Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wordy Wednesday: Live Oak Trees

One of my favorite things about my friend Cindy's house here in Texas is the Live Oak tree in her front yard. Live Oaks are *everywhere* here. It is not a tree that grows in Metro Atlanta. But it is one that I love. I love the curves of the branches. I love that each tree has a unique character. I love that they would make great climbing trees. And I love the "romance" of I envision them lining a drive, and creating a mysterious canopy drizzled with Spanish Moss.

"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." -- Greek proverb

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GBK Gwyneth said...

Ah Kat, we LOVE the live oak that my parents built their house around. It is gorgeous! I have some wonderful photos of Camille by it.

Unfortunately, there is some arboreal disease ("oak wilt"?) that has almost killed their beauty. I hope that it survives. What a great tree.

Anonymous said...

Those were everywhere in Florida (lived there 3 years) and were very pretty, but were a huge problem in allergy season. Now I'm in NM and trying to figure out what it is that's had me sick since I moved in a year ago. :P

Angie's Spot said...

Hey Kat! Congrats on being the featured SITS girl today! You so deserve it! I love huge old trees too and those pics are great. Come see me later this evening for the next story installment that you've been anxiously awaiting. Ha ha!

Teri said...

I love those trees. I remember them from Florida, also. And nice photos - good work!

Tara R. said...

Gorgeous trees and beautiful photos. Nicely done!

(via SITS)

Jen said...

Beautiful pics!

Hello from a fellow SITS and Texan!

Madeline Rains said...

I so love live Oaks as well, and Spanish Moss. And that is a wonderful quote.

scargosun said...

Hi! Came over from SITS! Love your blog. Oak trees are beautious and we have 3 inour front yard the one and only downside, they don't lose their brown leaves till it gets too cold to rake. :) Price you pay for lovely shade in the summer.

Apple Joos said...

HI! Stopping by from SITS! When I find a blog that lists the books they read, I always scan to see if they read/read/want to read Stephenie Meyer. When I find someone who does/has/will, I have to cyber-high-five them. I love Stephenie Meyer's writing! Have you read The Host yet?

Kathi said...

Congratulations Kat, for being featured for SITS. I just joined. That tree is majestic. God is so good to give us grand beauty in nature. Have a wonderful Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kat,

Congrats for being featured on SITS today! You're photos of the oak tree are awesome. I would love to have some of those around here to provide some much needed shade. We're a tad bit warm here in Phoenix today.

P.S. So have you read Lisa Valdez' Passion then? :)

Elena said...

Hey, hey, hey....look at that. You're the featured blog today. How fun. My mom grew up in Texas and I love those big trees too whenever I visit. I also get a kick out of the mistletoe in all the trees. Even though I know it's a parasite, I still think it's cool.

Unknown said...

I love those trees! Each on a sculpture on the hillside landscape near Austin. Thanks for sharing.

Katy said...

Yes, they are gorgeous. i hope you're having fun in TX! Welcome!


The Mom Jen said...

Gorgeous pics! Congrats on the SITS love today!

Mamahut said...

Hey there from SITS. I wish I could plant me some of those trees and live long enough to see them grow old. lol.

Kitty said...

I love the tree photos. I imagine that they have a tire swing with lots of little ones having good times and the big peole picnicing under it with lemonade.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are beautiful...I love that quote too!

Anonymous said...

just over from SITS...great post.

Meliss said...

Beautiful and full of character

Rhea said...

I love Live Oaks also! They are just gorgeous, living art!

BTW, I found the perfect cowboy hat for has a TIARA on the front!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on the oak trees. I have two in my back garden in the UK (not literally in my back garden, over the back garden wall!) but I love watching them change through the seasons. When my son was 4 he said: "I am so going to climb that tree one day!"

Sydney said...

Stopped by from SITS, Love the pictures of the oak tree. Forgive my stupidity... is "live oak" a Southern thing? We have tons of oak trees up here, and no one calls them "live oaks." It's something I've always wondered...

Maternal Mirth said...

I live in an area that has mostly palm trees ... I miss big climbing trees :(

Debbie said...

Are you camping in front of your computer while on vacay as the comment counter clicks away! I want you to hit a 100 on the totstitute post. You can do it...You can do it! By the way, I lived in a neighoborhood called Charter Oaks when we lived in San Antonio in the 70's! Right off Vance Jackson Highway. Where does your friend can email me so we don't divulge to the masses where you are located right now ;) Enjoy your day!

Sue Wilkey said...

Waaaaaaaaa. everybody has great cameras but me. beautiful shots.

Rene said...

Checkin' in from SITS -- love your blog!!

Ann Harrison said...

Visiting via SITS.
Hey, our girls are the same age, my oldest is also named Katie!
Well, well.
Great music and very impressive reading list

Insane Mama said...

I love Oak trees too!
Great pics...

John Deere Mom said...

Yay! I was so excited to see it was your special SITS day! Are you giddy with excitement reading all your wonderful comments?! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Lots of them here in Florida!! Beautiful trees!

Kimba said...

Those trees are so beautiful. I love their character and shape. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Unknown said...

Lovely photos. I love big, old Oak trees and Pohutakawa trees and Weeping Willows

Acrimony said...

Oooh awesome pictures!!!

Laurie Roskam said...

Hello new SITSta! What beautiful words and photos! Ohhh how I love nature photos....mother earth does beauty best! Can't wait to dig in to this lovely site. With Gratitude, Laurie B.

Tiffany said...

I love the pics! And, I hope you are lovin' the comment love!

Rosemary Q said...

Came over from SITS...congrats. Great blog, I have you bookmarked now. I am an avid reader too, especially Outlander.

Gucci Mama said...

Gorgeous pictures! I've enjoyed reading through your blog!

Heather said...

*big sigh* I wish we had trees. We have wide open spaces, but I miss the trees.

THE Stephanie said...

Ah... San Antonio trees. So pretty!

DD said...


Ashley. Unscripted... said...

Hi fellow SITS-er! Your site is gorgeous!! Love it!

Lisa~ said...

Kat, these are great! Well done!!


Brian and Staci said...

WOW! How beautiful! We don't have anything THAT big either! LOVE IT! ( NOTE: Yes, I have exercised and menu planned so I am able to comment :)

mary said...

I love live oak trees too. In California, we have the coast live oak that grows in my neighborhood. It looks just like your pic!

mary said...

Sydney- Live oaks are so named because they are evergreen.