Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wicked Weekend Winners

Today is November 1st. In Mexico they are celebrating Dia De Los Muertos. Or perhaps you are remebering loved ones in honor of All Saints Day. You could be celebrating Samhain if you live in Ireland. Or Independence day in Antigua. Or perhaps World Vegan Day has a special significance for you.

But now...November 1st can mark another BIG event.

With the launching of my 10 weeks of weekend winners. Do you think that wiki will add me to their list of events? Hey. It's Wiki. I could add myself.

For the next 10 weekends, there will be a prize to be had. Some weeks there will even be more than one winner. And the prizes...well, they are all some of my very favorite things.

What's the first prize you ask??

Well...let's see...

You know, I am one of the few blogs that plays music. There was a revolt over the summer. And I even heard that a lot of people won't read a blog that has music playing. I somehow don't think that is true for you all. And I thank you for not abandoning me even though I play music. This just wouldn't be as fun without you!

A few weeks ago when I blogged about meeting Lizzy - I used the song "Popular" from the Wicked soundtrack. I had so many hits that day. And my site meter went a little crazy telling me how long people were staying. And even Brandy told me that she stayed on my blog all day...and kept refreshing after the song ended.So the first prize is the soundtrack to the musical "Wicked." So you can listen to Popular. My favorite- "Defying Gravity" - and all the other Tony award winning songs. Any time you like. Even in your car. And if you sing "Popular" at the top of your lungs, your children will think you are very cool. And they'll bow down to your prowess.

Oh, but wait. There's more.

As many of you guessed. When I was at the gay bookstore this week, I got an extra copy of Wicked. And had it autographed by Gregory Maguire. And not simply autographed. But personalized. Just for the winner.As Jeff Probst says - "worth playing for?"

Here are the rules:

1. contest is open from now until Friday, November 7th.

2. For one entry: comment here. Tell me about your favorite plays or musicals. When was the last time you saw a live performance? Have you ever been on stage?

3. For another entry - sign up to follow me. I want to be "pop-u-laaaaaarrrr." (If you are already a automatically get another entry.)

4. For another entry - post about the 10 weeks of winners on your blog.You can use the following text for a linking photo (with many thanks to Carrie at Oikology for all the tech support!):

5. Winner will be randomly chosen and then announced next Saturday - along with the second prize - as we head towards 10 weeks of weekend winners.

post signature


Kori said...

Ooooo How many entries do I get for being first? Huh? Huh?

I forgot all the rules. But I'm gonna go back and review.

I know I am a follower cause you can see my super hip glasses all the way over there on the right.

Do you see me? huh do ya?

Rhea said...

OH, yeah, baby, I'm IN! I haven't read Wicked, and I really want to.

I love that you quoted the Survivor host.

I'm already a follower and I'm going to blog about your contest, of COURSE!

Elena said...

Oh my word, oh my word!! I just got a little flip flop in my tummy. It has to be me, it just has to! Not just Wicked, but a SIGNED Wicked with music! Will brown nosing help me at all? Okay, probably not, but you know I love you!!!! I love all musicals, and was even Dorothy in my school musical. Me and Wizard of Oz are tight I tell ya. Let's see...last musical I saw was Les Miserables and was so great. I'm planning to see Wicked this Spring when it comes to Salt Lake. Okay, that's entry number one; I'm already a follower, no. 2; and a post about this will be up over the weekend. So fun Kat, so fun! (I'll still love you even if I don't win.) And now, my novel will end; I was just a wee bit excited.

Unknown said...

I definitely like that song :-) And I have been following you for awhile !!

I used to go to plays and musicals a lot in NZ. My favourites would probably be 'Hair', 'Jesus Christ Superstar', 'Les Miserables', 'Oliver' and 'Phantom Of the Opera'. I've also been to a the 'Rocky Horror Show' numerous times. I was also quite a fan of 'The Marrage Of Figaro' and most of the Gibert and Sullivan operas. Plays ... hmmm ..can't think of one that I haven't enjoyed.

The last live stage show I went to was in late August... 'Aphelion'.

I've been in 'Oliver', 'Annie Get Your Gun' and 'The Pirates Of Penzance' all when in High School. I can't really sing, they chose me more for my acting abilities. They told me to sing *quietly* :-)

I also was in a number of plays at High School, including 'The Importance of Being Ernest', which I loved. I also belonged to a amateur theater group..

Swirl Girl said...

I am SO in this one!

Here goes - when I was younger, I was a dancer. Tap and Jazz. I loved watch musicals and dance movies. I would still have to say I have seen Godspell, Hair and West Side Story, and All That Jazz each about 10 times. (my summer camp showed these movies as well as 'did' the shows - of which I was in all of them. )

Favorite Musical is without a doubt - A Chorus Line. At age 24 or so, I auditioned (miserably) for a local theater production. I didn't get a second audition, and thus my dreams of going professional were dashed.

