bikini that was made out of leopard print lame, accented with pink. The top consisted of two tiny triangles. Really? A triangle top for a 3 year old? WOW

Great blog. Found you thru SITS.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I surfed over from SITS and I love your post! As the mother of two girls I know exactly how this is and I am quite scared of what will happen when they get older. I also work in kids consignment and I cannot believe some of the mini skirts we get etc...

What happened to kids just being kids?

Kimba said...

Oh girl! I couldn't agree more. The trashy clothing for kids just makes my blood boil!

Thanks for stopping by and always leaving such sweet comments!


EmBee said...

Don't EVEN get me started on 'shorts'... I have a 15 yr. old who gratefully, appreciates modesty. Trying to find a pair of shorts big enough to cover her underwear was an especially difficult task... As for those horrible sweatpants with 'ASSVERTISEMENTS' on them... Well, whoever came up with that idea should have to wear a headband titled 'MORON'

Acrimony said...

AHH what the heck?! I *know* i tried to leave a comment the day you posted this and I already tried to leave another comment just now. It's not showing up. Why does this post hate me? Probably because I say that parents who dress children like hookers are crappy parents. And that's like, ya know, close minded and stuff. ;) BUT...I'm glad I have boys because I don't have to deal with trying to find clothing that doesn't make my toddler look like a street-walker.

trash said...

I thiught I had commented the otehr day when I read this but obviously not so.... a shout out from a SITSer on a cracking and fabulous post. It is a worldwide phenomenon that has been happening for years now. I ended up buying my(then)3yo boy shorts one Summer b/c I refused to put her in hotpants!

Kristi said...

You hit the nail on the head - push up bras and thongs for pre-teens??? It's just so trashy to me...

Jen said...

I agree with you 100%. It is really scary. I am used to boys and then had one little girl and dressing her when she gets older and even now, with swim suits, scares the socks off me. Some one gave me a swim suit where to top is just two triangles. Who in their right mind thinks that that is alright for a year old child? Anyway, if only they could hear you. Great blog, here from SITS.

Melanie Dickens said...

So glad I'm not there anymore. Try buying a decent bathing suit for a 13 yr. old girl though. It's a shame.

Unknown said...

Great blog yes there are some things out there that are horrible but some things I am okay with you would probably keel over and die at my daughters swimsuit this year LOL but it's cute and covers everything and that is what matters. But yes there are some things that go overboard. lmao at totstitutes

Tracy P. said...

I am SO THERE!! My seven year old is asking for a two-piece this year, and I am hoping to placate her with a tankini.

Sunshine said...

Yes, Yes And YES! I completely agree! Seriously, who can you send this letter to? Cuz my girls are only 7 and 5 and you know, I'm gonna have girls for a long time and frankly...I'm sccccared about the totstitute stuff. It's so, so true though. So true.

Way to say it, girl. I'm so adding you to my blog too!

Saw ya on SITS!

Rhea said...

I'm commenting again, because you're a SITS gal today, sista!! You go girl! I had to unsubscribe from your comments because of the amount showing up in my email. lol

Jill said...

I could not agree with you more!

Sherri said...

I soooooo agree!!! I cannot believe the things they sell for kids!!! The other day I saw Hanna Montana lingerie..

S Club Mama said...

Wow, this makes me totally be glad I have a boy. Now if only I can keep his pants up over his little diaper.

scargosun said...

Bah! Blogger is being difficult this morning. I love the word totstitute. It is classic and should be added to the next edition of Websters.

Anonymous said...

With girls that are 6 and 9, I couldn't have said it better myself!

Deanna said...

Came here from SITS! Congrats! I always called the juniors section the slut section. Never could find anything decent to wear to school or work. Great blog!!!

Cristin said...

Was that ad for real?? Frightening!! Methinks it's time to learn to sew before baby Dottie becomes a totstitute!!

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

I have no children, but I couldn't agree with you more. I'm sure you've heard of the new line of high heels for children. heelarious...

I love that you call it above average/excelling. That's the best thing I've heard all day!

Simply Stork said...

Woderful post...I often look at the way young ladies are dressed these days and wonder why they think it's ok do dress that way...being cute is one thing...showing all the goods that a young lady may or may not have when she is older??? what were they thinking???


Laurel said...

Totstitute. Genious. This is a big battle in our house and Bratz are SO not allowed but the forbidden fruit is making it harder! Great post girl.

Anonymous said...

I sooo agree with you. It makes me glad I had a little boy. Girls are so fun to dress up as babies...but there is a stage where they start looking in hoochie in today's clothes. But I swear, I WILL NOT buy my son those pants and shorts that hang down below his butt. And if he someone gets them someway...I will be "pantsing" him constantly in public til he stops.

Can we get a petition going to get kids clothes back for our kids???

Unknown said...

Oh, I completely agree with you and congratulations on being the featured SITS blogger!!

