Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordy Wednesday: a question of great importance

I have been dying my hair for what seems like decades. Those first grays showed up when I was in high school. High School! I have run the gamut on trying to find the perfect hair dye. That looks natural. And doesn't bust my budget. (Natural Instincts hazelnut)

And then there is my husband. Who looks so young. Really young. Like a frat boy. But actually. He's older than me. And it wasn't until a few years ago that he actually got any gray hair at all. It's just so unfair.

But...there has been a bonus. He used to stop shaving on the weekends. And he'd be rather scruffy. And pointy. And bristly. But then. When those few grays showed up. They showed up on his faced. Not so much on the top of his head. And my husband for the very first time. Showed that he had some vanity. Because now he shaves. Daily.

Except that last year. At Thanksgiving. He stopped shaving during the vacation. I guess his vanity meter didn't go up because he didn't leave the house. Football. 'Nuff said.

And by the end of the weekend. I had changed my mind about wanting him clean shaven. He looked pretty sexy. I liked the scruffy look. Except. He went back to work. And immediately one of his co-workers asked "So...did you lose a bet?" And then he shaved.

You all know that I LOVE to sprinkle in some eye candy into my posts. It's one of my trademarks. Hallmarks. Are there any other marks?

And when I think about the eye candy. That I typically sprinkle. They are all kinda scruffy.

There's Liev Schrieber with his stubble.

Eric Dane with his goatee.

Josh Holloway.

Clive Owen has that smidge more than 5 o'clock shadow.

And Hugh Jackman. May we have a moment of silence? And his beard.

So...this got me to thinking. Pondering. Contemplating. And I have a question for you. Of the greatest importance. What do you think? What do you like? Do you like clean shaven? A goatee? Soul patch? Beard? Or maybe for you. The mustache is where it's at. Or do you have a whole different set of rules. One that is okay for your husband. Boyfriend. Whatever. And another that is okay for your "free pass?"

post signature

Theme song: ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man. Because. Ummm...have you seen them?

And I must continue to pimp my contest. For a favicon. And some Mommy bidness cards. Cause I know you want to win. Click here to check it out.


Allison said...

Thanks for the eye candy :) yum! But you forgot one of the best ones...Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Denny Duquette from Grey's Anatomy...WOOHOO!!)

MsTypo said...

Lovely eye candy to wake up to. Thanks! :p

Hubby has a goatee (we call it Goat). He grew it about 8 years ago on a bet and he kept it because we both love it. : No stash, no beard, just a little king tut-like goatee. :)

Gina said...

Jingle-Jangle-Whatever his name is- YUCK!
My husband "shaves" with the peanut- it's ane of those tiny finishing clippers. I gave him a haircut/ neck shave yesterday and while I was at it I ran the clippers over his face- leaving a goatee. I know he shaved it off after his bath today. I like the scruffy mustache/goatee combo.

Anonymous said...

I love the scruff!!!!

Finding Normal said...

Did you SERIOUSLY have to throw McSteamy at me so early in the morning? I'll be thinking on that towel scene all day now. Thanks.

Your hubby is totally young looking! As for scruff, my husband is really lazy and has sensitive skin, so he shaves about once a week, at the most. He had a full-on beard one time (when Addison was inpatient all winter) and I hated it. The scruff doesn't bother me, but I think I've just gotten used to it since I know he's not going to change! As for graying, he's got lots in his facial hair, but he's still so far in denial that he calls it blonde. HA.

Anonymous said...

Ohh thank you so much for such a great morning visual. Man I needed that this morning.

My husband always wants to go for that scruffy look (which I think is totally sexy). But when he grows out his facial hair, it's different colors, lol! A little red here, a little blond there, and a whole lot of brown everywhere else. Cute, but slightly... weird. So he stays clean cut!

larkswing said...

LOL - ending with Dangle - that is a hoot!

My sweety is a full beard - has had it since he was 18, I think??

The ex husband always kept a, well a little more than 5 o`clock - but it was prickly and poked right inside my nose when he kissed me - looked nice on him, just did not work for the cuddly dept. Then again more than that did not work for that dept.

Good Day all!

Kori said...

You know I think Michael is awesome in all his Frat Boy-ness. I mean any guy that can back my car up that driveway of yours is A OK in my book. And you know he's oretty awesome when he's married to the worlds best listener, secret keeper, procrastinator in the world.

I like my hubby with the goatee. There's just something about it.

Anonymous said...

Grey hair and I are old friends (and have been for a few years little strands here and there and I'm only big time but I don't dye it either, hmm)

I like a clean shaven man. Unless your James Bond (Daniel Craig or Sean Connery only please) or Matt Damon (just finished watching the Bourne series, yummy yummy yummy). James you can be any which way you like!

Shannon said...

Me... I'm not a big fan of the soul patch.

I do however, love the scruffy look. Yum.

Shane currently has a beard... when we first met he was always clean shaven. Then he had a goatee for awhile. He's also had just a 'stache, too. And now he's at the full beard. But he's never done the soul patch (thankfully). He's had a beard for so long now, I don't know what to think if he shaved it off...