The last live performance (for adults) was Les Mis just last month. Before that it was probably Rent. (the list does not include children type stuff of which there have been oodles.)

We are actually all going to see Stomp tomorrow night - which isn't really a musical and much as it is a percussion performance.

...and you are popular!

Swirl Girl said...

- oh and by the way...I am now a follower, I have posted about this , and I have left adoring comments and herein.

Game over for the rest of you. Stop right now.

Trish said...

Oh baby, game on!!

I'll post my linky post this weekend..........and even though I follow you, I'm not sure if I "follow" you, so I'll take care of that!

One of my favorite stage shows is Joseph and the Amazng Technicolor Dreamcoat. I saw it here in Portland about 14 years ago, with non other than............Donny Osmond starring in it. Then just last year I took Ben to see the local youth theatre presentation of it and he LOVED it too! It really sparked his interest in theatre because all of the leads were boys. That was great for him to see that boys could do something other than sports!

Oh girl, I want this so bad, I can feel the competitor in me coming out!!

MsTypo said...

I never compete in these these things since i live abroad but then i saw the book. *eek* TGI Hubby's family back in the States! LOL

I grew up performing in all the school plays, watching every play or musical that came to my city. I was a drama geek. Then i married a man is even less into theatre than i am into football. *sigh* My last musical was Les Miz.

I can't pick one favourite play! *sob* "A Midsummer Night's Dream,"
"The Importance of Being Earnest," "Guys and Dolls," "Rent..." I could go on for hours. I can't narrow it down! LOL

Unknown said...

I'll follow the rules later, but 2 things.

#1 - the background of your pics is plaid.

#2 - Like the first nano-second of Popular started playing and both girls yelled "TURN IT UP!"

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh! I wanna win!
The last show I saw was Chicago on Broadway in NYC. It was a Christmas gift from my MIL for my dh and me one year. It was so wonderful we stopped and bought the soundtrack on the way home. I listened to it so much my (then) 2 year old new the entire opening song :)
Chicago is my fav and my mom took me to see Les Mis as a kid and Sound of Music (about as far from Broadway as you can get but it was still cool). We also saw the Nutcracker every year as a kid and Annie. Both are favorites as well.

As for me I went up on stage at 4 years old and told everyone that a green light meant stop. Yep, that ended my stage career right there! I did do a commercial for a carpet company when I was in college though as an extra. But that is different.

I'll be sure to tell everyone about the contest - cause I wanna win!

cheatymoon said...

Hey - jumped over from Rhea - let's see... Favorite musical Jesus Christ Superstar or Godspell. Last time I saw a live show may have been Les Mis many years ago. Been on stage for a bunch of high school productions, Brigadoon, Wonderful Town, a few more.
I love Wicked - really great book, and your prize would be an excellent Christmas present for a good friend.

Finding Normal said...

I MUST win this, okay? I have never read, seen, or listened to Wicked. But I think I would like all of the above.
Do high school musicals (no, not the movies, the actual musicals done in high schools) count? I've never been in anything. Don't sing in public. I've never seen an actual REAL stage production beyond that and one in college that was less than memorable. We really need to get out more, doncha think?

Jen said...

oh this sounds like so much fun. I want to play.

The last musical that I saw was Wicked and I LOVED it! I would love to have the ousnd track. I am going right now to make sure that I am a follower.

lynette355 said...

Oh my another broadway fan! Wheee-hheeee
I have done all I can to teach broadway love to my daughter. It must have worked as she is 21, in college and a theater major! I so want to win this contest and give it to her for Christmas!!! How cool would that be.
We have read wicked but do not have the soundtrack or the amazing "autographed book". The last thing I saw live was not broadway but a fav of mine. A Prairie Home Companion w/Garrison Kiellor. If y our are a NPR fan then you know who I speak of. Well off to add you to my blog, blog about this give-away and your 10 week goal and link up with you.

Unknown said...

I loved the Chicago and Hairspray movies. Haven't seen a musical live yet...but I will. The last thing I saw live in a theater was an 'interesting' production of Arabian Nights. I didn't realize that it should have been rated x until we were halfway into it.whoa.
I LOVE Wicked and can't wait to read the 3rd installment. Thank you!

Brandy said...

Oh it's worth it. Thank goodness you didn't say we had to stand in our bikinis on poles and beg for peanut butter. That could have been embarrassing.

Anyway, I've only seen two true Broadway shows...Lion King and this summer Wicked. I loved them both. ALOT. But you knew that.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Oh cool is that!!!! Wicked is my daughters FAVORITE Broadway Musical!!!

The Joye of Teaching said...