Totstitutes ... I love it!!!

I see it all the tine in the playground at school. Little girls (kindergarteners and 1st graders) tottring around in heels. The poor tots can't run or climb or play normally. Makes me want to grab a hacksaw and make their shoes more kid friendly!!

Same goes for the clothing. My eldest granddaughter is 12 and in the teenstitute sizes. It's really hard trying to find something for her that is not 'hoochie mama' looking. She's still a kid, not a mini woman.

Boys clothing, especially in the younger age groups is still okay, however, especially here in the city, there is a creep towards the 'gangsta' look :-(

I also hear you on women's clothing. I'm losing weight and recently graduated from plus sizes into an XL. That would be okay if XL were a standard size, but they're not. At least I'm getting some releif from the flowers, cats and mumu styles...

The Beyonce ad truely sucks. There is no need to put little girls in heels and makeup to sell clothes. Plus, the clothes are plain ugly.

Unknown said...

I so agree with you on this! Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger! Love reading you!

Mama Dawg said...

Came to this post via SITS but I had already been reading you. I love this post. I hadn't gotten around to this one yet but I'm glad it was featured.

Anonymous said...

Came over from SITS!

Great post! I have a 4 year old girl and it is next to impossible to find clothes for her. The fit is awful (she is small and thin) and the styles are way to hooker-ish! And shoes..oh god, don't get me started...they are awful!

Tiffany said...

So true. Enjoy your SITS day!!!

BTW: This was my word verification..: bldlbyen
seriously? That us like a book!

Anonymous said...

So sad and true. How many women wear a 14/16? Must be millions, because those sizes are always gone, leaving a sea of 6/8's feeling rejected and forlorn on the rack.

Kitty Cat shirt--meow. What woman doesn't want to wear a picture of a giant kitten splayed across her chest? But only if it is set against wide, horizontal stripes. Yum-yum.

Debbie said...

You're Queen for the day!!!! Since I have already read and commented on all these posts, I just thought I would drop by and make your count go higher. I wanna see you hit 100!!!

my2boyz said...

I have boys, no 1/2 shrits or bikinis here! I do wonder when I walk through the girls department what I would do if I had a girl!

Alison said...

Amen, sister! The other day I was shopping for jeans for my 5 year old daughter and saw they were low rise. That's just wrong!

Gretchen said...


Check out what Courtney had to say about that very same picture at

Anonymous said...

I feel the exact same way and have even used the above picture as an example!

I may not be planning on sewing my girls' complete wardrobes, but I do plan on making some alterations...

Anonymous said...

A to the Men!!!! This is so perfect and exactly what "they" need to hear!

Tami said...

You hit the nail on the head!!

Totstitutes - love it!!

Connie said...

Singing to the choir SITS Sister! Went swimsuit shopping for my DD today and they still are ignoring your letter!

Staci Loalbo said...

As the years go on i have accepted the fact that i will not have a lil girl....and MAN am i glad!!!

Party of 5 said...

Crazy isn't it. I wish for once they'd offer nice simple T's and denim (reg fit) for the girl's and adults. There is some ugly stuff out there nowadays. I might have to whip out my sewing machine and no one wants that.

Laural Out Loud said...

You should see the things little girls are wearing in Brasil (where my husband is from). Good heavens. Luckily my MIL sends tasteful clothes, as she knows I'd throw anything else out, but she has a hard time finding them.

Swirl Girl said...

I have a 4 and an 8 year old that want to look Cheetalicious cute not like Cougars prowling the bars.

angela | the painted house said...

As a mother of a two year old girl, I am officially scared now. Absolutely, positively scared.

Gina said...

Frankly I find the majority of clothing available in the stores for CHILDREN absolutely revolting and it makes you wonder if the designers are actually pedophiles.
I mean- WHO ELSE wants their kids to be dressed like this?!?!
Moms- time to break out the sewing machines again!!!

Danielle said...

Is that child model seriously wearing heeled boots?!

I have it sort of easy with boys, I guess!


Lindsey said...

Only three more, well actually only two more after me to make 100!!! Yahoo!!!

Tausha said...

You know-I have 3 girls-I am trying really hard to teach them the right way to live, to choose the right friends and live their lives in a way so that they will always be able to be close to the Lord. It is really hard to keep that up when I walk into a store and am bombarded with desingners trying to make our little girls look like big people. Not even cute big people. trashy big I people. Espescially now, in the summer. I am sorry, am I crazy to think that their shorts should be a little longer than mid thigh. I know that they are short, but that is still pretty short. So yes, my dear, in a really long comment, I completely agree. I appreciate you blogging about this. I just wish there was some way that us moms could say-no more!!! Maybe we can! When you figure that out-I will right there with you. NO questions asked!!

Michelle said...

Wow, this is so depressing to think of what I have to look forward to. I so hate the clothing with the sayings (on rears and chests). But seriously, snakeskin bikinis? I'm finding a convent!