Jane In The Jungle said...

Girl I've been dying mine since High School also! My hubby has never seen me natural! I've been brown, red, black and blond, drives him nuts he just wants me to stick to one!
Now he does look older then me cause he went gray early, but because he's a man he can flaunt it!! He has a mustache(how do you spell that?) and he would go scruffy during vacation. When I met him he had a full beard and I loved it! I love scruffy too but it is so gray now also, doesn't bother me, but like your hubby vanity kicked in and he shaved it! Thought it made him look too old-I thought it sexed him out!!!! But who listens to the wife, just listen to the guys at work...... they know soooooo much more about looking good, LOL!!

Got my letter J meme posted! Thank you for that one, it was fun!!

cheatymoon said...

Other half grew facial hair about 5 years ago, and he he is forbidden from shaving. Forbidden. He gets sad that there is a lot of white in his beard now, and I have to say that I love that even more. And this post resonates with me so much, Kat, that even though I hardly know you in blogland, I feel the need to bestow upon you a little gift of more candy: said...

Kat, Your posts always crack me up. The pic of you and your dh is soo great. The blue shorts shot is...I'm not sure what. Happy Thanksgiving!

Jen said...

I like a clean shaven man, no questions asked. I can't stand kissing a man with facial hair, it tickles and rubs my skin raw.

Unknown said...

My man has had facial hair most of our 25 years together. I've grown so used to it that he now looks funny without it. I honestly like men either clean shaven, stubbly, or bearded... OK, I like men all sorts of ways! :-)

Debbie said...

mmmmm Josh Holloway

Debbie said...

mmmmm Josh Holloway

Anonymous said...

Ohhh great question - I dunno I like both looks - clean shaven or a bit of scruff - although my husband looks better clean shaven usually. The only real trend I've noticed in my eye candy lists is that I predominately prefer brown hair on a guy ::shrugs::

Rhea said...

Michael does have a very young looking face. I love your hair, btw, it's a very pretty color!

My husband started LOSING his hair in high school and getting gray hairs soon after.

My dad has a beard and I never wanted my hubby to grow one...but he did at one point, and I ended up loving it. Weird. He's clean shaven now.

I think I don't mind a little scruff but over all, I think I like clean shaven. NO MUSTACHES. Those make me sick...

Lauren W said...

Haha! I definitely prefer some facial hair. My hubby had a beard a la Hugh Jackman until he joined the Air Force and they made him shave. That is definitely one of the things that I most look forward to when he retires ;)

Kathi Roach said...

First...Yay for Josh Hollaway!!!!
Second, yep, my hubby is all about the Vacation Beard! I like the look, but it is scratchy....I'm usually glad to see it go at the end of the week. He can't have facial hair at his the Vacation Beard is it for him!

KimmyJ said...

Clive Owen, ahhh, Hugh Jackman, more ahhhhs!! Beauty to behold. I like goatee on hubby, but he is a military man, so I only see it when he has leave of more than 2 weeks.

Michelle said...

On anyone I'm kissing... NO facial hair. I have a sensitive face, and I've learned the hard way that facial hair just isn't nice to my face. There went the cutely bearded college bf....

BUT on other people, there are some who look REALLY good with a little goatee or a tiny soul patch. Full beards... not so much. BUT I'm totally with you on the 5 o'clock shadow (again, so long as I'm not kissing the man wiht it!).

Mama Dawg said...

I'm sorry. I stopped at Josh Holloway. Did you say something?

I prefer stubbly and all over beard. Or a goatee with a small stache. Either is good for me.

Twisted Fencepost said...

My Captain has a goatee/mustache thing going on year round.
I've always been attracted to facial hair.
Presently, he's letting a beard grow. Says it keeps his face warm in the winter. He works outside so it makes sense to me.

~Michelle~ said...

Oh the man candy! You should have mentioned that Hugh is the world's sexiest man right now...

I prefer the scruffy look on the weekends...otherwise, I like the clean look or the goatee on the hubby.

Kori said...

BTW your questions have answers over at my place.

Unknown said...

How funny you would post this today, as Mr. B and I were just talking about this the other day. He has a goatee, and I like it... But he was talking about that he typically only shaves on Sunday mornings, and then lets it go the rest of the week, mostly because he'd gotten to the point that he just didn't care... because he didn't have anyone who cared. So he was asking me what I prefered. And I'll be honest, I like the goatee but then the rest smooth, but I told him if it's a vacation or whatever, I want him to be casual and do what he wants.... I just will be happy to be in the same PLACE as he.

Decor To Adore said...

My husband was completely gray by the time he was 25. (Thank you Desert Storm) I met him already gray. He looked hot.

Although I generally like clean shaven men, I do like it when the Mr. sports a goatee or oddly enough when he walked out on Sunday with a soul patch.

Let's not forget the current stubbled (but to young) hottie Robert Pattinson. Sigh.

lynette355 said...

I am not a fan of beards. But my hubby is growing one now too. And lots of white and silver is showing through. So last night I bought him some shampoo and conditioner for silver hair to use on his beard. Make him all shiney now!