I am in!
My fav show so far was Lion King. The costumes blew my mind. We had great seats and the actors ran down the rows so close to me. Loved it! I am counting the months until Wicked come to Memphis!

Becky W said...

Oohh you know I love WICKED!! I carved my pumpkin last night and carved it with WICKED on it!! YAY! I have not read the book yet!

Becky W said...

Forgot to tell my favorite stage play - WICKED, Beauty and the Beast, Mamma Mia, Les Miserables, Lion King - I like them all!

KimmyDarling said...

I was SO hoping you'd be giving away a copy of Wicked, because I haven't read it yet!!! I want to win it.

My favorite musical on stage was "RENT." My favorite musical film is "Hedwig and the Angry Inch." I can't think of my favorite play, at the moment. The last play I saw was in Atlanta, last weekend-- "Veranda." It was terrific-- and our fellow classmate ROCKED in the lead role! I was a stage actor here in DC for a while, but haven't done anything in years. The last role I had was Grusha, in Bertold Brecht's "The Caucasian Chalk Circle."

I'm already following you, so I'm now off to post about the contest on my blog...! WOOO

Denyse said...! I HATE music on blogs...EXCEPT for "Popular" ...made my morning :)
I must enter this contest! The last musical I saw was Phantom of the Opera in New York City two weeks ago! But Les Mis is my favorite! Only seen Wicked once, but love the soundtrack :) Fun contest!

Denyse said...! I HATE music on blogs...EXCEPT for "Popular" ...made my morning :)
I must enter this contest! The last musical I saw was Phantom of the Opera in New York City two weeks ago! But Les Mis is my favorite! Only seen Wicked once, but love the soundtrack :) Fun contest!

Denyse said...

so sorry for the double post...impatience is my middle name

Anonymous said...

I like Hairspray! The new one better than the old one.

Last play I saw was The Nutcracker last Xmas. That count as a play? or is it just a live performance?

I was in Annie when I was a little girl.

I'm following you...on twitter too. Still don't understand how you get a papercut on your foot.That takes some talent.

Beth said...

Oh my gosh!!! How FUN!!!!!!!! Sign me UP.

My favorite plays/musicals: 42nd St. was fabulous, not Broadway, but fab nonetheless, I think that was the last musical I saw, but not the last live performance, which was a local Sweet Adelines chorus show. I am always on stage, as I am a Sweet Adeline, myself!!

I have some following and posting to do!! Wee!!

Came here via Texas Word Tangle and certainly this isn't the 1st time I've been here!

Beth said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that Wizard of Oz has always been a fave of mine, but it scares my son, so I don't get to watch it much. :( *weeps*

Michelle said...

My kids love musicals. One of our favorites is The Sound of Music and I really enjoyed Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat (with Donny Osmond). I took Danielle to see it on stage two years ago, haven't seen once since. It was great!

Teri said...

I've been to several musicals and plays over the years. Get this, I actually liked Cats. I know people make fun of it. BUT when we saw (only 1/2 of) RENT in NYC this summer, it was wretched. Terrible. Awful. So there. But I liked all the other stuff. Oh well.

jennifersusan said...

Of course, you know, that my mother called me the minute she saw this and insisted that I enter not just for me, but for her. She says she'll split the winnings. :P So here I am, like a good daughter, entering. My favorite plays or musicals...hmm..I like them all, and have been dying to see Wicked (especially since it's second home is here in Chicago, or at least until Feb it is then it's 4yr run will be gone-wah!). I think the last one I went to was Cats (again), but it was who I went with that made it super special--I took Sam (my oldest) with me. He loved it, of course, and had to buy himself a hat and the music and everything else. I really liked MamaMia too, our friend Dave took me to see it for my 29th bday. But then we do have a copy of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat we play in the van for our trips to Perryville. I'm a musical theater junkie--I can't get enough!
How's that for an entry?

Mariah said...

I'm in! And I am now following you! under my new fantastic blog... :)

I think my favorite musical is Wicked and Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat. I go to a lot of musicals because it makes my mom happy.

I started going when I was LITTLE, like a newborn. My mom is obsessed :) I was in a few commercials, does that count? Oh wait, I was in Alice in Wonderland when I was 10. There that proves it! I'm famous

amy said...

1. I'm in. I'm SOOOOOO in. I need to win it, too, because my MC NEEDS that soundtrack for Christmas.

2. I haven't seen a live musical in YEARS, but I grew up in a family of performers...always someone singing at Disney, or acting in community theater, or playing in an orchestra, or marching in a marching band, or for that matter, playing or singing with a garage band... my sister played Frenchie in her high school production of Grease, I played Ado Annie in Oklahoma, my brother was Sweeney Todd...

3. I've now signed up to follow you. Being new at this blogging thing, I thought I already WAS following you, since you've been on my posted list of blogs I read.

