Saturday, November 29, 2008

Weekend Winners: Sex and Chocolate

The key to the Cinderella story is not the glass slippers. Or the evil step mother. Or the talking mice. The key is the Fairy Godmother. Because she waves her magic wand. Sings a little bibbity-bobbidi-boo. And the transformation happens. The pumpkin becomes a coach. The mice horses. Or a footman. And Cinderella herself becomes a glamour girl. All ready to catch the attentions of the prince. And live her happily every after.

And did you know that I have my very own Fairy Blogmother? She lives inside my computer. She waves her magic wand over my blog and I go from this:

to this:

And then a few months later, she waved her wand again...and made a few adjustments...and I got my current look.

She did my daughter's blog.

And it went from this:

to this:


I love the favicon she created (it's that pretty sun up in your URL bar). Love the "bidness" cards she made for me.

And now. I am ready to share her magic. And our winner of the favicon, bidness cards, and Office Max Gift card is: Michelle (AKA Heather's sister) at Tales from the Lunchroom. Congrats!! (Email me your address so I can send your gift card and hook you up with the Fairy Blogmother herself!)

Now this week's prize.

A few months ago I hosted a My Favorite things swap. And I was talking with Shannon. And asked what she was sending her partner. And she told me about this devine dessert. That I had never tried. Because I really didn't realize what it was. So, I felt compelled to try it. Since it was one of her favorite things. Oh my. Devine is a great word for them.

What are they? Betty Crocker Warm Delights. Heaven. In a box. It is so simple. You add a little water. Squeeze out a little chocolate. Or caramel. You could probably add some nuts if that is your thing. And stick it in the microwave. Yep. The microwave. And in just over a minute. You have a warm. Delicious cake. That no one else in your family will know that you made. Except it does make your kitchen smell good. But you can eat it before mauraders arrive. Hide the evidence under some papers in your trash can. And plead ignorance.

And what goes with some Heaven in a box? How about a book? A delicious book series. That makes you feel all warm inside. For lots of different reasons. Ahem.

It's my favorite series. My friend Jeanine donated these for our give away this week. The first one - Outlander is from a library. It's well loved. And well read. But it's hardback. With a really cool cover.

And the others that are included: Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager, Drums of Autumn, The Fiery Cross, and even the Outlandish Companion. All are hardbacks. Several are first editions. And all make a great companion to some warm delights on a cold winter's day. And even if you have read them. Or have them on your shelves - you might not have the hardback version. might want to enter because you could actually get a pretty penny for these if you put them on ebay.

To summarize: this week's winner will receive 9 boxes of Betty Crocker Warm Delights. And the first five books in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Plus the Outlandish Companion. I am going to need a big box. Worth playing for?

This is what you need to do:

1. Post a comment here. Tell me about your favorite book series. Do you like historical fiction? Time travel books? Romance?

2. For another entry...follow me. Only seven more to make it to 160! Do you think I can crack 200 before we are all said and done?? If you already follow me, you also get an extra entry.

3. Blog about this week's contest.

4. When you comment you get an entry. When you follow, come back and leave another comment saying you follow me. When you post about it...come back and leave a comment saying you did it. Then I can truly use random number generator and I won't have to type in all those names!

5. Contest ends Friday at midnight. Winners have one week to email me to claim prizes. All unclaimed prizes will be added back into the pot. Winner will be announced next Saturday. Along with the week six prizes!

post signature

Theme song: Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground.


Unknown said...

That was the BEST POST EVER. And i'm not just saying that because I'm sitting next to you and if I don't say it you might whap me or... put something in my bed or sic your children on me at a really ungodly hour of the morning.

You're still my hero for using maruder (I SPELLED THAT WRONG ON PURPOSE!!!) in a post.

ChicagoLady said...

OMG, I so L-O-V-E those Warm Delights. I was already thinking "heavenly" before you mentioned the word heaven in your description, lol.

I don't read a lot of book series, so my favorite is probably Harry Potter, simply because I don't think I've read that many. I did read all the Narnia books. Every. Single. One. I'd love to have a new series to start on, though. I'm open to anything, historical, time-travel, romance, doesn't matter if the books are well written.

ChicagoLady said...

I'm already a follower, going over to blog about this now.

Anonymous said...

I agree, The Outlander series is my favorite (when is she finally going to release the next one??)
Other than that Harry Potter or Dee Henderson's O'Malley series (Christian fiction 7 books) is good too.

You don't have to enter me for the contest - I already own all the Outlander books and they are WELL loved. Hmm, maybe after I finish Anna Karenina its time to read them all again...

Anonymous said...

My favorite book series is the Twilight series or perhaps Janet Evanovich's number series. I absolutely love those!

