Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday Follies: Tangled Texas

Do you know what today is? Today is the last day to enter the contest. Yes THE contest. For your very own soundtrack to Wicked. And a personalized, autographed copy of Wicked by Gregory Maguire. Yes. Personalized. And then tomorrow is round two of the Weekend Winners. With a whole new set of prizes. And chances to win. (Yep. Chances. This time there will be more than one winner!)

Now that the bidness is out of the way. It's time again for the Friday Follies...and our next guest inquisitor. Rhea from Texas Word Tangle came to my rescue with her offer to interrogate you. Rhea and I go way back. All the way to March. She was my first commenter. She made me stop in my tracks and say "how the heck did you find me??" Though I might not have used such lady like language. Be sure to go say hello to my blog buddy after you answer her Texas themed questions:

Have you ever been to Texas?

If you could buy only cowboy boots or only a cowboy hat, which would you choose?

Have you ever ridden a horse before?

Have you ever been to a rodeo?

If you had to participate in a rodeo, what event would you want to be in?(barrel riding, bull riding, calf scramble, roping, rodeo clown, etc.)

Who's the most famous Texan that comes to mind first?

If you had to move to Texas, which city would you choose?

Who's your favorite Texas blogger in a pink cowboy hat?

Which animal poop is more artistic, cow patties or wild raisins (deer poop)?

Have you ever gone eye-to-eye with a rattlesnake with a mimosa, a cowgirl hat and boots at a bachelorette party in the country? No, wait, I mean, have you ever touched a snake?

post signature

If you would like to be a ask the questions one week - just let me know in the comments.

Theme song: Nancy Sinatra - These Boots are Made for Walking


Carrie said...

My sister lives in Houston, so I used to go spend a few weeks each summer with her. I was young and skinny and just laid by the pool all day. Now, I think I'd generally be in a bad mood all the time from the humidity and heat. blech

Boots, baby! I had a pair of red and black Justins in high school and I wore them all the time with my Wranglers.

I grew up in Montana, so the answer to the next two questions is yes. Several of my friends had horses and we rode them all the time. But here's a suggestion: Never ride a horse bareback wearing shorts. It hurts. Baaaaaaaaad! Our big fair each year was called The Last Chance Stampede Fair and Rodeo. Yes, we were hicks.

If I had to participate, I guess I'd just pour beer.

GHWB 41--I met him once. He's so much taller than I thought he'd be.

I suppose Austin, but you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming. I hate humidity and I like snow.

Hey, that's a loaded question...

Cow patties. In fact, at the Stampede Fair each year, there was always a Buffalo Chip Toss. People actually touched dried cow s**t and threw it. Yah, I skipped that event. Gross...

Yep, I've touched lots of snakes (that sounds quite whore-ish haha). I have even eaten rattlesnake. It tasted like chicken.

Shannon said...

No, I have never made it to Texas.

I would go with boots. I actually considered wearing a pair of white ones on my wedding day... but my mom thought I should go with something a little more traditional.

Yes, I have ridden a horse... we used to have one, an Arabian named Bunny.

Yes, I have been to a rodeo. Once... I think I was 10 or 11???

I'm probably most suited to being the clown.

Sam Houston. Or Ann Richards.


RHEA!!!! Who else??? ;)

Cow patties. Hands down.

Negative on the snake touching.

Swirl Girl said...

Yes- I've been to Texas - and more for just a layover!

I'd do the boots. I don't have a hat kinda head.

I have ridden a horse before - and the 4 legged kind too.

Never been to a rodeo, nope.


the Bush's

San Antonio


aaaah- it depends is we're talking live or cartoon ( my answer is as weird as the question)

I have touched snakes on both the nature and retail level.

Gina said...

Yes, but only to the flat, brown, and ugly part.

Boots. Pink. Hats look goofy on me.



I'd have to be the clown.


Somewhere on teh Gulf Coast.

Umm, Let's see....

Cow patties for sure.

Yes, but never one with a mimosa in it's hand, wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat!

Unknown said...

Nope, never been to Texas ... but it's on my list of places to visit !!!

