Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend Winners: My Fairy Blogmother

Wow! I have been feeling the "Twilight" love this week! I think ya'll might be a bit excited about this give away. Just a little. And I am so excited. Because I got to use random number generator. I didn't have to write down a single name. Or chase down a single kitty who stole a certain entry.

And last week, I mentioned that I actually had a mini prize. Along with the biggie. Let's do that first. I have a Barnes and Noble gift card. And some Twilight Chocolate. And they will both be in the mail to Christina at Christina's Creative Expression.

And now. Our huge pack of Twilight goodies. Including the giftcard, chocolate, Movie companion signed by Lula, 2009 calendar, bookmark, and movie poster. Goes to....oh. Wow. This is truly kismet. Because she had a birthday on Thursday. And she's had children with Edward. And random number generator picked Sassy Stephanie over at Our Piece of Quiet.

Congrats ladies! Please email me (address is on my profile page) your mailing address and your goodies will be on their way!

And now. Let me present the prizes for Week Four of the Weekend Winners!

I had never even heard of a blog before February of this year. And one day I was perusing a homeschool board - and there was a whole section called Wordless Wednesday. Which made no sense to me. Until I finally clicked on one of the links. And found blogs. Do you remember hearing that huge sucking noise in February? That was the sound of my ass becoming permanently stuck to my chair.

As I clicked around. I found a blog called Life with my 3 Boybarians. And I fell in love. With her blog design. With her photography. With her sense of humor. And then...I found a link to her other site. Graphically Designing. Where she makes the blogosphere pretty.

And would you believe that I got into the queue before I even started my blog? It took me a bit to figure out my name. And then I was ready for my make over. This was how I started:

And poor Darcy. Had to deal with me. Someone who is incredibly picky. But really didn't know what I wanted. We quickly discovered some of the things I didn't like. But when we figured it out - I loved that Darcy got the irony of my blog title. And she just ran with it.

She did my blog. My daughter's blog. She refreshed my blog. And did lots of blogs for people that saw her handiwork here. And I even earned a title from her. Second most difficult customer. I really think I am her favorite.

One of the things that Darcy has done recently for me is my favicon. What is a favicon? It is a favorites icon. Or a favicon for short. Well...see up there. In your URL bar? There should be a sun there. And not a blah-ger icon. I can always see my favicon on Mozilla. But explorer. Well. It's quirky. And sometimes it shows the favicon. And sometimes it doesn't. Would you like a favicon too?

Another thing that Darcy has done for me is to make me some bidness cards. For the bidness I don't have. But. I LOVE my cards. Because so often I am telling someone about my blog. Or I need to exchange email addresses. Or just need a piece of scrap paper. And these are perfect. Maybe I should call them my mommy cards. Would you like some, too?

And maybe an Office Max gift card to help you pay for the printing?I thought so. And a bonus. Because Darcy is soooo good. She usually has a really long wait in her queue. But...I am already in line. Holding your place. So your wait should be rather short.

To summarize. In case your mind drifted. Week Four prizes are: A favicon and Mommy cards from Darcy over at Graphically Designing. And a $25 Office Max gift card. Worth playing for?

This is what you need to do:

1. Post a comment here. Tell me how long you've been blogging. Have you ever had a make over? How did you come up with your blog name? Have you ever won a blog contest? Tell me the truth. Did you like the "Twilight" movie?

2. For another entry...follow me. Only ten more to make it to 150! If you already follow me, you also get an extra entry.

3. Blog about this week's contest.

4. When you comment you get an entry. When you follow, come back and leave another comment saying you follow me. When you post about it...come back and leave a comment saying you did it. Then I can truly use random number generator and I won't have to type in all those names!

5. Contest ends Friday at midnight. Winners have one week to email me to claim prizes. All unclaimed prizes will be added back into the pot. Winner will be announced next Saturday. Along with the week five prizes!

post signature

Theme song: Coldplay - Clocks - because when I blog. The time escapes me. Completely.