4. I am SO posting this on my blog.

5. Do I get an extra entry for already having Popular on the playlist for MY blog? ;o)

sassy stephanie said...


1. comment done-Hmmm. Can't remember the last time I saw something. Maybe "A Tuna Christmas"
2. I already follow ya!
3. Bliggity blogged it

Linda said...

Ooooo ... what fun! I loved reading about your Wicked author meeting at the gay book store. Your blog is a hoot.

My favorite play is anything Shakespeare. My favorite musical Grease. The last live performance I saw was Hamlet this summer. I love theater ... I help out with costumes for our local homeschool group's drama club. We're doing The Secret Garden this next season. I'm sure I'll be blogging about it along the way.

I haven't read or seen WIcked ... but I feel that I must! Thanks for the fun giveaway.

Linda said...

Okie dokie ... I blogged about you ...

... and I'm a follower!


Suzann said...

Okay, I am so excited - what a great giveaway.
Well, I've never seen a live performance (I know, pathetic). Wicked is the one show that I would love for my hubby to take me to the city to see, but I'm probably dreaming. I have been wanting to read the book for ages (Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie of all time) and I know that the general idea is related to this movie (loosely). I am a music fanatic, so I know I'd love the cd.

Beth said...

Blogged it!

Susie said...

The last time I saw a live performance was 2 years ago with my older daughter. We saw Mama Mia and it was great.

I have been on stage a lot. I was big in drama in high school:-)

J'Ollie Primitives said...

The last live performance we saw was Peter Pan. I am still in love with Captain Hook dancing around the stage. He was fab-u-lous.

As a tribute to my lameness I'll confess that the last time I was on stage was in our sixth grade Spring Festival. The theme was "Aquarius" and we were dressed as hippies. Do the math. (l.a.m.e.)

Kelly said...

Okay, Okay, Okay....I need to catch my breath and calm my palpating heart.......*DEEP BREATH*

I, of course, will be getting the maximum number of entries that I can possibly get!!!

*Pssst!* Kat, let's know "Wicked" is my all time fav book and play. I was HONESTLY thinking TODAY that I need to download the "Wicked" soundtrack...but if I win, I won't have to...Also, just a reminder...I sent you some "Wicked" flair even before I knew you were giving these prizes away. So let's just move on to the next prize act like this prize was never advertized and give it directly to me!!! Good Idea?! I think so!!!

KimmyJ said...

I'm in baby! OK I admit it - I'm a thesbian! I have been in a lot of plays as an adult - I have been in about 10 plays - my fav role was playing Truvy in Steel Magnolias. I so want to win this one!

Lula! said...

I want to win. 'Cause I've never read it. But I love the music from the musical. And I want a book signed by Mr. Maguire, while he was being dramatic in the gay bookstore.

Denea said...

Oh god! I have to win this contest! More realistically, I have to *enter* this contest. So glad my mom showed me your blog! Let's begin, shall we?

Favorite plays include Rent, Fiddler on the Roof, A Chorus Line, Oliver!, West Side Story, Tommy, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Getting Out, Godspell, Avenue Q, Les Miserables (I've seen it live, own the VHS recording of the 10th anniversary 'dream cast' performance, and own two full soundtracks and two excerpts soundtracks), and a lot more. What can I say? I'm a theater major!

The last live performance I saw was NPR's A Prarie Home Companion. Before that, I went with my school's theater club to see Tommy. Of course, if non-professional performances count, the last one I saw was my school's production of Godspell.

Have I been on stage? In high school, I played Radar in our production of MASH and Egeus in Midsummer Night's Dream. Now that I'm in college, I've become much more comfortable backstage in my blacks. I'm a techie and proud of it!

Jane In The Jungle said...

I'm am a newbie and you inspired me! Just signed up as follower, check me out on Jumpin' In The Jungle, you're mentioned. And favorite musical is Jesus Christ Superstar, saw it on stage last spring and LOVED IT!! I've walked across a stage, does that count!!

CaraBee said...

What a great contest for a great book and soundtrack!

Carrie said...

Okay, this giveaway was meant for me, you know! Since I've just borrowed the book from the library, there's a good chance that I won't finish it by the time it's due, so I NEED this book!

By the way, I am fricken dying at the fact that Maguire wrote Congratu"lotions" in a book you got at the gay bookstore! Oh, lord, my spleen....

Carrie said...

I guess I need to read directions, huh? I was so busy laughing about his inscription I couldn't think straight!

I have so many favorite plays and musicals! Godspell, Phantom, The Music Man, Glass Menagerie, Damn Yankees, Nunsense...I could probably go on for hours!

The last musical I saw was Beauty and the Beast and my work paid for it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone. Not exactly my favorite musical...