Yep, I've ridden horses. Dislocated my houlder once, after being thrown over a fence when the horse refused to jump it. The horse stopped, but I kept going. I landed in a mud puddle and I swear the horse was laughing at me. Was quite gentle with me once it realised I was hurt.

Yes, been to rodeos. We have them in NZ as well..

Probably barrel riding..

GWB, unfortunately...

Dallas sounds interesting.. so does Houston..

Rhea, of course :-)

Cow patties, they can be such interesting shapes..

I accidently went eye to eye with a rattlesnake when I first moved over here. I was climbing up some rocks and it was sitting on the top of one sunbathing. Don't know who was the more scared, it or me ...nevertheless, we both went off in opposite directions at a fast clip.

Other than that, snakes and I do not mix. I was born in NZ. We do not have snakes in NZ, even in the zoos. I do not like snakes. I now have my feet up on the wastepaper basket that is under the computer desk...

Just Lisa said...

(I love answering questions about me!)

Nope, never beeen to Texas. Kinda dangerous. All my ex-es live there.

The hat. I wore a cowboy hat to a club in Tahoe last year and danced all night. Never felt sexier.

Yep, I've ridden a horse

Yes. my neighboring town is the cowboy capitol of the world.

I'd do barrel racing. That could be hot.

The guy with the chainsaw

I'd move to Haslet, I think it's a suburb of Ft Worth. My girlfirend lives there, so I'd have a friend.

Is this a trick question?

I know precious little about animal poop, but I like the sound of wild raisins.

Nope, I don't need to ever experience either one!

Rosemary Q said...

Yes I have been to Texas

Cowboy Boots - hats don't like me.

Yes I have ridden a horse

No rodeo's yet

Rodeo Clown

The least humid city there is

The one and only!

hmm...good question!


Trish said...

I've had a layover in the Dallas airport. Does that count?




muttin bustin

GW Bush

El Paso

Why you of course!

hands down, cow patties


Anonymous said...

1. No but I would love to visit and/or live there.

2. Boots, I'm not much for hats.

3. Yes and LOVE it.

4. Yes, in Boise, Idaho as a kid.

5. Hot dog vendor? Is that an option? I don't care for the adrenaline rush of actual participation :)

6. Lance Armstrong

7. Austin

8. Umm

9. cow patties

10. No, I'd have to safely say no.

Anonymous said...

1. No
2. hat
3. Yes!
4. No :(
5. totally bull riding!
6. Katy-we have family there
7. Lol!
8. love those wild raisins
9. Yeah

lynette355 said...

Born and Bred Texan
Never worn cowboy boots or hat
I ended up riding under the horse. long story
Been to rodeos
Rodeo clown
Matthew McConaughey
Love Dallas
Cow patties
No snakes

Finding Normal said...

once--Austin. LOVED it!
a hat
yes, I've ridden a horse
No rodeos
Um, none of the above. I'd dress up and look all cute and sit and watch
W. Sorry.
you! :)
let's go with cow patties
I probably have at some point, but I don't make touching snakes a regular habit.

Rhea said...

I'll have to come back and answer my own questions when I have more time...I love reading all these answers!

Justine said...

Don't ya just love Rhea? Okay, here goes my answers:

Nope, never been

I'd choose the hat. I'd look like a doofus with boot and shorts on.

Yep, but not in some years. I'd feel bad for the horse these days, as I probably weigh the same as the animal.

Nope, no rodeos in NY or FL that I know of.

Can't I be the bull?

Yummy, Matthew McConaughey



Definitely cow patties.

I've touched many snakes. Usually when they get into our garage or house. Hubby jumps on the nearest piece of furniture and I'm put on snake patrol.

Justine :o )

Angie's Spot said...

Yes I have.

The hat. I love hats.


Many many years ago.

Barrel Riding. I actually took 3rd place in that event when I was a kid.

Unfortunately, it would be our current President.


Mmm, let me think on this one a bit. LOL! Maybe, RHEA?!?!

I'm going with cow patties.

Yes. I once held a very large albino boa constrictor around my neck, in high school, and almost gave my mom a heart attack.