ChicagoLady said...

I've had my current blog since 2005. I had one previously but closed it and started over. I've done one major makeover, regarding the subjects of my posts. Design makeovers occur every season/holiday. Right now it's got a Thanksgiving design going.

I'm already following you, so that's good for a second entry.

I'll be right back after I post about this contest on my blog.

ChicagoLady said...

Entry has been posted.

My Blog

Jennifer said...

I've had my blog since June of this year! My blog name is My Life with four kids and well it's self explainable!! I have won 11 blog contests so far!! I haven't watched or read Twilight, but would like too!!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

MsTypo said...

Congrats to all the winning ladies!! :) I love the business cards!

In the three years and two months I’ve been blogging, I’ve redone the look of my blog twice I think. I usually change change my blogger template. Having the pyramids at the top is the biggest change I’ve ever made. As of right this minute I have never won a blog contest. (I’m hoping to hear good news later today. But so far – No winners here.)

I started blogging as a way to keep in touch once we moved overseas so I tried to come up with a name that represented both Hubby and I and the fact that we were so far away from home. I didn’t want to be tied to one place (thank goodness three countries later). So with Hubby’s approval we became Wandering the World.

Jane In The Jungle said...

I've been blogging a little over 1 month. I did my background and then had Home Spun Threads do my header and button. Name, well somehow the 4 kids and jungle theme fit!
LOVED the Twilight movie, hated losing the contest!
I am a follower.

I have my first giveaway going on in honor of Twilight!!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

What a great giveaway. I have been blogging since August 2008, so just a few months. Well, my blog name I just recently changed, and it's part of a lyric from the song Seasons of Love. No I've never had a blog makeover by a web design person, just my own google search for free templates and doing it myself. No I've never won a blog contest.

Twilight - I thought it was ok, loved some parts but other parts were pretty meh. The hubs came along with me who hadn't read the books and he really liked it!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

I am a follower!

Debie Napoleon said...

I've been blogging since May and have redone my template twice, but nothing custom.

I have never won a bloggy contest but am hopefull I'll win one someday.

I have not read the Twilight books so I am not that interested in the movie. Sorry to all the Twilight fans!

Jen said...

I have been blogging for over a year and had a make-over this past summer by Shannon at EightCrazt designs. I love make-overs.

Unknown said...

Great giveaway but since I won the mini from last week. I will leave a cooment just to say thank you for the prize!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway but since I won the mini from last week. I will leave a cooment just to say thank you for the prize!

The Wife O Riley said...

I have been blogging since early 2007, But I stopped for a while and went back about 7 months later.

My Blog title is Living the Life with the Wife of Riley. I came up with it when my husband was out of work and sitting on the couch living the life of Riley.

I have never won a contest.

I read all 4 Twilight books but I have to wait until Wednesday to see the movie.

Be Back after I follow and post.

The Wife O Riley said...

Following and posted

sassy stephanie said...

So, I'm sitting around, (lazing around, it is Saturday) and drinking my coffee. Mosey on over to the computer, thinking "hmmm...wonder who the lucky duck is that won Kat's giveaway goodies". Open my reader, scroll down to S&L,!!

I am soooooooooooo excited, I had to post an entry on my blog to SCREAM my excitement before I even commented here! Squeeeeaaaal!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I'm so excited!!

I don't want to be a total hound, so I'm not entering today's giveaway. But, wanted to say thank you thank you thank you thank you!!

Oh, and BTW, love the descript of you becoming permanently stuck to your chair. So funny!

And yay for Christina!

Kathleen W. said...

I've been blogging since January and it's become a daily addiction! I started it to record my thoughts and experiences about pregnancy and motherhood.

I had one of the typical Blogger templates, but redesigned my blog, Katydid and Kid, myself back in July using Photoshop. My blog title comes from a childhood nickname, and the "kid" part is my 7 month old son.