Marla said...

oh I hear your pain! for both the kids and the large flowers and kaftans!

with boys we don't have to look like totstitutes we have to look like gansters or advertisements for everything commercial. A no win situation. You might like a bit pricey but they have a sale every season and the clothes hold up beautifully.

niccole w. said...

Yes, yes. My 5yo DD has always had larger feet. Now, my only options are heels too! Are you serious?!! Heels to preschool. Especially considering Mommy shows up in tennies and workout gear everyday.

Anonymous said... it

Lex the mom said...

A perfect blog about this trendy problem! I don't think I could have said it better - not even close!

While my daughter hasn't yet hit the totstitute age (or maybe she has, but she's small), I am finding that even some things for the youngest of soon to be totstitutes are a bit too racy. Kid clothing designers need to be re-edumacated on what's really appropriate for our little girls. Some of the designs for our totstitutes are designed in a way I wouldn't even want a 16 year old girl wearing...Agghhh!

I think I am in trouble with style when my daughter gets older. She will be dressing in boy sweat pants & plain ole t-shirts...she'll hate me.

Debbie said...

Hi went over a 100 yahoo! Oh and I was logged in as my daughter Lindsey in the last comment I left...oops! Sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

What a great post! YOu are so right! visiting Via SITS and I am not looking forward to my daughter coming out of the toddler stage...I am afraid of the clothes and shoes!

Karen said...

I don't have kids but I always think this when we get new clothes at the store. When we get new clothes in for the girl's section and they aren't even things I would wear I know the designers have gone about 10 miles over the line. Enough!

Anonymous said...

That picture at the end of your post disgusts me!

MissKris said...

My clothing 'rant' is for women like me who are in our midlife menopausal years. I'm 54 and recently had a hysterectomy. Prior to that, my stomach 'pooched' out all the time, I was so bloated. WHY do clothing manufacturers not make tops/blouses just a few inches LONGER to help out us tummy-challenged older women?! Especially since the rest of me ain't half bad, haha! I'm noticing since I got rid of my yucky uterus, tho, that the bloat has significantly lessened. Even so, I'm not about to go out in low-rider jeans with those dinky crop-tops that show off half my belly!

Unknown said...

Holy crap! You're so right!
My boyfriend and I complain every time we see a preteen in a hoochie momma skirt! (They only come down to the crease of your bum nowadays) and those damn shorts for Juniors! They're so small!
But I do have a suggestion for you!
check out Kohl's I work there and there are MANY cute little kid clothes that I havent seen too many hoochie ones. and also there are some awesome clothes for those 'above average' women out there! :D (you can order online)

Reighnie said...

Well said. I have four girls and I thought I knew what you meant until I got down to the picture. I had seen some ridiculous things but never like what was in that picture! Incredible!

I want to share with you a link I just came across this past week. It's a blog called Moms For Modesty. Here's the link: I have no affiliation with it, other than having signed the petition and I hope you don't mind me posting the link. I just think it's something you would be interested in.

Great Post!

Tam said...

OOO love this post! I am so grateful right now after reading your post that I HAVE BOYS!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Visiting from SITS. Great post. I agree with you on this topic. Little girls do not need to dress like hoochie mamas and whoever thought that print ad for Dereon was cute is sick in the head. What about those shoes on the main model? Where do you even buy kid shoes like that? Ugh.
I love your blog title by the way. When I saw your title I thought how funny our titles were similar, yet different. I love lemons as much as I love maccheroni. I always have both available.

Sarahviz said...

Wow! This makes me glad I have boyz. Throw a tee shirt on them and they're done!

(Found you thru the SITS gals!)

Indy said...

You should send post to parents magazines. It would make a great article in a magazine. So true.

WheresMyAngels said...

Too funny! I so agree!

Aunt Julie said...

When my kids hit middle school, the WORST was when they wanted to by thongs. And then the FUNNIEST was when Hubby did the laundry. He'd be watching football and folding laundry, and take a teeny tiny thong out of the basket. "What the heck is this?!?" he'd roar. Fortunately, we're passed the Thong Phase of our lives! Hiya, SITSta! My Great New Pop'rs Thanksgiving Extravaganza is still underway, so please come by and share some Comment Love!

Pamela said...

I think when you hit 118 comments you KNOW you've struck a nerve!
I totally agree with you.
We call them "hoochie-mama" clothes. I HATE the words on people's butts.
Can you IMAGINE if someone had worn something like that when we were in high school?!? SUSPENSION!!

Debie Napoleon said...

Right on SITsa! I even see the same issues with my son's clothes. Do I have to get jeans already ripped - he does that on his own already!!

Hillori said...

Amen! Amen! and Amen to amen!

Sarah Shaw said...

OMG - I am so happy my twins are only 22 months! I might just have to start making their are funny