And if you need another volunteer, I'll do the questions next week.

sassy stephanie said...

Good Qs Rhea!

I live in Texas and have since I was 6 months old. My parents say I'm an "almost native Texan". Yee haw!

Oh man oh man oh man. That's almost like asking me to pick my favorite kid. I guess I'd go with boots, though, since I wear them more than hats.

Yep. Not too pretty. Gotta get some riding lessons before we get some horses!

Yes. THE rodeo. THE largest livestock show and rodeo in the world. Houston. I am a lifetime member and volunteer for the organization.

I have a friend that is a rodeo clown. Fun. I'd prolly go with that or chuck wagon races!

Me. ha!

I have lived in or around Houston my whole life, until this past May, that is. I now live about an hour north. I love it here. But, I could totally live in/near Austin as well. Or San Antonio. You can have Dallas though.


Deer poop. Fun to hunt for. (My kids look for evidence of animals being on our property.)

Nope. Almost did last week though, cleaning up tree branches after Ike.

jennifersusan said...

Two words for ya. Food poisoning. My brother went to college in Texas and when we went to his graduation mom, dad and I all ended up with food poisoning. Ahh..the fond memories of Texas. ;p
I think I'd buy cowboy boots--Rose has a pair of bright pink ones she adores!
I was a girl scout for 10years, of course I've ridden a horse (and have been thrown from one too).
I LOVE rodeos!!!
again, I love rodeos...the drinking, the music, the cowboys. Have I mentioned being thrown from a horse? I don't think actually participating in a rodeo would be smart--guess I'd be stuck as a clown.
Chuck Norris? He is from Texas right?
If I had to move (and we've talked about moving there), I think I'd want to go to Houston.
I have a favorite Texas blogger who wears a pink cowboy hat?
Well, my highschool always like to have a patty toss during homecoming, so I guess cow patties.
I'll refrain from answering the last one. Man, that could go so many ways!

Jo-Jo said...

*I have never been to Texas...but I have an aunt there!

*Since I do not have cowboy boots but I do have a cowboy hat, I guess I already choose hat!

*I have ridden a horse and it made my knees hurt :-(

*I use o go to rodeo's all the time! (Until I met my hubby! LOL)

*I would be the one to sin the National Anthum. I couldn't do any of the others!

*George Bush...I guess its the elections.

*Prob a city near Mexico so I could go over and get cheep meds!

*Deer poop?

*I have a friend that use to have a 6 ft Boa...its name was Hera...I would touch its tail but not the head.

Brandy said...

Never been to Texas. :(

I've already got sassy cowboy boots so cowboy hat it is.

When I was much, much younger. I'd love to do it again, but I don't think the horse in my backyard would like that much.


Can I just work in the concession stand? Or sell tickets please?


Not a clue...I would stay away from the Gulf (No hurricanes for me!) for sure.

Um...Rhea? That's just a guess.

Poop is just gross but I'll go with deer poop since I've actually seen it.

Yes, I've touched a snake. And I've very confused about the rest of that question.

I love, love, love the song choice! Even when I was little I would sing this song around the house...

Unknown said...

Yes... drove all the way across it in a 24 foot Penske hauling a mini-van with a 13 month old.

Hat... my calves are too fat for boots.

Yes - summer camp.


Somehow I think clown would be the proper place for me.


San Antonio

GWB on January 21st?

Patties hands down.

My mind is much too far in the gutter for this one.

Elena said...

Fun questions today Rhea!

Have you ever been to Texas? Yep, several times. My mom's from there.

If you could buy only cowboy boots or only a cowboy hat, which would you choose? Probably a hat, cuteness factor.

Have you ever ridden a horse before? Yep, all the time as a kid.

Have you ever been to a rodeo? Yep

If you had to participate in a rodeo, what event would you want to be in?(barrel riding, bull riding, calf scramble, roping, rodeo clown, etc.) Barrel races for sure.

Who's the most famous Texan that comes to mind first? J.R. :)

If you had to move to Texas, which city would you choose? Dallas, I have family there.

Who's your favorite Texas blogger in a pink cowboy hat? Rhea!! (funny!)