And I really want to read the Twilgiht series. I read the first chapters on Stephanie Meyer's site, and I'm hoping that the hubby will get me the series for Christmas. I won't see the movie until I read the books though, but I swoon over Edward!

Michelle said...

I have only been blogging since October.

I came up with my blog name because my sister is Heather and I didn't have my own blog, I read and posted on hers.

Yes, I won a shawl from Keeper of the Skies Wife.

I LOVED the Twilight movie,did you Kat, I am dying to know. Going to see it again tonight.

Jo-Jo said...

Man, I really wanted that! WHAAA! Oh well, Congrats to the winners!

Unknown said...

I've been blogging since October 2007, and I've made over my blog a bunch of times on my own, but never with "professional help" (it could probably use it). My blog name is my default internet screen name--in other words, this is my identity online--1momof5. I started using the name back in late 2004 when I was in a group of moms having babies in May 2005. I was having #5, hence 1momof5. I would love to come up with a better BLOG NAME.

I am seeing Twilight at 12:45 on Monday, while the kids are at school. :)

Unknown said...

PS--I am following you, and no, I have never won a blog contest, although I have entered several. I was the ONLY entry in one contest until the day before it ended and I still didn't win. Maybe my luck is changing?? :)

Rhea said...

No way, I think I heard that sucking noise in February!! Seriously, and I think I added to it, because my butt sucked onto my chair at the same moment!! We have synchronized butt suckage.

That sounds bad.

Awesome giveaway. You know I love Darcy.

And, I haven't seen Twilight yet..

Rhea said...

BTW, LOVE your mommy no-bidness, bidness cards. They turned out great!

And how did I get so far down on your comment list?!

Shannon said...

You know I would follow you anywhere...

Shannon said...

I started blogging this past July.

Yes, I've had a blog-makeover and I love it!

I live in a house full of crazy nuts... and I include myself in that lot ;) I once saw a sign that said "welcome to the nut house" so I remembered that when it came time to name my little blog.

I have won once... a darling little apron!

Yes, I LOVED the Twilight movie! Angie and I are gonna go back and see it!

And I would so love to have some bidness cards. Awesome.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OK Maybe this is my week eh? I love and heart Office stores, the post it note aisle and pencils make my heart zing.

I've been blogging since 4/19/07, 269 posts on Blogging Mama! That's on my NEW blog, I actually started blogging Dec 06, three months before we moved to Germany. (That blog was called sahmmominbonn stay at home mom in Bonn) I started a blog because we moved to Germany and I thought it would be a good way to keep family in touch. The name came about because I blog, I am a mama - henceforth Blogging Mama (real creative I know!). Now I keep Blogging Mama just for select few people to read (aka those who've never actually met me, wouldn't want to scare anyone) and keep a separate blog for family stuff that is private (the2rascals, again creative cause I have two rascal children)
I have NEVER won a blog contest so therefore, I need to win. And I so need a blogover. And I love the business blog cards, I've been thinking about doing that for awhile but I don't know who I'd give them too :)
I do see your sunshine in my navi bar, it's cool. And have I kissed up enough yet to win? ;)

Nah I love ya!

Darcy @ m3b said...

Eeek! I hadn't seen the printed version! They came out great! I take it you used Office Max?

They get my stamp of approval.

And no way you're my favorite. Absolutely not. I don't have favorites. No siree. Not me. 'Cause I'm diplomatic like that. I really am. I mean it.

I posted about it on, too.

But not about you're not my favorite. I only posted that you were generous. And generosity does NOT lend itself to favoritism at all.

Darcy ;)

WheresMyAngels said...

I picked a fine day to come visit ya, didn't I!! lol I'll make this my Follow comment!! Now off to see what your questions were again.

WheresMyAngels said...

I started my blog in Feb of this year. I had a BRIEF blogging experience on MySpace.

I've never had a makeover.