Sugar said...

I think maddie would nominate Justin Timberlake for the sexiest bearded guy. because according to her she "likes him beard"

Lisa~ said...

Oh My Gosh!! Have you ever had coffee come out your nose?? I almost did.. I could feel it! That last photo just about made it happen! LOL

For me... I prefer Hugh Jackman... of the 5 credible faces anyway!! *Ü* The blue bicker shorts just don’t do it for me!!

I like go Ts... I don’t care for beards... but it depends who’s sportin it... KWIM??

Good to catch up here Kat... You are a crack up....

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Elena said...

My hubby has gotten lazy and only shaves on Sundays anymore. And you know what, I like that little bit of scruf during the week. I like tugged men. Josh still my heart.

Elena said...

oops rugged, not tugged. Jingle Jangle as Gina so nicely put it, might like tugged men though.

Brandy said...

Are you sitting down? Ok good. I have never seen Stevie without a goatee. We've been married for almost 12 years and never. Not once. Have I seen his clean shaven face.

But I do make him keep it neat and tidy because I don't like the itchy factor. I accomplish this through harrassment and threats. If he don't shave, neither do I - usually works.

Brandy said...

BTW I did my letter's up!

And I need to know where to get them spandex shorty shorts that officer sexy is wearing...NOT!

Aubrey said...

I love it when my man sports a 5 o'clock shadow. Yummy!

Mariah said...

I'm ALL about Josh.... Oops I meant I'm all about clive, Oops I mean the stubble. I love the facial scruff

LadyStyx said...

Depends on the dude. Personally, I like AT LEAST a moustache and goatee on my guy...I'd prefer a full beard but he wont grow it. Clean shaven, my man looks more than the 9months younger than me than he is and I simply cannot have way!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Hmmm... Hugh Jackman...

I'm sorry, were you saying something? Seriously, why were people shocked when he was picked for Sexiest Man? People! Have you SEEN X-Men?

I suppose it depends. Sometimes clean shaven is nice, but scruff can be very sexy. Hubby threatened to grow a mustache once. Then I reminded him that my Dad has one and he dropped the subject... can't imagine WHY!

Linda said...

Your photos are pretty mantastic! Here's the deal ... I like the scruffy look ... on other men ... not on my man. I like my hubby clean shaven. He did the goatee thing once ... nope, didn't work for me. Although those hot Reno 911 shorts just might do it!

Unknown said...

You guys make a cute couple!

I enjoy the Johnny Depp look!

Gladys said...

Kahuna has some industrial grade whiskers so I would rather he shave. On the flip side of that way back when he used to have a mustach and he looked like Tom Sellek. I tease him and call it his porn'stash. :)

Gladys said...

Kahuna has some industrial grade whiskers so I would rather he shave. On the flip side of that way back when he used to have a mustach and he looked like Tom Sellek. I tease him and call it his porn'stash. :)

Teri said...

That last guy is so EEEEEWWWWW! But the show is a riot.

I love stubble, grungy. That is why Doug grew his porno beard a few years ago. He wouldn't shave on the weekends, and I absolutely loved it. Something totally sexy about that look.

Susie said...

See my rule is no hair anywhere ever. But, I am in the minority, I know:-)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving:-)

Michelle said...

Thank you for that.

ChicagoLady said...

To me, it depends on the man. Some look good with scruff, some don't. Some with a mustache, some can't wear one. You get the point.

Rosemary Q said...

I think it depends on the face. My husband and son both look better with a clean cut face. No scruff on my hubby or son. My son's electric shaver broke and he started to look a little worse for the wear the other day. I bought him another shaver because he just looks kinda dirty with hair on his face. Both he and my husband do not look good with the five o'clock shadow. I do like it on others though.

jennifersusan said...

I got my first grey hair at 19 and have been dying it ever since and in all sorts of shades. My hubby shaves maybe once a week. I don't mind the scuffiness, it's cute.

Tam said...

I like Clean Shaven except I think Jamie in Outlander would be my one exception! give me that scruffy look there!

Unknown said...

How did I miss this post! It was great! My husband grew a goatee 2 summers ago and I totally changing my mind about the shaving too. He was hot! I did NOT, however, enjoy kissing the scruff. Just looking at it.

I have to tell you, that I gasped aloud when I scrolled down to the last guy. The mustache was bad....but then THE SHORTS?!

The Joye of Teaching said...

My hubby looks young too. Thank goodness since he's older than me :) When he lets his beard grow out the grey really comes out. He actually dyes it. heheh I hate facial hair! I love his smooth face. He has a goatee now:( I am working on getting him to ditch it. I was waiting to see Michael in all his scruffiness among the other hunks!?!

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Love your picture!
Mr Sweetie has that scruffy near-beard thing going on, but it's soft, not bristly. I thought I'd hate it but nooooooo....he looks too cute with it as long as he does a little manscaping!

sassy stephanie said...

I'll take Clive Owen! Oh wait, thought we were shopping for a minute.

Why is it that boys age so well and we work and work at keeping it? You guys look so cute!!!!!