Which animal poop is more artistic, cow patties or wild raisins (deer poop)? Cow pattie.

Have you ever gone eye-to-eye with a rattlesnake with a mimosa, a cowgirl hat and boots at a bachelorette party in the country? No, wait, I mean, have you ever touched a snake? Yes, I've touched a snake, but not one wearing a cowgirl hat and boots.

Susan said...

I lived in Houston for a few years while growing up and I have been to Texas for work many, many times since then.

Boots!!! I am so sad I got rid of the pair I had in college. They were awesome.

No horse riding for me.

Houston rodeo when I was 9 years old.

I would NOT want to participate in a rodeo in any fashion. I much prefer enjoying a nice cold one whilst viewing said rodeo from a distance.

Texan: the most relevant one in recent history. W.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Austin. Fav TX city BY FAR!


Ummm... cow patties?

Touched a snake. Unfortunately so. I am petrified of them.

Scott and Jillian said...

What a fun idea!

*I used to live in Athens, a tiny town southeast of Dallas.

*Probably a cowboy hat.


*yes again

*I would do mutton bustin'! Of course, I might be a little too big for that, now.

*Chuck Norris. The jokes are awesome! Laugh, or I'll roundhouse kick you in the face!

*Probably Athens, since my mom & sisters live there. OR Tyler, 'cause they have more than 2 grocery store choices, Wendy's and Target! Or Dallas, although the freeway system is ca-razy!

*I don't know

*tough one...I guess it depends on your definition of 'artistic'. I'd say the patties, 'cause the canvas is bigger.

*yes, but not in the wild or anything. I think it was at the state fair or zoo.


Aleta said...

Yes, I've been to my neighboring state a number of times.

Cowboy boots!

When I was little I road a horse.

Never been to a rodeo!

I'm not sure. What's a calf scramble? Roping maybe.

Dare I say, George Bush

Well, I have relatives in Round Rock.

You. Hehe.

Cow Patties (seen plenty of them at my grandmother's land)

Nope, never touched a snake, but my mom did once.

Anonymous said...

boots. definitely
yep. ask Jill Sweet about that.
oh yeah.
are you kidding? all those jobs mean getting the bots dirty. ick. so none of the above.
Matthew McConaughy
San Antonio. hands down.
cow patties of course

Sugar said...

The hat... you'll see why *evil laugh*
The audiance event
Rhea from Texas Word Tangle
San Antonio
Me, when I go to Texas and wear my new cowboy hat that I got... It's pink ;)
No idea...

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to Texas?
Actually, I lived in Dallas for a while.

If you could buy only cowboy boots or only a cowboy hat, which would you choose?
Boots - it's getting closer to snow season every day!

Have you ever ridden a horse before?

Have you ever been to a rodeo?
Yes, I've been to lots.

If you had to participate in a rodeo, what event would you want to be in?(barrel riding, bull riding, calf scramble, roping, rodeo clown, etc.)
I always wanted to be a pickup man (er woman) that way all the cute cowboys have to hang on to me while I wisk them to safety!

Who's the most famous Texan that comes to mind first?
Sam Houston

If you had to move to Texas, which city would you choose?
I hear Austin is pretty nice.

Who's your favorite Texas blogger in a pink cowboy hat?
I wonder!

Which animal poop is more artistic, cow patties or wild raisins (deer poop)?

Have you ever gone eye-to-eye with a rattlesnake with a mimosa, a cowgirl hat and boots at a bachelorette party in the country? No, wait, I mean, have you ever touched a snake?
No. Snakes. Please.

Great questions!

Rachel Ann said...

How fun is this!

Been to Texas, yes! Dallas, Fort Worth, etc.

Well I own both...but I love my Cowboy hats...I have like 4 or 5.

Yes, I've ridden a horse.

I love the rodeo...rather, I love the PBR!

If I had to participate in a rodeo? I'd be the official Butt checker...make sure those wranglers fit right!

George Strait.

I'd rather not move to TX...too hot.

I'd rather not have to be the judge of artistic animal poop.

KimmyJ said...