Have I ever been on stage?? Pardon me while I laugh. HAHAHA Let's just say I've been on stage more than most people have flossed their teeth, but it's been a while. It will continue to be a while until I can find a cheap reliable babysitter!

Just Lisa said...

The last live play I went to was... 13 years ago. Phantom of the Opera in San Francisco. Two Thumbs up.

I have dreams of being on stage, but I am too chicken to audition for even local plays. I have a serious fear of failure.

I am following you and your button is up!

Shannon said...

Woo hoo... look at your followers! You know I am one of them.

I've seen Miss Saigon and Les Miserables... they're my favorite musicals.

Yes, I've been on stage... for ballet recitals and when I had the lead in the school play (I was the Queen of Hearts - the play was based on the nursery rhyme "Who Stole the Tarts?")

Jill said...

Oh what a fun contest Kat!!! My parents introduced me to Wicked many years ago - and to my girls last summer. At 3 & 5 they can sing almost every word to this song!

When we lived Stateside I worked for Johnson & Johnson pharmaceuticals in NJ out of the home office. My job as a Corporate Sales Trainer required me to entertain almost every single weekend for 2 1/2 years - and we took our sales reps into New York City at least once or twice a month for dinner and a show. I've seen a wide variety of shows - musicals, plays - all on Broadway.

My favorite? I love what my girls call the Dancing Ladies - The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. I must admit that I still smile from ear to ear every time I see those amazing legs kick in unison. Maybe it's jealousy that I'm only 5' and have stumpy legs and my mom's hips...

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Thought you might get a kick out of this website. This doll maker features a wicked Elpheba!

Sunny said...

Oooh, count me in! I actually saw Wicked in NYC for my 30th b'day!!!! It was so awe-SUM! I would love to win this! I found you from Kelly at Song for Whoever which I found from BATW!

I've also seen Phantom and the Lion King.

Pseudo said...

I came from Rhea's. So this sounds fun - I'll play.

We saw Le Mes a couple weeks ago at Diamond Head Theater in Honolulu. It was amazing. We saw Wicked and Mary Poppins in NYC summer 2007 to celebrate daughters high shcool graduation.

My daughter is a music (voice) major at UH and will be in Peter Pan at Diamond Head next week.

Denea said...

I'm now following your blog and sincerely wishing I'd found it earlier. I also posted about your series of giveaways. Can't wait to see what's next!

Miss Blondie said...

Oooh i want to read this book so bad!! Loved Chicago, Les Mis, and Hairspray. Hairspray was the last one i saw. I used to dance when i was younger, that's the only time i was ever on stage!!

Miss Blondie said...

I am now a follower!!!

Handsome's wife said...

"6 Women with Brain Death" Very funny stuff.

I'm now a follower too.

Decor To Adore said...

I grew up being drug to the theatre. It rubbed off and now I love it. I recently saw "LOVE~Cirque du Solei" in Las Vegas.
My favorite has been "Phantom" on Broadway.
Would love to see "Wicked". Have tried numerous times to get tickets.
I will be "following" you.

Nissa said...

I love how the autograpg says "CongratulOtions!" Even writers make mistakes!

My fave is Les Mis. I saw it on Broadway, and just last month here in town. I still have yet to see Rent & Wicked..

Shannon said...

Wait a sec...

pick me.
choose me.
love me.

I thought you didn't watch Grey's??!??!?

Nissa said...

hahaha- I laugh about the misspelling, then do it myself! Karma, I tell ya!

I now follow you (didn't know about it before!) and I put your button on my sidebar for all to see.

Oh, I forgot about the question asking if we've been on the stage before. Yes. I was told I had some talent. Too bad I have terrible stage fright.. I'm talking BAD!

Ginny said...

My mom is taking me to see Wicked the weekend after Christmas. I don't think I've been to any real plays. I did see Dr Seuss this past Spring. My favorite would be my girls in Hairspray this past June :) I've been on stage but only in dance, never acting.

I'm a follower

I blogged ~

Angie's Spot said...

Ok, I'm already a follower. :-)

My favorite musical is Mamma Mia, but I've seen quite a few. The last one I saw on stage was A Chorus Line when it came through town several years ago. Now, I don't have anyone to go with me. Hubby isn't into the theater. Sigh. I loved being on stage in high school! Something about wanting to be in the spotlight a bit.

And I'm working on an entry to advertise for you. It will be up sooner than later. LOL!

Bar-b said...

omg. I am so excited about your contest. Favorite one so far!!! Seriously.

I rented wicked from the library (but I am the most frugal biotch you'll ever meet) ad I had to return it. I love teh sound track! Omg, randomizer pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I MUST WIN!!! please??

Love, love, love your blog! Coming here is winning for me...really, not just sucking up!

