Monday, June 9, 2008

My favorite things: Brighton

I have never been much of a jewelry person. Most of the time I would forget to wear anything except a watch. Because without a watch, I am nekkid. But the jewelry that I used to wear was gold. Gold watch. Gold earrings. Gold necklace. Gold band for my wedding ring. When I remembered to put these things on.

And then one day, it all changed. I won a prize. When I was a Creative Memories consultant…I sold a bazillion dollars worth of supplies…and earned this Brighton necklace.

Isn’t it pretty? But what was I supposed to do? I don’t have a watch to match that. Or earrings. Not a thing to match. So…I went shopping.

My first buy was some simple silver hoops. No big deal. But then, I needed a watch. It would look strange to have this pretty silver necklace, silver hoops, and then a gold watch. So…I thought maybe I’d go and check out the Brighton jewelry to see if there was a piece that might go with my new necklace. And this is what I got:

And because I’ve already confessed that I don’t do things by halves…here are some of my other finds…and favorites:

And not only is the jewelry cute, but so are the sunglasses, wallets, and key chains. Don't let your children wear your sunglasses. Someone children feel compelled to drag the lenses across the cement floor of the playground pavillion. Just some. Not all. Maybe it's just the ones that live at my house. Please ignore the crumbs on my tablecloth. And the bursting at the seams wallet. If only that was filled with cash instead of receipts. I need to remember to destroy that evidence.

And then…I branched out into purses:

I’ve become like a magpie with this stuff. It’s shiny. And it makes me happy. However, my husband is still trying to understand how one free necklace can cost this much.

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Skeller said...

I'm sooo much cheaper to keep than you. Jewelry, bags, girly stuff ... it's just so not me. Then again, my camera habit (and growing wishlist...) adds up fast. Hmm, reconsidering ....

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Susan--What is so amusing about my Brighton fix is that I am *not* girly. I usually wear my silver hoops. My beautiful Brighton watch has bit the dust due to me wearing it in the ocean not once but twice during our cruise. I haven't replaced it yet. I'm still in mourning. But they are all so pretty :-)

Acrimony said...

Ooh cute stuff!

Confession time: I just bought my first purse about a month or so ago. Er, I mean, it's not a purse it's a "multi-purpose bag". Yep, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Tali--I hate purses. I have no shoulders, so they never stay up. That's why I *love* this's a backpack. Gotta love cute *and* hands-free!

Insane Mama said...

One free thing led to all that? Wow, I'm impressed... Love the watch :) Going to have to find one

Teri said...

You know what my first really cool "free" thing was? A camera! Yep, I traded my first piece of junk, er, antique car to my now ex-brother-in-law for his camera that he never used. And the rest was history. From there I went to more and more expensive cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, etc.

But it all started off as free, right? :-)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Teri and Insane Mama--Yes...the trouble "free" will get you into!

John Deere Mom said...

Excuse me. Hate purses? Have you read my "About me" section? This is serious, Kat. I don't know if I can go forward in this relationship. I currently have a purse (brand new for my bday in January) that is still in my car because I haven't found a matching wallet for it yet. I keep it in the car so if I find one that I THINK will match, I can get it to check. So, um, yeah. I like purses...and matching wallets. My name is Angie and I am a purseaholic.

Jennifer P. said...

Ooooh....shiny, pretty stuff :)! Even the most masculine of us women go a little weak in the presence of shiny, pretty stuff!

Funny that you should pop into my blog today. I was just thinking that I saw your face on every blog I read!.....except my own!

Comment 5 times and I become a permanent fixture in your life!!!

Best to you, and thanks so much for the b. day wishes!

Rhea said...

Kat - Love the song you paired with this post. lol I am totally impressed you ended up with all that stuff from a free necklace. You have a rare (and expensive) talent, my friend!!

I am also nekkid without a watch!! I wear mine nonstop, only taking it off to shower.

I'm like you, I used to wear only gold jewelry...but then I would occasionally get a silver item and not know what to do about it. My favorite stuff these days is the and silver mixed. That's what my watch is, so it can now match anything. hehe It's versitile. (That's my SAT word of the day)

This was a great post! BTW, congrats on selling so much Creative Memories stuff that you earned a beautiful free necklace. That's awesome!!!

Rhea said...