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber already!

Anonymous said...

I just blogged about this giveaway. I haven't read any of the books which is soooooo enticing to win.

Brandy said...

Yep I got some of those little chocolate miracles in my cabinet all the time. I love to put a scoop of ice cream on it fresh out of the microwave.

Love series starting with V.C. Andrews when I was younger and evolving to "The In Death" series from J.D. Robb now & of course Twilight. I will read anything. Anything at all.

Brandy said...

I subscribe. Cause I heart you. And you totally busted me last week when I said I hadn't won anything. LOL!

AngiDe said...

Cool giveaway!! One of my favorite series... out of many... is the Eragon series! Really good reads, and much better than the movie!

"Nana's Box"

AngiDe said...

I'm already a follower! Extra entry right?!?! Ya baby!

"Nana's Box"

Kori said...

Alright Sister. Can I just say how super de duper excited I am about this one. I mean really.

I am so jealous right now. I should be in Atlanta too laughing it up with you girls. I love you both bunches.

Kori said...

And I already follow you cause that's how I roll in all my stalker-ness.

Kori said...

I posted about it. Oh yes I did by George.

So I think I am all set. Right?

Michelle said...

Well, I just won but heck yes I am gonna try again. My favorite book series is..........Twilight, of course. I do like Harry Potter too.

Michelle said...

I am already a follower!

Elena said...

I almost feel guilty trying to win this one. That is going to be one pricey package to mail to ID. But I don't feel guilty enough not to at least try. You know I need to read the rest of these goodies! And I've never had those chocolatey goodness things. My favorite series...loved the V.C. Andrews like Brandy, Twilight of course, Harry Potter, Interview with a Vampire books, and Junie B Jones. :)

Rhea said...

Awesome giveaway! And congrats to Heather's sister who won last week's!!

Sheryl said...

wow, favorite book series? i'm sorry but that is impossible for me to pick. haven't read these so i if i win maybe i'll decide these are the best ever.

Sheryl said...

ok, following you now too!!

Julie said...

My favorite series is by Jasper Fforde, it is called the "Thursday Next" series and is amazing... named my second son after this author. Amazing.

Julie said...

and I am a follower...

Desi said...

I do love historical fiction, but I love historical non-fiction too. And ...well you know what, all books are good!!

And.. I already follow you, so I guess it'll be just the one comment for me, ha-ha.

Unknown said...

stoppin in from BATW to say Hi and I find a fun contest/giveaway
fav book series ummmm TWILIGHT

Unknown said...

I am now officially following you!

Tam said...

I love Outlander! Outlander I think is my favorite but I loved Fiery Cross...O Heck I can not pick a favorite. I love them all and LORD JOHN BOOKS! I think this is my all time Favorite Series. I like Twilight and all but IF I have to choose it is the OUTLANDER Series for ME!

Shannon said...

Congrats to Michelle on her win!

Mmmmm... my fave is the caramel Mini Delight... add a scoop of vanilla ice cream... Oh. My. Indeed!

I don' think I could choose just one favorite series:

the Little House books
Kinsey Milhone series by Sue Grafton
Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
the Twilight saga (DUH!)
the Harry Potter series

Shannon said...

And I'm still following you...

~Michelle~ said...

Harry Potter, hands down all time fav...

~Michelle~ said...


Jen said...

I so want to win this week. How about you don't do the random thing and just pick me because I have a huge craving for some cake and those 9 boxes would so start to fulfill that craving. Well, what do you think?

Just in case that doesn't work, I will enter the right way. My favorite series of books is the Stephanie Plum novels. I just love them.

Linda said...

Funny you ask, because Outlander happens to be my favorite series! My paperback copies are water-stained and the spines are falling apart from reading them by the pool. I need hardcover! I've never tried Warm Delights, but they look yummy!

Great giveaway!

Linda said...

Oh yeah ... I'm already a follower!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i came over from SITS bc u were in front of me. super fun to meet you...and i love the fairy blogmother..i won the sits makeover from blogalicious and i lvoe my new look! happy day to you...

Michelle said...

For a second there, I got a little jump in my heart. Then I realized that there is *gasp* another Michelle and she won and not me. But that's ok. I want to win THIS one and not the other one. I LOVE these books -- and I'd like to clarify that they aren't smutty romance like eewwww gotta hide this from the people I know smutty romance. They actually have some really great stories to them. With a little sex mixed in, granted.

So my favorite series: I think it has to be Sharon Kay Penman's books that start following the British royalty in the late 1000's. Really great books and pretty historically accurate, too. I love trying to figure out how to pronounce the Welsh names (David is something really funky).

Michelle said...

AND I follow you :)

Free Art Printables said...