I love how you have all those books on your sidebar - totally stealing that idea!

Although a NYer born and raised, I've only seen ballets and symphony concerts, not musicals. I'm not dead yet there's still time! And once I got to perform with the NYC ballet in The Nutcracker....way in the back, one of many rats, but the thrill was a once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-repeated dream come true!

Anywho, great blog!


and yes, I'll post back when I blog about 'cha!

Rachel Ann said...

This was a GREAT book to it in one sitting!

I love theater and musicals...alas, I now live in a small town so it is harder to get to them. However, I did go to Phantom in September and took my 14 year old was GREAT...we were only 10 rows back and could feel the heat from all the pyrotechnics

Rachel Ann said...

PS...I linked your button on my blog for an extra entry!

Lori said...

I soooo want to see wicked...was thinking of gtting tickets for hubs and i for christmas...

let's see, Phantom is my favorite on stage

I was a ballroom dancer in a production of Cinderella in like 8th grade...highlight was dancing with 'prince charming'

S Club Mama said...

This sounds like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to read this book! And the show choir at our alma mater always is performing songs from Wicked. What a wonderful giveaway.

And I will add this to the contest corner portion of my sidebar!

Anonymous said...

The last play I saw was probably 10 years ago when I was in high school, I think it was Hamlet or something. I could NEVER be on stage, Im too shy like that. My cousin would LOVE this prize, so if I win Im giving it to her. Now Im off to add myself as a follower for an extra entry, plus I like your blog :)

S Club Mama said...

Sorry, my blondness is catching up with me.

My favorite plays are comedies. I can't remember the last time I saw a live performance (well...except for a musical performance. I won tickets to see Tim & Faith in concert over a year ago). And I was in one-act in high school. I also did some community theater. In one-act, I had the lead numerous times. I LOVE being on stage! You get to be someone other than yourself for awhile.

Tam said...

I do not have speakers working right I do hear anything. HMM Well anyway I saw Annie years ago when I was a child but since then I have not been to a live performance.

The Joye of Teaching said...

I am already a follower and declare you officially popular! I also added your button and posted about you winners.

Crystal Rae said...

My favorite play was Cinderella, it was the high school play that my high school was doing. It was really good, I however was not in that play. Of course there have been other plays at big theaters that I've wanted to go see, Just haven't taken the time to buy tickets and go. Tsk Tsk! LOL.
But I have been on stage before, and I loved it. At my church there was a group of us doing a "Comedy Night", we had so much fun. We did many skits, and some improve. It was definitely a night to remember.
And I will sign up to follow you right now!

Handsome's wife said...

I also posted on my blog about your contest.

AngiDe said...

Ooooo, sweet giveaway! I have always wanted to see Wicked live. It would be great to hear the music and prep myself for when that day comes... if ever =)

"Nana's Box"

P.S. you should come by and check out my giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What a cool giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to join the fun. My FAVORITE musical is Annie. I can't even count how many times I've watched that movie-been lucky enough to see a few live shows too. I work with kids and have heard them RAVE about Wicked so I'd love to catch the Wicked bug too!

Trish said...

oh man, where are all these people coming from??????????????

My post promoting your giveaway has been preempted by Ben's publicity stunt.

it is now scheduled to post tomorrow at noon (my time)!!

The Aribibola Clan said...

Just found your blog through a friends blog... too much fun! My all time favorite live musical performance is Les Miserables. The last musical I saw live was CATS here in Las Vegas, but I get to see Hairspray next Sunday on Broadway in NY City! :) Long, long ago I was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz... and by long ago I mean about 30 years ago.

Unknown said...

This is soo great and he signed it?! wow!!

Um my favorite play is The Nutcracker I just adore it!!! I've seen it like a billion times but I never get tired of it I especially love the music :D I would love to get to see Wicked but...yeah that's not happening haha :D
I have only been on stage in a holiday festival even my elementary school had a looong time ago it was for christmas and my class and I had to sing winter wonderland I forgot the words -it was mortifying :( but it wasn't too bad I guess because the rest of the class was singing too so it wasn't obvious that I had forgotten the words :D I still felt horrible which is what made it mortifying
lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot] com
thank you so much for the opportunity!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I'M IN, I'M IN, I'M IN!!!

My post!:

Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

been a long time since Ive seen a musical... travelling Broadway Beauty and the Beast. Although I am trying to talk my husband into taking me to Phantom!!!


larkswing said...

What a wicked prize!?!

This is sad, life has been busy, what is the last live show I saw ...

ah yes, my stepdaughter was in The Children of Eden in Gainesville! That's it -fall 2007. pitiful!!!

Gladys said...

I love contest. I am sooo excited and I LOVE Wicked. My sister took my Dad to see it in L.A. only my dad did everything he could to get out of it. He finally settled down in his 3rd row center seat and promptly went to sleep. I chewed him out royally!