1.Yessiree, bob
2.Boots, baybe
4.Love rodeo-in'
5.Barrel racing - but I have sang the National Antehm at a rodeo or two.
6.Texas Pete - hot sauce??
7.San Antonio or Dallas
8.Rhea, Rhea, Bo Bay....
9.Going with the Patties
10.I've touched a snake or two in my time - hehe!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Boots baby, boots!
Oh Yeah!
Barrel riding
Lyndon Johnson
Galveston, I heart the song.
OK that's a hard their both so... poopy, probably cow patties since they're sooo much bigger!!
Yes I have touched a snake and found it ..... unslimy!

KimmyDarling said...

I've never been to Texas.


I have ridden a horse one time.

Never been to a rodeo.

I'd want to try roping. I think I might be good at that.


Austin. I hear it's weird, which would suit me.

Rhea, of course!

Cow patties.

I have touched a snake at a zoo on a field trip. It was not a pleasurable experience. Me no likey.

The Joye of Teaching said...

- never been to Texas, YET!
-buy only cowboy boots
-I have ridden a horse at a park. I was terrified.
-never been to a rodeo
- I am terrified of the large animals that are in a rodeo. I may work the petting zoo part with goats and that allowed?
-most famous Texan that comes to mind first- No idea???
- had to move to Texas, which city???
-Who's your favorite Texas blogger in a pink cowboy hat? you Rhea
-cow patties/ never heard of wild raisins
-No, never touched a snake

christelpistol said...

Have you ever been to Texas? I LIVE IN AUSTIN, BABY!

If you could buy only cowboy boots or only a cowboy hat, which would you choose? HAT. and wear ONLY that hat to bed. oh wait. check THAT off too.

Have you ever ridden a horse before? no.

Have you ever been to a rodeo? yes'm

If you had to participate in a rodeo, what event would you want to be in?(barrel riding, bull riding, calf scramble, roping, rodeo clown, etc.)? the barrel racing always looked fun.

Who's the most famous Texan that comes to mind first? besides Matthew? Tommy Lee Jones. Willie Nelson. Stevie Ray Vaughan

If you had to move to Texas, which city would you choose? the one i'm in now.

Who's your favorite Texas blogger in a pink cowboy hat? ME. oh wait. i thought you said PIRATE hat.

Which animal poop is more artistic, cow patties or wild raisins (deer poop)? deer poop

Have you ever gone eye-to-eye with a rattlesnake with a mimosa, a cowgirl hat and boots at a bachelorette party in the country? No, wait, I mean, have you ever touched a snake? honey, i have touched MOOOORE trouser snakes than a woman my age should have.

Linda said...

What fun ...

No, never been to Texas, but my dad's family is from there.

I'd have to go for the boots, sadly hats don't look all that great on me.

Yes, I grew up in the country and my friend and I used to ride our 3-wheelers (way back before 4-wheel ATV's) over to another neighbor's and ride their horses for them. I'm sure they appreciated it.

The Clovis Rodeo is a BIG deal here in my neck o' the woods. I go about every other year.

I wanna do the equestrian events like in the Olympics. They don't seem to get as dirty and dusty as the rodeo riders.

Nolan Ryan.

I would check out Denison ... that's where my dad's family is from and my great-grandfather was the chief of police.

I'm pretty sure there's only room in the blogosphere for ONE pink cowboy-hatted blogger. Oh yeah, you know who I'm talkin' about!

Cow patties are not only artistic, they are incredibly aerodynamic ... my hubby won the cow-chip throwing championships in college. Yup, stole my heart right then and there!

I took a herpetology class during summer school when I was a kid ... does that count?

Ooo, ooo, oooo ... I wanna ask questions some time ... pick me pick me!

~Michelle~ said...

Been to Texas many times...

I would buy the boots, more practical - but I own both & live in LA, which is not the norm!

Yes, I've ridden before...I ride about every 2 weeks currently.

Rodeo's are fun! I would like to do some barrel racin' (didn't know it was called barrel riding).

Famous Texas = George Strait

I would move to San Antonio - I have 2 friends that live there, and its a beautiful city!