Those are great books. I love the Clan of the Cave Bear series too!

Unknown said...

Now I am stoppin in from SITS(they got ya featured today)
So Happy Sunday

Megan R. said...

Oh, I loooooove love love love the warm delights! Definitely heaven in a box. And you can't eat a whole tray of them, since it just makes a single serving!

As for books, I know this is lame, but my favorite series really is Harry Potter. Both my DH and I love the books. I have read them all countless times, see all the movies the day they come out. Pathetic, huh?

I'm off to blog about your contest, I'll be back!

Megan R. said...

Oh, I loooooove love love love the warm delights! Definitely heaven in a box. And you can't eat a whole tray of them, since it just makes a single serving!

As for books, I know this is lame, but my favorite series really is Harry Potter. Both my DH and I love the books. I have read them all countless times, see all the movies the day they come out. Pathetic, huh?

I'm off to blog about your contest, I'll be back!

Megan R. said...

Oh, I loooooove love love love the warm delights! Definitely heaven in a box. And you can't eat a whole tray of them, since it just makes a single serving!

As for books, I know this is lame, but my favorite series really is Harry Potter. Both my DH and I love the books. I have read them all countless times, see all the movies the day they come out. Pathetic, huh?

I'm off to blog about your contest, I'll be back!

Megan R. said...

K, I posted about the contest!

Megan R. said...

aaaand now I'm a follower!

Brian and Staci said...

Hello...from your stranger friend Staci!!! Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Or at least I hope it was...considering this is Sunday. 25 guests over, new puppy, cleaning, cooking...not much time for bloggin :( I hope all is well with you!

Anonymous said...

My favorite book series of the moment is Twilight, but I prefer my books to be in series so I read a lot of different ones.

Anonymous said...

I also follow you.

Heather said...

Umm, you already know that I LOVE this series. And I am planning my trip to Scotland to try and find Jamie Fraser for my own self. I will probably be sixty years old before I can afford to go, but it sure is fun to think about!

I cannot believe my big sis won this week! I'm so excited for her. I hope her luck rubs off on me:)

Heather said...

Oh, and BTW, I am a Kat follower now. You're at 158.

Heather said...

And my post will air tomorrow linking back to your contest.

Please let me win!

The Joye of Teaching said...

Yeah, love the possibility of winning. My favorite book series is YA Maximum Ride Series. Mutant teenagers with wings saving the world. Wow! I like some historical fiction. Sex makes it better! Like the Tudors. hehehe I AM a fan of fantasy books with Time travel. Favorite The Time Travelers Wife (sigh). Romance books? See above!

The Joye of Teaching said...

I follow you!

Lula! said...

OK, I am down with those little minute cakes that will make my boo-tay bigger. Where have they been all my life? And why hasn't Shannon shared this goodness with ME?

You know how I feel about the Outlander series. Jamie ain't no Edwarda and that's all I'm sayin.'

Oh, and my favorite series...The Mark of the Lion Trilogy, by Francine Rivers. It's historical fiction based on actual Biblical events. FABULOUS. Marcus and THERE'S a love story for ya. OK, OK, you know I love my Bella & Edward, too. But I read Rivers' Trilogy before the Twilight Saga, so I gotta go with them.

Aubrey said...

OMGosh. Lizzy's comment cracked me up!!

I always see those little boxes of temptation on the grocery shelves but wasn't sure how good they really were. You convinced me!!

My fave series right now has to be Twilight. I am a sucker for romance books. Thus, my bookshelf is filled with Danielle Steele books.

Rosemary Q said...

I'm a follower:) I thought I already was but now I am for sure!

Rosemary Q said...

My favorite series without a doubt is Outlander...oh...Jamie! I love historical fiction and romance and any non-fiction about the Regency Era.

Melanie Sheridan said...

Warm Delights are awesome! I haven't bought any in ages because I will eat them. As for the series, this one in the giveaway is one of the best. I have not read The Fiery Cross. I've read the series several times and think this would be an excellent time to stat again!

Shelley said...

Uhm, chocolate, my favorite. Well, next to a good book anyway. I wanna win, please. I already follow you, so that's one entry and I'm commenting, that makes two, and I'll post about this contest as soon as I'm finished drooling over the pictures of chocolate. This is a great contest.

Denea said...

Microwavable ooey-gooies? Oh, I think I'm in love. Or I need to eat...

My favorite book series. Tough question considered I'll read just about anything I can get my hot little hands on. I've read Harry Potter and own all seven books. My Chronicles of Narnia is all in one beautifully red-bound edition. I've read several of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood books and plowed through the Odd Thomas trilogy as well as Lord of the Rings and the Left Behind series. However, my favorite book series of all time would have to be...well, I guess I don't have any one favorite series.