The last production I saw was Bus Stop at a small theater in Montana that was exceptionally well done for such a small venue.

Yes I have been on stage many times. Oh you mean in front of others? Ummm does the 3rd grade Thanksgiving pageant count?

Mama Dawg said...

Totally awesome contest.

I already follow you, so that's my second entry (as this is my first).

I'm gonna try to do a post. We'll see how far I get (I always forget to do it in time).

The last broadway style performance I saw was Phantom of the Opera in Orlando about 15 years ago.

The last performance I saw was Chicago put on by the Bonnabel High School (in Kenner, LA) drama department.


Jo-Jo said...

Oh I love this! Another reason to look forward to the weekend! Yeah!

My favorite play/musical is Wizard of Oz. And I am not just saying that! I have seen it outside with the the wicked witch flying over our head and I have saw it as a little ice cream social for kids to watch. LOVE IT!

The last time I saw a live preformance was...humm. Last Christmas. I saw the Sanders Family Christmas! It was a riot!

I have been in small plays and have sang to hundreds of people but nothing more than that!

Do I get extra points if I say pick me, pick me, pick me? I am posting a blog about it tomorrow!

Jo-Jo said...

Oh I love this! Another reason to look forward to the weekend! Yeah!

My favorite play/musical is Wizard of Oz. And I am not just saying that! I have seen it outside with the the wicked witch flying over our head and I have saw it as a little ice cream social for kids to watch. LOVE IT!

The last time I saw a live preformance was...humm. Last Christmas. I saw the Sanders Family Christmas! It was a riot!

I have been in small plays and have sang to hundreds of people but nothing more than that!

Do I get extra points if I say pick me, pick me, pick me? I am posting a blog about it tomorrow!

merc3069 said...

OMG How many entries do I get for being a Wicked freak?!!!!

namaste said...

How exciting!! What a wonderful gift to win (and how special; signed and everything)! Thanks, and have a great day!! Going to post about the contest now.

Unknown said...

1776, A Little Night Music, The Fantasticks, Fiddler on the Roof, West Side Story, Pippin, Man of La Mancha... and many more.

last time I saw live theater.. my dd's play. She has another next week. Way too long from a real adult performance. I would love to see Wicked or La Cage aux Folles.

One can never have too much music nor drama in their life. Art too! said...

ok - I had no idea about the music on the blog thing - I have music on my blog - I really like it - I do keep my volume down when I am click click clicking just to avoid multiple songs - oh well - you learn something new every day!



Scott and Jillian said...

I love musicals. I've never seen Wicked, but my sisters have and turned me onto the music, which I love! The last musical I saw was my sisters in "Why Do Fools Fall In Love?" On Broadway I've only seen "Big", but would love to see others!

Although there are a lot of comments already I will still enter and hope I am chosen!

I blogged about this and posted the button.

Aubrey said...

Ah-HA! So this is what you were being all sneaky about!! I love it. I'm in!!

evitafjord said...

Last one that I saw was Copacabana last weekend. Favorite is probably The Secret Garden. We saw Young Frankenstein, Curtains, and Mary Poppins in March - my favorite was Curtains. We waited after for pictures with David Hyde Pierce in the freezing cold. Saw Wicked on tour in Dallas. Saw tons of other stuff, have been in some stuff. Hubby is a theatre teacher, but I was into it long before he came along.

Off to get my other entries!

Tiffany said...

Yay! My birthday's this month, ya know? Yeah, I know you didn't know that but this would be an AWESOME gift! Favorite musicals include CATS and Miss Saigon. Saw both on Broadway and they were incredible! Live performances? I saw Slim Goodbody and the Bodyology tour last week. Does that count? I've seen a few ballets with our homeschool group in the past year. And I'm already a follower (but you probably know that). I'll post about the contest in the next day or so. I haven't blogged since SITS day. My entire world has been turned upside down.

Anonymous said...

Fun fun!

It's been way too long since I've seen a musical (or seen a theater, for that matter) but my favorite is "Les Miserables", which I know isn't very original but it blows me away every time (I've seen it twice on Broadway and several other times around town).

Probably the most unique musical I've ever adored would be "Tommy", which I was head-over-heels for in higschool - back when electric guitar and sappy duets matter more than a plot with any sort of logic to it.

Jennifer P. said...

I LOVE Pirates of Penzance---has one of the only musical scores with lyrics so complicated even *I* can't memorize them :)! Also love Rocky Horror Picture Show---though I don't think they're performing that one in many community theaters :)

And you KNOW I'm a follower already sweetie!

Firefly Mom said...