Kat - my sister works for Uptake, in California. It's the online travel search engine. They are looking for bloggers to do interviews of sorts about their hometowns (or in your case, the nearest big city, Atlanta). I remembered you doing a great post a little ways back about all the great stuff to do in your area, and I thought you might be a good person to talk about Atlanta on their site. Are you interested? They're trying to increase their blog traffic, won't pay or anything but will link to you. Let me know what you think.

Angie's Spot said...

Wow, pretty stuff! I'm not much of a jewelry person. I'm lucky if I make it out with my wedding rings these days. But I love me some purses! And I've been looking for a backpack type bag. Maybe your post is the answer to my purse prayer...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Angie--Oh the love gone? :-0 I'll amend my statement somewhat...I hate to carry a purse. Probably still not doing it for you. And you'll also notice that my wallet is black and my purse is brown. The brand matches? Crud...

Jennifer--Well...I picked the right day to pop on by then. And I could always use permanent fixtures...

Rhea--This is why Michael and I are such a pair. He saves money. Saving money for me gets me into more trouble than I was to start with. And I have always maintained that even though I am not into diamonds and *lots* of shiny, pretty things...I am rather high maintenance.

Oh...and I am currently nekkid. My watch died a few weeks ago. Michael bought me a new one (well...with a gift card he it really didn't cost anything). But I want to get more links for it so it's more like a bracelet...but I just haven't done it while I continue to mourn the loss of my Brighton.

Tell Bug to email me :-)

Angie--I do love the Brighton backpacks. I would like to get a black one too so I can be matchy like the other Angie wants me to be. But they are about $300 other things keep getting priority. Maybe Santa will show some love (which is how I got this one to begin with!).

John Deere Mom said...

I still love you and your non-matching wallet. Anyone who would consider spending $300 on a wallet is A-OK in my book. :)

Heather said...

I am HOPELESSLY addicted to Brighton. When I hit my jackpot in Vegas...guess where I went? I love, love, love Brighton. Love it.

Elena said...

OH those are beautiful pieces. My favorite is the watch. I'm probably WAY behind the times (because all my money goes to my kids these days) but I've never heard of Brighton before. Glad you introduced me cause I have to have one of those watches.

KatBouska said...

Cute finds!!!

Debbie said...

Heather and Kimberley introduced me to Brighton a couple of months ago. I had never heard of it before then...I don't have a store nearby or a catalogue either and let's just say, that's a good thing!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Brighton fan too!! I got a tad burnt out for a couple of years but I'm now back for more. I love the new bright colors they are using. I just got a brand new Brighton staw handbag for my birthday from hubby and boys. Love it!! It has a leather pocket on each end... one for my cell and one for my keys. Love, love, love it!! Love your shiny things too!! ~Jill :)

DD said...

Holy smokes girl!!! Don't let it be said you do anything half way! :)

Finding Normal said...

I'm going from gold to silver, too. My wedding ring remains gold, but I might pick out a new set for our anniversary.
Not up on the Brighton, but I'll have to check it out!

Lisa~ said...

I like... pretty... I admire from afar!


Gramma 2 Many said...

Kat, I remember those days so well. I always wanted everything to co-ordinate. What I do still wear is gold. I think I look washed out in silver.
Want to thank you for stopping by my blog and welcoming me also. It is fast becoming an obsession with me. The kids told me it would. I have not learned all of the ins and outs yet, but I will. Such as I do not know how to link, so if you are inclined to link us it is fine with me:)

Anonymous said...

Right there with you on the Brighton. I've coveted it from afar for years, and I received a gift certificate at Christmas to a little boutique here in town that sells Brighton...oops! Bought a watch and a ring, then later bought some sunglasses and earrings. Love that stuff, and love your blog, too!

Sydney said...

OMG I totally sympathize with the children/sunglasses issue! I got the cutest pair of sunglasses last year, with purple lenses (my fave color)... they were rock star sunglasses, complete with little rhinestones on the side. They were toast after two seconds in the hands of a certain two year old boy who shall remain nameless. It took everything in my power not to scream and yell in disappointment. That was one of my "I'm a parent now" moments. It was mad, but it was my own stupid fault. Isn't growing up grand???

Unknown said...

I meant to tell you that i love your purse! SO cute