Shelley said...

Hey Kat,

I have posted about your contest on my blog. Also, I am getting ready to put up my "T" words.
Have a great day.

Mama Dawg said...

Awesome! I've been wanting to start this series. I hope I win so I can get started.

And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those desserts. They rock.

My favorite series has to be the Chronicles of Narnia...yes, even to this day.

Mama Dawg said...

I already follow you!

Southern Rose said...

1. I do like book series, but it is hard to pick just one. I have enjoyed Sue Grafton's alphabet series and can't wait until she gets to Z.

Southern Rose said...

2. I will follow you anywhere for chocolate and have heard the Outlander series are great. Pick me; pick me :)

Southern Rose said...

3. And now I have blogged about your contest (even though I didn't really want to share it :).

Briya said...

I don't think I've ever had a warm delight...

My favorite book series is THE DARK TOWER by Steven King. I like it because it kind of brings all of his books together in a kind of weird way.And, because I like books that play with your head a little bit, and that series is that kind of book

Sugar said...

OK, you gave me the idea to sell these smutty books on e-bay. WOO HOO! Anyway, my favorite book series is WARRIORS! Its about cats of course!

koopermom said...

My favorite book series is The Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke. I read them with my mom when I was in high school and now there are movies on the Hallmark channel. GREAT books!!

Wanda said...

Never tried Warm Delights...but obviously must!
The series.....looks pretty inviting too.

I love the JRR Tolkien books......and CS Lewis as well.
Love Comes Softly series....

I likey to follow along!

koopermom said...

I am now a follower!!

Just Lisa said...

love the twilight series, traveling pants, sweet valley high (no, I'm not still in high school. Don't judge!)

Just Lisa said...

Oh, and I already follow you!

Julie said...

Oh my I love those warm delights. I love to make them after the children are in bed (then I go back to make sure they are REALLY sleeping) then gobble it all down in 3 seconds. Plus I save the box tops for my dtr's school, so I'm not completely being selfish.
I guess my favorite series is the Twilight series, since I just recently read all 4 books in a little over a week. I need a new obsession please.

Julie said...

And now I'm following you. I have no shame when it comes to cake.

Michelle said...

Ok, and now I've posted on the contest... errr, I will have as of 7am tomorrow anyway.

Comment: check
Follow: check
Blog: check

I think I'm set :)

MaBunny said...

Wow, first time to visit here and all i can say is WOW. I came here via Michelle of Honest and Truley. I love books, and am always looking for a something new to read. you are giving away books, which is right up my alley and tickles me pink:) I've already done a blog post today so I will post about this contest tomorrow , and put you on my follow buttons!
Have a great day!

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

My favorite book series is "Outlander"! I am so excited that a new book will be out next September!!! My next favorite series is "Twilight".

Cassie said...

Hi I found you through SITS (well through "Honest and Truly", through SITS)! I've never tried the Warm Delights, which is weird because I need chocolate, like a vampire needs blood! My favorite series is Harry Potter!

Cassie said...

I"m back to let you know, that I am now following you. That sounds funny! If it weren't blog following, it would sound...well...creepy!

Denise Grover Swank said...

My favorite series is Twilight, like most blogging women I run across! Funny, the blogging world knows all about it but non blogging people in my real world are kind of clueless. My other favorite is the Eragon series. I saw Brisinger is on your "to read" list. I just finished it a week ago thinking it was the last book (it was supposed to be a trilogy) but the closer I got to the end I kept thinking "how's he going to wrap this up???" Of course, he didn't so now I have #4 to look forward to!

I've never read Outlander, so if I don't win I'll try to get it from the library.

Mrs Anne said...

what a fun and creative give away!!!

so original!!!

My favorite "series" would have to be the Little House on the Prayer series... :) Call me old fashioned and silly.. but i love me some Ingalls family stories!

:) I'm also a new follower!


Mrs Anne said...

p.s. Im adding YOUR giveaway to my bloglist!

:) yay!

MarciaBrady said...

Hi Kat. I am back!! I missed the last two weeks, because for some reason, my computer won't download your blog in a timely, that must mean it's meant for me to win this one, right?!?! haha

I haven't really read too many books in a series, but I do like the Left Behind Series. I haven't read them all, but working on it. OH...and I love all of the books that Dave Pelzer has written about his life. I guess those would be considered a series. A Child Called It, Lost Boy, etc. Very good books! Some sad, but good.

I like books that are based on true stories and fiction. Not a real big fan of science fiction or romance novels.

I've heard the Outlander series is really good.

MarciaBrady said...

I already follow you!! :)

MarciaBrady said...

And...I have a permanent post on the sidebar of my blog sending them to your link.

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