I've won two blogging contest. A 50 dollar gas card on Insane Mama's and a beautiful mini scrapbook on Christi's My Pretty Paper Blog.

Haven't seen Twilight, get sick of hearing about it!! hee hee Plan to see it with my 16 year old, next week. I don't plan to like it, just because I never like movies after I read the book.

jennifersusan said...

I've been blogging for a few months, and I've never had a blog make over. I came up with my name because I tend to wander and talk about all sorts of things that are never really related, but surely you got that already. I have won a blog contest! I won a fabulous Wicked contest from YOU! *sniff* I haven't seen Twilight yet. Did you like it???

Teri said...

I have been blogging since June...when you got me into this. Quite fun, actually. I picked my blog name to play off my philosophy degree. I'm always telling the kids "let me think on it." I wonder if I should change the blog name to "I really mean no." hehe

And I have only won 1 blog contest - from you months ago. :-)

I haven't seen Twilight. Am I still worthy?

Teri said...

Oh, and another thing. I am already a follower. Of course.

kristin maynes said...

I started blogging a year ago Nov. 18. But....all my blogs were deleted, my early November! It was very sad:(. I deleted them the same day Darcy emailed to say....she was ready to get to work on my 'Refresh Me' design. So I quickly started a NEW blog...the name was almost the same. Old name: The Sassy Mom New name: The Sassy Mom Shoppe...and Darcy went to work.

My kids came up with the name...First they said it should be: Sweet, Sassy and Sarcastic. I almost used that, but we decided on "The Sassy Mom".

Also, I'm a follower on Twitter.

Trish said...

I have been blogging for just over a year, and for my birthday last year my husband had Shannon at 8 Crazy do a blog makeover for me! I loved it. I have been thinkig lately that it is time for another makeover though.
My blog name is just reflective of what my life was at the time I started blogging. CRAZY! Mys husband was going to school fulltime and working full time, I worked 30 hours a week, add two kids and all their activites and it was crazy! The situation has change but it is still crazy?!?
I have won a few blog contests before. I won some magnets from Beckie at Infarrantly Creative and a summer beach basket from my friend delores.
I did like the Twilight movie. Did you? It was not as good as the book, but I go into every movie that is made from a book expecting that it not be as good as the book. I think the worst part was that they did not take the time to develop the relationship between Edward and Bella better, or between the whole Cullen family. I did like it though.

Alright I'm off to post about the contest right now. I'll be back in a minute!!

Trish said...

alright, my contest post is up......


I WANT to WIN this one!

Krista said...

I've only been blogging since 2/10/07 and I only started because I live in Texas and the rest of my family lives in Canada. It's easier to tell everyone what's going on ONCE then 26 different phone calls a week.
Neither my blog or myself have ever had a make over. I'm okay with that. I'm a self-confident blogger. Or something.
Krista's Spot. Well, I'm Krista and it's MY spot.
I have never won a contest period.
The Twilight movie is okay. I went in with very low expectations, so I wasn't disappointed. Though I do wish they would have stayed a little truer to the books.

argsmommy said...

I've been blogging since June and recently had a makeover by the talented Darcy. My blog is called Blue House Academy because we homeschool in a blue house, and my kids picked out the name. I've never won a blog contest, but I'm not sure I've ever entered one either! But this one sounded really good. : ) Finally, I confess, I have not seen the movie and haven't even read any of the books. I hope that does not automatically disqualify me.


~Michelle~ said...

According to my archives, I've been blogging since 9/19/2004. I think I started because I was bored @ my job while in school. I've never had a blog makeover, except to copy in some code for a different template.

I'm really not that creative, so my blog name is the best I could come up with at the time, and I really haven't decided to change it because I don't have any better ideas (STILL!).

I've won exactly 1 blog contest, which I found can read about it on my blog! But I've sure entered a lot more!

Twilight was pretty decent - Rob Pattison grew on me as Edward - I was very prepared not to enjoy him @ all. And K-stew was dead on for Bella - loved her!