Artistic animal poop = cow patties, especially if they're frozen, and your little brother flies off the back of the sled (which is really a car hood turned upside down being towed behind a pickup) and lands on one and gets a bloody nose...definitely artistic, deer poo cannot do that!

I touched a snake once...when I was about 4...and haven't done it since!

Brian and Staci said...

OHHH FINALLY I am allowed to comment by my ^%#^#&* computer!
Yes...scared to death of them though!
Big the Texas State Fair :) He's not real though. So, Matthew McConaghey (sp?) At least I think he's a Texan boy?
Cow patties
Um, I don't think so...but I see them a lot in my neck of the woods :)

Brian and Staci said...

Ohhhh!!! I was just reading in some of your past posts and because my #^&^&^# computer was being so ^%^&%& to me...I TOTALLY missed out on the post dedicated to me :( I'm so I'm gonna answer those questions right now!!!!
Never been to any Highland games but I've been to the Highlands...THREE TIMES!!! Seen at least one sexy man in a kilt (wink wink) my hubby :) I've never been able to try the haggis...but Brian has and he actually likes it. I prefer to stick to their Shepherds pies :)
Oh that was fun! And thanks sooo much for making me feel better about how MY eggs looked! When I showed Brian that youtube you sent me he was quite certain it would NOT work...guess he was right, as usual :) Gonna make him some of those Scottish eggs. I'm not a sausage person...but he is and would love em! Thanks Kat!

Susie said...

I have been to Houston (I have a friend who lives there:-)

Cowboy hat.

I have ridden a horse on an organized trail.

I have been to the rodeo.

I would want to rope (I am not sure why).

George W. Bush.

I would move to Houston to be close to my friend.


Deer poop:-)

I Love Purple More Than You said...

*barrel riding
*uh... my husband?
*Tyler (let my husband pick that one)
*Rhea. Is there any other?
*wild raisins for sure
*yes-snakes (I have three of them for pets)

MarciaBrady said...

I have been to Texas. I loved it. I almost moved there.

I guess I would choose the boots since I already have a cowboy hat.

I have ridden a horse a couple of times.

Never been to a rodeo, but have always wanted to go. Not too many in Indiana.

I'd have to say barrel riding.

Matthew McConaughey. He's so HOT!!

Ummmm??? Rhea??

I have no idea. I've never seen either.

Never. I don't like snakes!!

MarciaBrady said...

Oh...I forgot to answer where I would live if I moved to Texas. I would say Killeen. I know people there and that's where I visited when I went to Texas. I loved it there. It's a little hotter than I like, but I could get used to it!!

Mama Dawg said...


Boots, baby!

Nope, but I've ridden a cowboy....wait, I'm not supposed to say that. Yes, I've ridden a horse before.


Rodeo clown.


The same city as Rhea.

Me. I mean, Rhea.

Wild raisins. They make such interesting piles.

Is that a euphimism for something? If so (or even if not), yes I"ve touched a snake before.

Lula! said...

I left my answers. Blogger ate 'em.

Now that haggis has ruined my afternoon, I am too potty-bound to write them again. Or maybe I'll come back. I refuse to leave you and Rhea hanging. I also gotta get my loving shout-out to George W back up in here because the hating did NOT help my potty issues.

I'll stop now.

Rhea said...

I live in Texas, OF COURSE.

I prefer a hat AND boots, but if I have to choose just one, I go with boots.

I've ridden horses before. Bareback and with saddles, English and Western style.

I've been going to rodeos since I was a baby. I LOVE them.

I want to be a barrel rider in the rodeo. For sure. My mom used to do that and she won a lot.

I guess the President Bush, but so does Tommy Lee Jones...

If you had to move to Texas, which city would you choose?

My favorite Texas blogger in a pink hat...hmm....

I'd like a combination cow patty/wild raisin sculpture. lol

Have you ever gone eye-to-eye with a rattlesnake with a mimosa, a cowgirl hat and boots at a bachelorette party in the country? No, wait, I mean, have you ever touched a snake? Yes and YES!

Rhea said...

I like Mama Dawg's answer about riding a cowboy, I mean horse.