Sign me up! My son loves musical theater. Don't laugh - a straight guy in theater has his pick of girls! ;D

Our last musical was the Broadway Accross America production of "Phantom of the Opera". Which Cody and I both didn't care for. To be fair, I hated the book, too.

The last one that we saw that we LOVED was Spamalot. Funny, funny, funny! Wicked and Grease are both coming next spring.

Anonymous said...

Wow just came across your blog! What fun. I love a good contest!

I live in NYC so I love hitting up the Broadway shows. The last one I saw was Hairspray. A great light hearted fun for everyone sort of show. So upbeat you can't leave without a smile on your face!

Anonymous said...

Wow just came across your blog! What fun. I love a good contest!

I live in NYC so I love hitting up the Broadway shows. The last one I saw was Hairspray. A great light hearted fun for everyone sort of show. So upbeat you can't leave without a smile on your face!

The Happy Mom said...

Hmmm....that's a hard question, there are SO many musicals that I love. I guess one that holds a special place in my heart, though, is Oklahoma, because it was the first live musical I ever saw when I was a little girl and I was starstruck, I absolutely loved it and wanted to become a Broadway star (too bad I can't sing). The most recent live one I've seen would probably be Grease.

Oh, and I already follow your blog! :) Cool giveaway, hope I'm the lucky one this time!

Rhonda said...

Wow!! Over 100 comments! Way to go!

I LOVE musicals. I remember seeing Annie. Otherwise, the only other musicals we see are the dinner theatre variety, but even those we haven't gone to in a while.

And, I am now a follower! (Begin celebrating now...)

Honey Mommy said...

Here I am!

I would love to see Wicked, but I guess the book and music would have to do! I was in a couple of high school plays including Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella and Calamity Jane.

I have seen Les Miserables and Phantom... but not for a LONG time.

litanyofbritt said...

oooh pick me!!!

my favorite musical ever is little shop of horrors. i know every word by heart, own the soundtrack and saw it when it was on broadway. LOVE IT!!

oh, and i'm following you too!!!

bearhugs62 said...

"Oh Yea, count me in. I am the new blogger on your block. Pick me please. Oh the only stage I have been on is on my 16th birthday Bob Seger sang to me. I will blog about your contest.

MarciaBrady said...

How cool! I was excited to come across your blog and see what you were having a contest for. I haven't actually been to see "Wicked", although I desperately wanted to. I couldn't afford the tickets. (I'm in school!)

The last time I was on stage was in the 8th grade when I had the lead in our school play! The last thing I saw live was "Riverdance", which was SOOOOOO awesome! I LOVE any kind of dance. I also saw the "Nutcracker" when I was in kindergarten. Those are the only two I've ever been to. But, once I finish school and make more money, I'll definitely be making it to more musicals, broadway shows, etc.

Thanks for doing this!!

MarciaBrady said...

Oh...and I've definitely posted a blog about this!!

Jennifer said...

I would love to read this book. I've heard so much about it! I love how he misspelled in his signing!! I liked Hairspray!

Mel said...

Some of my favs are Jesus Christ Super Star, Into the Woods,
Sweeney Todd, Godspell, Funny Girl, Throughly Modern Millie,and Phantom of the Opera. The last live performance was a week ago, I saw Into the Woods.
I was in highschool plays, but that was a looooonnnng time ago!
I've signed up as a follower and I've posted about the 10 weeks!
Thanks for the opportunity!

Loralynn said...

My favorite play so far has been Cats. It was awesome! It has been about 5 years since I saw a play and that was Phantom of the Opera - good play, bad acoustics. I was on stage a lot when I was younger, not as an actess, but as a model. Oh for the days when I was young!

I am definatley following you!

I have also added your photo in my sidebar!

Thanks for the opportunity!

Brandy said...

Blogged about the contest here -!

Look at all the comments...woah.

jen said...

not sure if i entered already. i don't think i got the chance...
but did i mention that i'm gonna go see wicked. tomorrow???

that and. i LOVE musicals. all of them. favorites? joseph. rent. phantom. in person.
and too many movie musicals to list.

~Michelle~ said...

Oh my goodness! I just came over from a post for the 10 Weeks of giveaways someone had on their blog...and I'm dying! An autographed copy of Wicked?? Pick me!

Last live performance I saw was Bye Bye Birdie at the local theater (professional peeps though) was super cute! For musicals, the time before was Wicked @ the Pantages Theater in Hollywood right after it opened last February. LOVED it, even though our view of the time dragon was obscured by the balcony above our heads. I want to go again before it leaves Pantages! All time fav might be RENT. And the last time I was on stage myself was in 9th grade...we did a play called "Marooned" and I was the assistant to the movie star character...we made a grand entrance, from the back of the theater (aka HS gym set up with folding chairs). It was good times!

Blog post here:

PS - I like the book list, I've definitely read a bunch of those on there!