~Michelle~ said...

Blogged here:

annaliese said...

*sigh* congrats to the winners*big sigh* ;)

been blogging since July of '07. I had a blog makeover a few months back by Shannon at Eight Crazy designs--I also changed the name of my blog then to better reflect me(the protagonist of my life story and often onstage--hee hee!)--rather than just a generic family blog--since I found out the fam that it was intended for (grams and gramps that don't live close) hardly ever looked at it!

*sigh* no, I have not won a blog contest. (your last one was the only one I have entered :))now I'm hooked!

I did like Twilight. but I like the books better. it was a treat to see the visiting friends...--but not necessarily a great movie.

thanks for such fun contests!

annaliese said...

oh! for another entry--I do follow you :)

Just Lisa said...

(this is my third time posting. sorry if I keep posting the same thing. My internet connection is quite mad at me).

I've been blogging for 6 months. I would LOVE a make over! I'd love to change my name, too-- it's so super lame!

I haven't seen Twilight yet, I probably will in December sometime, after the craze has died down. I hope it's worth all the hype!

Just Lisa said...

And I follow you!

Aubrey said...

I have only been blogging since this summer due to much prodding from my good friend. Her persistence paid off. LOL I'm SO glad I did.
And, as you know, I am in the process of possibly changing my blog name.
I have won 2 blog contests lately. One from the SITS blogathon!
I can't wait to see the Twilight movie!!

Christi said...

I've only been blogging for a few months but I've been reading other peoples blogs for years. Love them. I've never had a blog make over but I'm saving my money so I can hire Darcy. LOL My blog name is Random Acts of Christi because it's basically a little bit of everything about me. I won one blog contest on my cousins blog. It was a team edward magnet. LOL I haven't seen the movie but I've read all the books.

Christi said...

I'm a follower!!!

P.S. This is fun. :)

Unknown said...

I have been blogging since 1/17/2004... Katie was less than a year old!!!!

Never had a blog makeover by anyone other then me...

Well, this blog is called Journey to the Hot Tub because it was supposed to be about my journey with Mr. B... I never intended it to have readers... it was just a journal of my feelings about him. The hob tub is because as already -been-married-before people, our wedding night might not be as special as it would be if we were first getting married, so we decided to pick something that would make it special, and save it for that night.. thus... the hot tub....

I have won a contest or two....

Haven't seen the movie... does that knock me out of contention?

Christi said...

I posted your contest on my blog. :)

Michelle said...

Hmmm... so if your last winner won and it was perfect because she just had a birthday, do I get extra good karma because I have a birthday on Monday? Yeah, I didn't think so, but it was worth a shot ;)

Ok, so I've been blogging since March 8 although I thought about it since September 2007 but didn't feel like I was good enough. Umm yeah. Good enough for what exactly?

I did have a makeover in September, and I may be one of the harder people because I kind of know exactly what I want but need to draw it out which is hard when I'm not THERE! But I like the new layout :) I came up with my name just ... because. The point of the blog is to tell it how it is with nothing held back -- honest and truly! (a phrase I used to say a LOT as a child)

And yes, I won a couple PIF in the big PIF bomb that Swistle set off this summer. Anddddd I haven't yet seen Twilight (but note that I said "yet").

Michelle said...

Oh, and I'm following you, so add another one for that piece :) 150! Wow. I have a lowly 12. Maybe I should go back to that "not good enough" feeling! ;)

jori-o said...

I've got posts datied from March of this year, but I didn't really get into it until June or July. I've never had a bloggy makeover--who wouldn't love a makeover?? My blog name is BLATANT copying of Jon and Kate. 'Cept we only have 3(THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE) so it just worked out that way. I HAVE won a blog contest--I won a Twilight bauble. And truthfully, YES I liked the movie. I'll defend my opinion on my blog sometime this week, as I know I am in the minority! ;p

Julie said...

I have been blogging since earlier this year...I think March. And I got my blog designed by Darcy too, we got ours done around the same time :) And I actually won something... the first two Twilight books from Darcy, which is such a blessing living overseas and not being able to buy it... I got to read them, yippeee

John Deere Mom said...

You had me at Office Max. Most girls want chocolate, vampire lovin', diamonds...not me. I want office supplies! Hook me up!

Anonymous said...

You and I started blogging about the same time... right? One Wired Woman came from a play on words from my beading website. I paid for my first blog design... but I figured it all out and designed my current one!!!! Woo Hoo!!

~Jill :)

Allison said...

Just found your blog via BATW - I can't wait to look around some more!

I've been blogging a little over 2 years - started when we moved to Germany with the military...

My blog name? so boring and un-creative :( I need a new one...

Allison said...

I'm following you now ;)

Mandy said...

I've been blogging a year now. I came up with my blog name because I feel like when I became a mom...I cracked. It's the toughest job you'll ever love and all that stuff. I've had a few makeovers, but never stay satisfied long. I love change and right now I'm into the simple look, so it's pretty blah looking at the moment. And Twilight...I'm one of those shameful people who haven't read the books or seen the movie. I know!

Brian and Staci said...

Wow! You are sooo good to your readers :) YOU ARE SOMETHIN'!! To answer your question you asked from my post...YES, he will always stay white!! You can google West Highland White Terrier and check out their cute little faces :) And he is laying his cute little self right across my feet as I sit here and type...I'm in heaven I tell ya :) HEAVEN! (And, it doesn't hurt either that my Sooners put a poompin' on Texas Tech last night either!!! Yep...HEAVEN I tell ya!)

Queenie Jeannie said...

Oh this sounds fun! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I've been blogging since May 28, 2008. I've never had a make over-I took the background from CutestBlogOnTheBlock. I came up w/ my blog name bc my nickname is "Yaya" and one of my fav words is 'Stuff' and it is about my life-hence "Yaya Stuff"! I've never won a blog contest. I LOVE the Twilight movie! I can't wait to see it AGAIN this week!!!!

Unknown said...

I have had my blog since July of this year. I have had my blog redone twice already (not counting the changes in basic templates).

My blog name is my business name. I have won a blog contest before - the first time I won I wasn't a blogger.

I love Twilight and didn't realize it was a sensation when I started the series on Mother's Day. I read all three of the books in that week and waited anxiously for Breaking Dawn. I am going to see the movie tomorrow.


Unknown said...

I am following you now.

Linsey said...

I found you through BATW and what a find. Let's see, I started our (read, my) blog when we moved to Peru (we are now in Venezuela) just over 2 years I'm not a hardcore blogger, but I like to read blogs by people I don't know and comment on their blog in such a way that would suggest we are old friends, random, I know.

I have changed the format of my blog once. It needs a makeover, but I'm technology challenged and so, well the need persists.

I have never won a blog contest, but I enter all the time just for fun. I'm not very lucky. I won tickets on the radio once and the concert was canceled, true story.

Didn't see "Twilight" and likely won't unless it makes it to Caracas, not holding my breath.

Whether I win or not, I'll be back to visit.

Jane In The Jungle said...

Blogged it!!

Mama Dawg said...

I've been blogging for about a year. I've had one makeover! And still love it. I did a whole post on my blog name. I've won one contest. For eco-friendly washing detergent. That I LOVE! I haven't seen the movie yet. Sorry!

Mama Dawg said...

I already follow you!

Firefly Mom said...

I started blogging in January and nope - never had a bloggy makeover!

When I was a kid, we were always running late, so my step-dad would say "We're off like a herd of turtles, or a pack of hungry snails". Which my son and I now say when we head out the door. So when it was time to pick a blog name, I let him choose. He actually wanted "herd of turtles" but it's already taken, if you can believe it!

I haven't seen Twilight. I haven't even read it yet. They did film a bunch of scenes right around my house, though. Do I get bonus points for that??

Ronnica said...

I've been blogging for 2 1/2 years (3 1/2 if you count my Xanga before that). I've recently had a Christmas bloggy makeover. My blog title is "Tale of a Kansas Girl" because, well, I don't remember why. But I'm from Kansas, so I thought it was fitting. I have won a couple blog contests, the biggest of which was a $25 giftcard to Papa Johns. And I haven't seen Twilight and probably won't unless someone in my family wants to see it.

Brandy said...

Blogging since April/May 2008

I've never had an official makeover but I've changed my template a couple of times.

Riding on the back of the mc one day...

No I haven't won anything lately. :{

Errrr...I blogged about my Twilight review.

Brandy said...

I follow you...cause you are so popular. ~couldn't help it~

lynette355 said...

Amazingly cute cards.
How professional

lynette355 said...

Shared the give away on my page for you.
Lots of Bloggy love to ya!

lynette355 said...

BTW you know I follow you. I have to have my daily music fix!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...


I've been blogging since April. Oh2122 is the zip code I grew up in, and I haven't seen the movie yet so NO ONE SAY ANYTHING LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA.

(Not like I haven't read all of her books. Including Host. Reminded me of Stargate, honestly.)

Sticky said...

Oh my - here I go...
I haven't been blogging very long, since August, I guess. So no, I haven't ever had a makeover and I have never won a contest. My blog name, not too sticky, comes from 2 places - I think 'sticky' and 'four year old boy' are synonomous and it happens to be one of same boys favorite conditions..."not too sticky...not to slimy" or "I don't want that - it's too sticky" I think he just uses the word randomly.
I have yet to see the Twilight movie, but I'm halfway through re-reading the books. Again.

Sticky said...

I'm following (I would have anyway, without the contaest! )

Linda said...

Started blogging in July of this year.

I've had plenty of makeovers, some great, some not so much.

My blog name, Another Piece of the Pie, just came to me. I like pie, what can I say? And I figure I'm always adding, creating, or consuming another piece of the pie o' life. Wow, that was deep.

I've won a couple of blogging contests. I enter every one I can find. It's fun ... and a great surprise when you win!

And the truth ... I haven't seen the Twilight movie yet. Please don't disqualify me! LOL

Linda said...

Oh ... and I already follow you! Woohoo

Mrs Anne said...

I've been blogging since July 2007. I've posted 69 times and find that it's a wonderful outlet and a great place to meet new people, learn new ideas, get great book suggestions, see the cutest pictures, swap recipes, and just overall a positive place to be yourself in.


I love your giveaways, they are so unique and fun!

:) I'm a follower too!


Michelle said...

I've been blogging since Sept. of 2007. I've only had self-proclaimed makeovers, which really are nothing. My blog name is girl, outnumbered. Because well, I'm a girl... and outnumbered by boys. I've only won one contest in my entire life, and it was just last week.

Pick me! Pick me!

Oh, and Ididn'tseetheTwilightmovieI'veneverevenreadthebooksyikes.

My Two Army Brats said...

Well let's see here. I started blogging in Sept. 07 but I didn't really start blogging until February 08 when I started commenting on people blogs and posting regularly on mine.

I named my blog after my kids except they aren't really brats. Or are they?

I have not read/watched Twilight. Probably won't either.

My Two Army Brats said...

I already follow you! Yay pick me!

The Joye of Teaching said...

Ok, I am just in under the wire. I've been blogging since..Feb 08
I did have Darcy do my blog. She's great! I named my blog My Happy Place because it goes with my name Joye! I have won a contest for to baby burp towels that were monogrammed. Ironic huh? I gave them to my cousin.
Did you like the "Twilight" movie? I liked it but didn't love it. The movie in my head as I read it was much better,scary, romantic to me. (I actually think Jasper in the movie was HOT!)

The Joye of Teaching said...

I already follow the leader!